Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda


  • Seized Construct from Tears of the Kingdom is a mindless brawl that can be defeated easily with minimal effort.
  • Armos Knight from A Link to the Past is a disappointing boss that can be defeated in mere seconds due to slow movements.
  • Fyrus from Twilight Princess features a unique mechanic but is repetitive and easy to defeat with little challenge.

As someone who has spent countless hours navigating through the mystical lands of Hyrule and battling its formidable foes, I must say that some of these boss encounters have left me feeling rather underwhelmed.

In the world of “The Legend of Zelda” series, Link’s journeys are renowned for featuring epic and thrilling boss battles, some of which stand out as memorable milestones in video game history. However, it’s worth noting that even these exceptional games sometimes include underwhelming bosses that can be defeated in a flash.

In many games, including The Legend of Zelda, you’ll often encounter a challenge progression that’s carefully planned out. However, occasionally, certain bosses might be too simple to beat, which can lead to an unsatisfying experience for players. Regrettably, this issue is present in some boss fights within The Legend of Zelda, and here are a few creatures that have been particularly frustrating due to their ease of defeat.

1 Seized Construct

A Fun But Mindless Brawl

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

It’s possible for a challenging boss fight not to be present in a game, and yet it could still be well-designed if it offers a satisfying player experience, such as the case with the Seized Construct from Tears of the Kingdom. This particular boss isn’t tough to defeat, and even when the entire arena is submerged in Gloom, it doesn’t significantly increase the tension.

In my excitement, I’m eager to unleash Mineru’s Robot on this malevolent creation that Link just got hold of moments ago. The joy multiplies when I manage to combine it with other items and weapons I’ve collected throughout the game. However, despite the thrill of battle, the Seized Construct isn’t overly challenging and disappointingly, it can’t be fought again like the formidable bosses found in Tears of the Kingdom.

2 Armos Knight

Fighting Five Enemies Simultaneously Didn’t Raise The Stakes

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

Despite common perception, the bosses in The Legend of Zelda series have always been well-designed, not just since they started using 3D graphics. The Game Boy Advance title, A Link to the Past, offers a variety of tough challenges, but the Armos Knight from the Eastern Palace is far from one of them.

In the game, the strategy of taking on five opponents simultaneously wasn’t effectively carried out because these knights move too slowly to pose any real danger. Link will mainly need to dodge their foreseeable attacks and attack whenever possible. This makes it possible for them to be defeated in a matter of seconds. Over time, due to their simplicity, the Armos Knights were relegated to minor bosses within Ganon’s Tower later in the game.

3 Fyrus

A Repetitive Strategy

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

In the battle against Fyrus, Link employs an intelligent strategy by donning the Iron Boots. This allows him to tug at the chains connected to the monster’s wrists, causing it to tumble. Once Fyrus falls, Link can reach the vulnerable spot on its head.

Regardless of how satisfying this strategy is, it is not difficult to pull off and, since Fyrus doesn’t have many attacks, the player will have to repeat it a few times before he’s defeated. This is an intimidating boss with a unique mechanic, but the fight itself gets so repetitive that it ends up being disappointingly simple to defeat him.

4 Blaaz

The Nintendo DS Touchscreen Becomes A Bit Overpowered

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

In the game “Phantom Hourglass“, the control system was specifically designed to take advantage of the Nintendo DS’s dual-screen functionality. All actions performed by Link in this title are managed through the touchscreen, which is why the game’s difficulty level is intentionally gentle, allowing players to gradually acclimate themselves to the new control scheme.

By the point I face Blaaz, the boss at the Temple of Fire, it’s almost certain that I’ve already grasped the majority of these touchscreen controls to a masterful level. Defeating Blaaz requires merging his duplicates with a Boomerang, an action as straightforward as sketching a basic path using the DS’ stylus. The intricacy of needing to do this based on the ascending order of the clones’ horns (as indicated by the map screen) is commendable, but it doesn’t make the battle any more challenging.

5 Kalle Demos

It Can Be Swiftly Defeated With One Item

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

While The Wind Waker is generally considered one of the best games in the series, its boss battles don’t hold a candle to those found in other games. For instance, Kalle Demos from the Forbidden Woods serves as a disappointing representation of this trend. Despite having a vibrant and iconic appearance, the fight against it is incredibly simple.

