Drive Rally: All Co-Pilots Ranked (& Differences Between Each)

Drive Rally: All Co-Pilots Ranked (& Differences Between Each)

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades under my belt, I’ve had my fair share of co-pilots in various racing games. But none have been as diverse and engaging as those in Drive Rally. Each one brings a unique flavor to the game, making every rally race feel fresh and exciting.

In Drive Rally, you’ll find four distinct co-pilots. Each of them provides a unique driving experience across the various terrains in the game. The characters, Hans, George, Emma, and Jack, all have their individual traits that add something fresh to your journey. Based on personal preference, you might find one more appealing than the others.

As a dedicated player immersed in Drive Rally, I can’t help but appreciate the invaluable role of my co-pilots. They serve as my navigational guides, constantly informing me about upcoming corners and the optimal way to tackle them. Checkpoints, our shared milestones, enable them to assess my performance and offer feedback that helps me stay on track for success. Essentially, they’re an integral part of the game, providing me with crucial information necessary to excel in this thrilling rally adventure.

Drive Rally Co-Pilots

Drive Rally: All Co-Pilots Ranked (& Differences Between Each)

In a rally race, having a reliable teammate who provides pace notes effectively is crucial. Their delivery can significantly impact your performance – they could increase your stress levels and cause errors, or serve as an invaluable asset that boosts your chances of winning races.


Drive Rally: All Co-Pilots Ranked (& Differences Between Each)
  • Team: Northern Lights
  • Team Car: Alfabetta
  • Terrain: Snowy

Emma belongs to the Northern Lights crew, and she will serve as your fellow pilot when navigating snowy off-road trails. While she isn’t difficult to work with overall, some may find her assertive style a bit intense compared to other team members, particularly during the latter part of the journey where she becomes more active in making decisions. If you respond well to high-pressure situations, Emma could make an excellent co-pilot for you.

In the Championship races alongside Emma, you’ll be behind the wheel of three versatile vehicles: Alfabetta, Bobond, and Brick. These cars are well-balanced with lower weights and moderate horsepower. They boast four-wheel drive for excellent grip on snowy surfaces, but you might find it challenging to achieve high speeds using them on these tracks. The Bobond, in particular, is a nimble, lightweight vehicle that’s a breeze to handle.


Drive Rally: All Co-Pilots Ranked (& Differences Between Each)
  • Team: Steel Lotus
  • Team Car: Vitello
  • Terrain: Dirt/Wetlands

In Drive Rally, Jack stands out as an exceptional co-pilot due to his distinctive approach to guiding you towards the finish line. He remains remarkably composed, even when errors occur that would typically rattle most drivers. His advice is consistently encouraging, urging you to brush off mistakes and keep going. Because he speaks sparingly, it allows for a focused driving experience, with his pace notes being particularly valuable. However, one drawback is that his character can occasionally seem stereotypical, which may take away slightly from the gaming experience.

In simpler terms, the Steel Lotus vehicle is known as the Vitello, boasting the highest horsepower among all vehicles in the game. It might take some getting used to at the start, but its power is unlike any other you’d experience while driving. They also offer the Celestia and the Jumper. The Jumper is a lighter model for easier handling, whereas the Celestia shines due to its versatility as an all-rounder with four-wheel drive, providing exceptional grip on Championship racing tracks.


Drive Rally: All Co-Pilots Ranked (& Differences Between Each)
  • Team: Gassol
  • Team Car: Sideways
  • Terrain: Dirt/Desert

I absolutely love cruising around with Georget – he’s a blast to drive both on and off the tracks! He embodies that iconic Western spirit, cheering me on when things go right and offering a subtle “brush it off, champ” when I make a mistake by hitting a barrier. His demeanor is cool and collected, perfectly aligning with his track’s themes. Simply put, he makes an outstanding co-pilot!

In George’s Championship tracks, you will have the opportunity to take control of The Sideways, Hawk, and Speed Runner. Each vehicle excels in different situations and can deliver impressive performances under the right conditions. Among them, the Speed Runner stands out as the best choice due to its exceptional speed and agility. However, beware that the Hawk can sometimes feel unwieldy and difficult to manage, which might determine whether you win or lose races given its powerful engine and heavy build.


Drive Rally: All Co-Pilots Ranked (& Differences Between Each)
  • Team: Benzin Motors
  • Team Car: Sandsturm
  • Terrain: Dirt/Forest

Hans is a straightforward individual from Germany who speaks honestly, making him an exceptional co-pilot to ride with. He avoids unnecessary showmanship, and if you’re serious about winning races, he might just become your preferred choice. His pace notes are clear and succinct, but what sets him apart is his occasional references to German history and culture that elevate him among the more intriguing co-pilots in Drive Rally.

Hans’s team extends an invitation for you to test drive the Holzwagen, Bretzel, and Sandsturm during the Championships. The agile Holzwagen, being lightweight, is ideal for navigating tricky tracks, whereas the Bretzel and Sandsturm boast impressive power to help you accelerate swiftly. Notably, the Sandsturm CL, which can be unlocked by you with four-wheel drive, is a remarkable choice among these three due to its unique feature.

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2024-09-24 14:03