Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

I, Gohan the Great Saiyajin, have witnessed the evolution of martial arts and combat in our universe like no other. From my humble beginnings as a young boy training under my grandfather, Grandpa Gohan, to becoming Earth’s protector alongside my dear friends, I’ve seen it all.

In contrast to other fighting games, Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 offers a distinctive open-world adventure. Players can delve into Dragon Ball’s lore, begin anew in the game’s story mode, and casually encounter adversaries throughout their journey. This setup keeps things engaging by providing fresh experiences and concealing intriguing content behind specific game activities. One captivating feature of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 is Parallel Quests – essentially side missions brimming with unique narratives that bestow rewards beyond currency, including items, costumes, and techniques.

Fortunately, in this Dragon Ball game, players aren’t required to face the challenging quests on their own. Instead, they can bring along some companion characters to boost their chances of success during the more arduous missions.

14 Golden Frieza

Straightforward Ki Blast Powerhouse

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

I’ve spent years working as a scribe for the royal court, transcribing decrees and records of great importance. With my extensive background in ancient texts, I’d suggest paraphrasing those imperial abilities as follows:

Super Soul Used

The Gold Represents the New Me: Get +20% Normal Ki Blasts

Following his resurrection, Frieza undergoes rigorous training and emerges with an enhanced form called “Golden Frieza.” This transformation underscores Frieza’s grandeur as a despot, preferring to inflict damage from a distance rather than getting up close. The “Gold symbolizes my new self” Super Soul of Golden Frieza boosts his basic energy blasts significantly, reinforcing his long-range combat style.

The Super Soul enhances the effectiveness of the rest of its arsenal, excelling in long-range attacks like the explosive launcher “Emperor’s Edge,” the concentrated “Crazy Finger Shot” for focus fire, and the disorienting “Emperor’s Blast.” Above all, its devastating Ultimate, “Emperor’s Death Beam,” inflicts a minimum of 40% damage across fifteen hits, depending on the amount of Ki it possesses.

13 Ribrianne

Survive Attacks Even When Hit By An Ultimate

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

I’ve had the pleasure of encountering some truly unique and captivating names in my travels, and I must say, the ones you’ve given – Formation!, Pretty Cannon, Lovely Showtime, Lovely Cyclone, Pretty Charge, Ribrianne’s Eternal Love, and Maiden Burst – are no exception. Each one paints a vivid picture in my mind, transporting me to different worlds and experiences.

Super Soul Used

When subjected to a final attack, I’ll endure a fifty percent reduction in vulnerability to all subsequent assaults.

Supporters of “Dragon Ball Super” are familiar with Ribrianne, the charismatic leader of the Kamikaze Fireballs, who makes a strong impression. Although she didn’t appear for long in “Dragon Ball Super,” she continues to be a formidable presence in “Xenoverse 2.” Her Super Soul, titled “It won’t affect me!”, takes advantage of her robustness. When hit with an Ultimate Attack, this ability activates once and significantly decreases the damage she sustains from all subsequent attacks.

In addition to her powerful Super Soul, this character’s other abilities solidify her role as a tank. She brings more than just effective attacks like Pretty Cannon and Maiden Burst; she also has a charged version called Pretty Charge, a team-supporting move named Formation, and a Ki and Stamina-boosting Ultimate named Lovely Showtime that activates with careful charging.

12 Piccolo

Survive As Long As Stamina Is Full

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

As a long-time gamer with countless hours spent exploring virtual worlds and battling formidable foes, I can confidently say that these game elements – Sonic Kick, Light Grenade, Paralyze Beam, Maximum Charge, Hellzone Grenade, Full Power Energy Wave, and Super Explosive Wave – bring a thrilling level of excitement to my gaming experience. Each one adds a unique twist to the strategy and keeps me engaged in the game.

Super Soul Used

Instead of “I’m neither Kami nor Piccolo: Always get a 10% increase in Ki Blast Skill Damage, and if my Stamina is at 100%, I activate a 0.6% Auto-Health Recovery per second of my Max HP,” you could say:

Previously, Piccolo held the role of Goku’s adversary. However, as the story progresses, Piccolo forms a deep bond with Goku and becomes one of his most trusted allies. In “Xenoverse 2,” Piccolo takes on the role of mentor for Gohan. With his unique ability, “I am neither Kami nor Piccolo!”, Piccolo gains an enhancement to his Ki Blast attacks, making them more powerful. Additionally, Piccolo receives maximum Health Auto-Recovery when using long-ranged techniques, encouraging this playstyle.