Link needs to clear the vines with his Boomerang and then strike the vulnerable part of the monster’s flower when it lands on the ground. Interestingly, fans found out that Kalle Demos can be defeated instantly if Forest Water is splashed onto its exposed flower. Remarkably, getting the Forest Water to the battlefield before it expires might prove trickier than the fight itself.

6 Odolwa

An Already Easy Fight That Was Ruined By The Remake

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

Initially, the fight with Odolwa in Majora’s Mask was captivating, even though it wasn’t challenging. It seemed like a genuine and intense duel between two skilled swordsmen. Regrettably, many of these compelling aspects were diminished in the Nintendo 3DS remake.

In the updated version of Majora’s Mask 3D, a noticeable vulnerability was introduced on Odolwa’s head, making the confrontation appear less engaging for players. This weakness allows them to stun him effortlessly by bombarding his head with Deku Nuts, an action that becomes quite simple due to the numerous Deku Flowers scattered throughout the arena. Regardless of whether players opt for the traditional method to battle Odolwa, this change doesn’t significantly alter the experience because he demonstrates significantly less aggression compared to his original portrayal.

7 Tentalus

A Giant Monster With An Obvious Weak Spot

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

In the game ‘Skyward Sword’, an intimidating aquatic creature, the Sandship dungeon’s assailant, lashes out with its tentacles. Link navigates cautiously through the level until facing this boss. Unfortunately, the battle against Tentalus, a notorious foe known for being relatively simple to conquer, falls short of expectations.

Typically, Tentalus engages in combat mainly by wielding its tentacles, which can easily be cut off with a single Skyward Strike. Once severed, the monster becomes vulnerable and can be defeated by aiming an arrow at its glaring weakness: its enormous eye. Despite its comical and non-intimidating appearance, Tentalus’ design further loses appeal due to its weak point being overtly apparent, making the entire boss battle rather underwhelming.

8 King Dodongo

A Weak Boss Who Doesn’t Deserve The Title Of “King”

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

As the first 3D installment of the series, “Ocarina of Time” showcased some impressive and iconic bosses. However, there were moments that felt less engaging, with King Dodongo from Dodongo’s Cavern standing out as the most dull among them. This boss attacks by sucking in air before expelling flames. Similar to other Dodongos in the game, King Dodongo can be defeated by tossing a bomb into his mouth, stunning him temporarily, allowing the player to strike at his head during this brief window.

Following that simple tactic, King Dodongo will retaliate by rolling across the battlefield, a maneuver that can be effortlessly dodged. This becomes even simpler if Link equips the Hylian Shield, as all he needs to do is squat to avoid any harm. However, this repeated gameplay pattern is disheartening because while King Dodongo’s name and appearance suggest a fearsome dinosaur, the execution falls short of the intimidating concept.

9 Dark Beast Ganon

The Easiest Final Boss In The Series

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

Designing a well-balanced progression of difficulty in an open-ended game like Breath of the Wild can be quite complex, yet the developers skillfully achieved this balance, as evidenced by the unexpectedly tough confrontation with Calamity Ganon at Hyrule Castle. However, this doesn’t clarify why the subsequent encounter with Dark Beast Ganon seems disappointingly simple in contrast.

In the world of Hyrule, squaring off against Calamity Ganon’s colossal boar form certainly stirs up a sense of dread, but let me tell you, toppling this beast is as easy as a gentle breeze. Riding my trusty steed, I dash around, aiming for those glaring weak spots with pinpoint accuracy using my Light Arrows. The Dark Beast Ganon may make an appearance now and then, but he’s hardly a match for my swift evasions.

10 Angler Fish

It’s Just…A Boring Fish

Easiest Boss Fights In Legend Of Zelda

In many people’s view, the belief that bosses in 2D Legend of Zelda games are overly straightforward and effortless to defeat has some basis, and the Angler Fish from Link’s Awakening serves as an illustration of this underwhelming pattern. Upon initial observation, the idea of fighting this boss is not enticing because it simply presents a large angler fish with a common appearance.

In a rather unremarkable battle, the Angler Fish advances sluggishly towards Link, accompanied by feeble Angler Fry minions that pose little danger. To vanquish it, all Link needs to do is maneuver around and tap its head with his sword, an action requiring minimal strategy or exertion. What’s truly aggravating about the Angler Fish is that it was already incredibly easy in the original game, and unfortunately, the remake of Link’s Awakening on Nintendo Switch didn’t enhance this boss fight in any way.

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2024-08-05 09:04