Dynamic Headphones Vs. Planar Magnetic Headphones: Which One Is Better For Gaming?

Dynamic Headphones Vs. Planar Magnetic Headphones: Which One Is Better For Gaming?


  • Planar magnetic headphones offer punchy bass and better soundstage, making them great for immersive gaming experiences.
  • Dynamic drivers excel in imaging, providing accurate stereo representation at a more affordable price point.
  • Personal preference is key, but trying planar magnetic headphones can offer a unique sound experience worth exploring.

As someone who has spent years immersed in the world of audio technology and having had the privilege to try out a wide range of headphones, I can confidently share my perspective on the ongoing debate between dynamic and planar magnetic drivers for gaming.

Dynamic drivers have been commonly used in most headphones and headsets you’ve heard. However, planar magnetic headphones, which were previously costly and challenging to use with standard devices, are now gaining popularity outside the audiophile community. Planar magnetic headphones like the HiFiMan Sundara and Sony Inzone H9 gaming headset are making their way into the mainstream market. Although they were once expensive and difficult to drive, these drivers can now be experienced by gamers and non-audiophiles alike.

If you’ve been toggling between the two types of drivers, let Game Rant help simplify your decision. Here’s an easier way to understand: For those undecided between the two driver options, Game Rant has compiled this handy guide to streamline your choice.

Driver Design

Dynamic Drivers

Dynamic Headphones Vs. Planar Magnetic Headphones: Which One Is Better For Gaming?

1. Standard headphones, ever since their mass production, have been equipped with dynamic drivers. In simple terms, these drivers work by having a magnet generate a magnetic field around a coil that responds to electrical signals from the audio source. This response results in vibrations which create sound waves we can hear. Unlike conventional speakers featuring separate drivers for high and low frequencies, headphones usually incorporate just one driver that handles all frequencies within its production range.

Planar Magnetic Drivers

Dynamic Headphones Vs. Planar Magnetic Headphones: Which One Is Better For Gaming?

Similar to dynamic drivers, planar magnetic drivers generate sound using magnetic fields and electrical pulses from the audio source. Unlike dynamic drivers that utilize a coil, planar magnetic drivers employ an array of conductors on a thin film sandwiched between two magnets. This setup creates a pushing and pulling motion when audio signals are transmitted through it. The thinner and more spread-out nature of this film results in larger planar magnetic headphones compared to their dynamic driver counterparts.

Bass Response

Dynamic Headphones Vs. Planar Magnetic Headphones: Which One Is Better For Gaming?

As a gamer, I value a balanced bass response for an exceptional gaming experience. Overindulgence in bass can lead to a muddied mix, making it hard to discern different sounds. However, I don’t want a weak bass response either; a strong yet controlled bass creates an immersive soundscape that enhances my gaming adventure.

As a music enthusiast, I’ve noticed an intriguing difference between planar magnetic and dynamic driver headphones when it comes to bass response. Planar magnetics stand out due to their thinner diaphragms, which require less movement to generate a powerful bass. This swift reaction to low frequencies results in a more precise, tighter bass sound that’s never overwhelming. Even in the heat of intense music battles, the bass doesn’t drown out the mid and high frequencies, but it maintains a strong presence. It’s like having a reliable teammate who knows when to lay down suppressing fire without overpowering the rest of the squad.

Over time, dynamic drivers have become the go-to choice in the audio industry, offering a wide array of options when it comes to driver size and bass response. This variety enables you to pick the bass response that suits your preference and fits your budget most comfortably.

Winner: Planar Magnetic

Soundstage and Imaging

Dynamic Headphones Vs. Planar Magnetic Headphones: Which One Is Better For Gaming?

1. In action sequences, the deep bass tones immerse you into the scene. Meanwhile, the spaciousness provided by headphones’ soundstage draws you further into the game’s environment. To put it another way, imaging – similar to soundstage but more specific – refers to the precision of stereo balance and accurate portrayal of where sounds are originating from within the game.

The size of a sound source significantly influences the feeling of spaciousness and immersion in sound, known as soundstage. A larger audio source generates a broader, more enveloping soundstage, making it seem as if the sound is coming from all around rather than just one point in your ears. This sensation can be likened to a wave of sound washing over you. Planar magnetic driver headphones, with their larger drivers compared to dynamic driver headphones, tend to offer superior soundstage quality due to this size advantage, although dynamic drivers are also capable of creating an immersive sound environment.

Dynamic drivers generally excel in imaging because they’re less costly and simpler to manufacture compared to planar magnetic drivers. This doesn’t mean dynamic drivers have a natural advantage in stereo imaging; rather, their affordability and widespread production result in a more consistent and accurate stereo representation. On the other hand, planar magnetic drivers are relatively new and expensive, leading to potential variations in manufacturing from one driver to another.

Winner: Draw

Sound Leakage

Dynamic Headphones Vs. Planar Magnetic Headphones: Which One Is Better For Gaming?

As a gamer, I’ve come to expect sound leakage with open-back headphones, whether they sport top-tier drivers or not. It might not be an issue for many of us playing solo at home, but if you’re gaming around others or using these cans in public, it’s essential to understand that the sounds could escape.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed a thing or two when it comes to open-back headphones: Planar magnetic drivers tend to let more sound escape due to their bi-directional movement and lack of damping material on the outside. This can be a bit of a problem if you’re after a quiet gaming session. However, both dynamic and planar magnetic headphones offer closed-back designs as well. The catch is that most planar magnetic headphones are open-back, making a secluded gaming experience more accessible with a pair of dynamic driver headphones.

Winner: Dynamic Drivers

Which Is Better For Gaming?

When it comes to headphones, there’s a big difference between dynamic and planar magnetic drivers. However, it’s important to note that this difference doesn’t guarantee one type is inherently better than the other for gaming. In fact, both types offer an impressive range of high-performing options. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your personal preference.

1. If you’re finding it difficult to choose between the two types of headphones, there’s a possibility that you’ve previously used dynamic driver headphones. Nevertheless, planar magnetic headphones are seldom used and worth exploring at least once. Although they employ the same fundamental principle for sound production, their audio experience is challenging to match with other headphone types. However, if you prefer a reliable choice with extensive history, dynamic driver headphones will continue to offer an engaging gaming experience.


Q: Do you need to break in planar magnetic headphones?

Contrary to popular belief among some audio enthusiasts, breaking in headphones isn’t essential for optimal audio performance, whether they have dynamic or planar magnetic drivers. Instead, the perceived improvement in sound quality is likely due to you becoming more accustomed to their unique sound as you use them more frequently. The notion that the driver material needs time to loosen up and enhance sound quality is largely a myth.

Q: Do planar headphones have bass?

Planar magnetic headphones generally provide a flatter bass response than most other headphones in their class. However, they offer a more powerful and deeper bass than typical dynamic driver headphones, reaching further down into the sub-bass frequencies.

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2024-07-30 04:03