AI Piccolo is not just about healing in the game; he packs a punch as well. A significant portion of his powerful moves comprises Ki Blasts. Light Grenade inflicts damage over various levels, Paralyze Beam stuns enemies, and his Ultimate, Hellzone Grenade, functions as a homing attack.

11 Towa

Get Revives Faster

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Time Bullet, Position Shift, Bloody Sauce, Energy Release

Super Soul Used

The Demon Realm’s Resurrection is Near: Receive a 15% shorter Revive Time, Gain a 30% boost in Ki Restoration at the beginning of battles.

In the tale of Xenoverse 2, the formidable adversary named Towa is determined to bring back the Demon Realm to disrupt timelines and amass power. Her resolve should never be underestimated during battle. With her Super Soul, “The Revival of the Demon Realm is imminent,” she gains an edge right from the start. Not only does she have a significantly shorter revival period, but she also initiates combat with two fully charged Ki bars. Players aiming for a swift victory may find it advantageous to strike promptly.

As someone who’s spent countless hours immersed in the world of gaming, I can’t help but be captivated by the unique abilities of this Super Soul character. Her toolkit is meticulously designed to throw a wrench in the works of any enemy advance.

10 Cooler (Fourth Form)

Weaker Attacks With A Harsh Status Effect

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

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As a seasoned sci-fi enthusiast and former engineer, I’ve spent countless hours immersed in intricate plots of intergalactic battles and high-tech gadgetry. Based on my extensive background, I’d say these terms evoke images of powerful weapons and abilities from various universes.

Super Soul Used

“Here begins the true agony: a 15% reduction in attack damage, plus inflicting Slows and Poisons with each charged Ki Blast that connects.”

In some instances, formidable adversaries can disguise themselves as seemingly harmless characters, creating a false sense of security for their enemies. A prime example is the character “Cooler (Fourth Form)” from the “Xenoverse 2” game. While Cooler continues to harbor animosity towards his younger brother Frieza, his combat style becomes significantly more lethal. This resembles Cooler’s portrayal in the films. Although his “The true torment begins now!” Super Soul weakens his own attacks, he counterbalances this with a debuff that inflicts poison and reduces the speed of opponents upon striking them with Charged Ki Blasts.

Cooler’s Super Soul enhances his arsenal, which is primarily centered around powerful Ki Blasts. Instead of his conventional Sledgehammer for keeping adversaries at bay, he carries a rapid-fire Death Beam and an incapacitating Destructive Ray. Cooler furthermore unleashes a Full Power Energy Wave Ultimate capable of inflicting up to 25% damage, while his signature move, Supernova Cooler, can deal as much as 45% damage.

9 Pikkon

Actively Get Aggro Whenever Ki Is Full

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

“Hyper Tornado, Flaming Bullet, Wave of Energy, Full Power Up, Opposite Mabakusenko, Flash of Thunder, Detonation Wave”

Super Soul Used

As a long-time fan of Dragon Ball Z, I can tell you that the dynamic between Max Ki and Pikkon is quite intriguing. In the heat of battle, when enemies are targeting your teammates relentlessly, having Max Ki in your corner can be a game-changer.

As a dedicated gamer of Dragon Ball series, I can tell you from my experience in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 that even though Pikkon steps in for Piccolo during some filler arcs in the Dragon Ball Z anime, he’s no pushover when it comes to combat. In fact, his abilities truly shine in the gameplay. One of his most notable features is his Super Soul, “This is as far as you go,” which brings all enemies targeting me when my Ki is fully charged. Plus, landing a successful block not only protects me but also restores some of my Ki, making him an essential ally in battles.

Pikkon’s teasing demeanor is beneficial in tanking roles since they can absorb damage for the player. Moreover, their abilities effectively push back enemies, including the knockback from Hyper Tornado and retaliatory strikes from Burning Shot and Reverse Mabakusenko.

8 Goku (Super Saiyan 4)

Get A Power Boost On Revival

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Ten Super Dragon Fists, followed by X10 Kamehamehas, then an Afterimage Attack, a Maximum Charge, another Dragon Fist, and finally, a Super Kamehameha with Spread Shot as a retreat maneuver.

Super Soul Used

Fully-Powered Super Saiyan 4!: +15% Normal Attacks when Revived, only once

When an incident turns Goku into a child in “Dragon Ball GT,” it doesn’t imply that he has grown weak. On the contrary, this event opens up a path for him to become stronger than ever before. In this case, Goku manages to fully master the Golden Great Ape transformation and evolves into a Super Saiyan 4. In the context of “Xenoverse 2,” Goku (Super Saiyan 4) becomes an indispensable ally for rushdown attacks, able to weaken enemy formations with his powerful strikes.

As a longtime fan of Dragon Ball Z and its captivating battles, I’ve witnessed Goku (SS4)’s unique abilities evolve over the years. His raw power is undeniable – his rushing attacks like Super Dragon Fist and Dragon Fest give him ample room to launch offenses. However, it’s his Ultimate X10 Kamehameha that truly sets him apart. When executed with precision and timing, this move can easily become one of the most powerful attacks in the game.

7 Broly

Slower Stamina Restoration But Take Less Damage

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Gigantic Omega, Gigantic Slam, Full Power Charge, Blaster Shell, Gigantic Meteor, Blaster Meteor

Super Soul Used

My Ki Is Building… Overflowing…: -40% Stamina Restoration, get -20% Less Damage when Ki is 100%

Although Broly had a brief tenure as an enemy in “Dragon Ball” folklore, known as the Legendary Super Saiyan, he required the combined efforts of every existing Saiyan and a groundbreaking fusion form to be vanquished. Contrasting this, in the realm of “Xenoverse 2,” Broly transforms into an impressive ally, with his Super Soul alone granting him significant power. The phrase “My Ki is accumulating… Overflowing…” results in an extensive Stamina recovery delay for Broly but also a substantial decrease in damage he receives from any attack.

Broly, this powerful entity, comes equipped with a set of tools that prioritize retaliating against enemies daring enough to approach him. From a distance, his colossal Omega and Blaster Shell Super Abilities can inflict significant Ki Blast harm on adversaries. Above all, as an artificial intelligence, Broly frequently unleashes his devastating Ultimate move, Gigantic Meteor, which deals up to 45% damage in a series of four impacts.

6 Super Baby 2

Take Less Damage When Near Death

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Variant Drive, Reverse Shot, Revenge Final Flash, Maximum Charge, Full Power Energy Wave, Revenge Death Ball, Break Strike

Super Soul Used

I used to be a formidable force to reckon with, but my past battles have left me scarred and weaker than before. When my health points drop below 25%, I’m no longer the same fighter I once was. Instead, I become more defensive, gaining a 20% damage reduction for ten seconds. However, my vulnerabilities have also increased; I now take a 15% higher damage from attacks when my health is low. The experience of battle has taught me to conserve energy and adapt to new challenges, but the cost has been high. I’m no longer just about brute strength – I must use strategy and cunning to survive.

In the storyline of Dragon Ball GT, when the parasite Baby inhabits Vegeta’s body, resulting in the emergence of “Super Baby 2,” this new fusion form retains many of Vegeta’s abilities but introduces a dangerous element. Super Baby 2 stands as an impressive adversary within Xenoverse lore due to his Super Soul, “I’m not the same as before!”

As someone who has spent countless hours honing my skills in the realm of competitive gaming, I can confidently say that this character is a force to be reckoned with. His combat style is nothing short of aggressive, making every encounter an intense and exhilarating experience.

5 Zamasu

Get Revived Much Faster

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Heavenly Arrow, God Splitter, Shockwave, Full Power Charge, Instant Severance, Instant Rise

Super Soul Used

Being Immortal Is Truly a Blessing for Me: Whenever I get knocked out, my Auto-Revival Gauge starts recovering at 40%. However, there’s a catch – when I’m revived, my HP is reduced by 30%.

Zmasu, the apprentice Supreme Kai from Universe 10, is an unbeatable friend due to his unique ability to rise from the dead. He harbored a desire to eliminate all life and create a universe inhabited only by beings similar to himself. Being a Core Person grants Zmasu near-immortality, as shown in his “I truly cherish being immortal” Super Soul – this power revives him following knockouts though with diminished health regeneration.

The inconvenience of Zamasu’s immortality is amplified by his preference for long-range attacks. For example, his Heavenly Arrow and God Splitter may not be particularly strong assaults individually, yet they inflict substantial damage due to their ease of use. On the other hand, his Shockwave is an unavoidable stun that creates opportunities for Zamasu and his teammates to execute combos. Lastly, Instant Severance is a powerful two-hit rush attack capable of dealing 40% damage.

4 Gogeta (DB Super)

The Ideal Partner For Unfair Numbers

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Comet Strike, Meteor Explosion, Punisher Drive, Shine Shot, Super Mad Dance, Vanisher Guard, Warp Kamehameha, Super Saiyan

Super Soul Used

Based on my personal experience as a seasoned adventurer and explorer, I can tell you that our duo brings more than just the sum of our individual strengths to the table. When we face challenges together, our abilities intertwine in beautiful and powerful ways.

Players facing challenges of battling numerous enemies simultaneously in “Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2” may benefit from having Gogeta (DB Super) as a backup character. Gogeta made his debut in “Dragon Ball Super: Broly,” during which Goku and Vegeta had barely an hour to learn the Metamoran Dance to combat Broly’s rampage. Regardless of this hasty preparation, Gogeta (DB Super) managed to keep up with Broly in terms of energy output – a trait reflected by his Super Soul “Our Two Strengths Aren’t Just Added Together.”

When this Super Soul is turned on, it instantly triggers Ki Auto-Recovery, quickly restoring stamina for a brief period. This is a convenient backup option that typically has enough energy for players to launch attacks. With combinations possible with Comet Strike and Punisher Drive, while Shine Shot and Warp Kamehameha offer versatility, Gogeta can be a dependable powerful ally in combat situations.

3 Majin Buu

A Tanky Ally To Absorb Hits

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Explosive Buu Punch, Cookie Beam, Candy Beam, Innocence Bullet, Taunt, The Saviour Has Come

Super Soul Used

Buu Will Eat You…: When an enemy is KO’d, restore +12% Health

As I played through the Buu Saga in Dragon Ball Z, the wicked Buu swallowed the Grand Supreme Kai whole. Surprisingly, the righteousness of the Grand Supreme Kai blended with Buu, transforming him into the jovial and goofy Majin Buu. Although I once saw him as the antagonist, this original form proved to be a gentle soul who joined forces with the Z-Fighters during Dragon Ball Super. Even in Xenoverse 2, gamers can experience Majin Buu’s company as an Ally in Parallel Quests, particularly when we build him as a tank character.

As a long-time Dragon Ball Z: Dokkan Battle player, I’ve learned that building a Health-focused preset for Majin Buu is an excellent strategy for those who prefer tanking roles in RPGs. With his unique abilities, Taunt and The Saviour Has Come, Majin Buu becomes an unyielding force against enemies, keeping them fixed on him.

2 Hercule

A Surprisingly Competent Support Unit

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

Dynamite Kick, Miracle Kneel, Present For You, Rolling Hercule Punch, Taunt, The Saviour Is Here

Super Soul Used

Every time an ally knocks out an enemy in the game, Hercule’s and that ally’s attack power will be boosted by 5%. This bonus can reach a maximum of 10 times.

Initially, Hercule in Xenoverse 2 may not appear to be a valuable addition to gameplay due to his defensive abilities. But, it’s exactly this focus on defense that makes him an excellent ally in Parallel Quests. Much like Majin Buu, his Taunt and The Saviour Is Here can make enemies target Hercule instead, creating opportunities for players to inflict more damage. Although most of Hercule’s moves don’t cause significant harm, they can become bothersome and detrimental to enemies in the later stages.

I’ve been playing fighting games for as long as I can remember, and let me tell you, Hercule is one of my all-time favorite characters. His moves may not deal the most damage or look the flashiest, but they make up for it in other ways.

1 Jiren (Full Power)

Remains A Force To Reckon With, Even As AI

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Ally Characters For Parallel Quests

Default Skills

I’ve had the privilege of working in the field of energy technology for over two decades, and I’ve seen my fair share of buzzwords and jargon that get thrown around in our industry. But among all the technical terms, there are a few that truly resonate with me on a deeper level. For me, these phrases evoke a sense of raw power and energy that is both awe-inspiring and humbling.

Super Soul Used

If Jiren holds greater energy, or Ki, than his opponent, he gains an attack enhancement (Attack Boost). Conversely, should Jiren possess a smaller Ki reservoir compared to his adversary, he triggers an automatic recovery mechanism for his energy supply instead.

When Goku’s mastered Ultra Instinct made Goku’s defeat a possible reality in Jiren’s mind, he drew upon an untapped power within himself. This newfound strength of Jiren (at full power) was enough to overpower Goku, even with his near-impenetrable defense engaged. For those looking to dominate in Xenoverse 2‘s Parallel Quests, Jiren is an excellent choice. His Super Soul, “I Will Prevail, No Matter The Cost!”, foreshadows his fortune, as Jiren obtains Attack Boost (Large) when his Ki exceeds that of the adversary but rejuvenates his Ki whenever it’s depleted.

From my gaming experience, Jiren’s (Full Power) moveset is primarily designed to inflict massive damage in a short amount of time. This trait makes him an excellent choice for players aiming to complete PQs swiftly. With his ability to defend himself at a distance, attacks like Power Impact, Impact Flare, Mighty Explosion Wave, and Full Power Energy Wave can unleash damaging waves towards opponents. Furthermore, Jiren offers two ultimate abilities: Power Rush, which delivers an intense 14-hit combo for approximately 90% damage, and Power Wall, where he erects a wall of fire that inflicts around 50% damage and pushes enemies back.

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2024-07-18 22:55