Every Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Paladin Change Explained

Every Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Paladin Change Explained


  • D&D’s paladin class is popular and versatile, capable of healing, tanking, supporting, and dealing damage.
  • Changes in the upcoming D&D 2024 ruleset offer new spellcasting mechanics for paladins, including Divine Smite adjustments.
  • Aura, subclass, and Channel Divinity reworks in the revised Player’s Handbook provide quality-of-life improvements for paladin players.

As a long-time fan of Dungeons and Dragons and a devoted paladin player, I am both excited and apprehensive about the changes coming to my beloved class in the upcoming D&D 2024 ruleset. The versatility and depth of the paladin class have always been a source of joy for me, providing hours of entertainment as I’ve crafted my character’s backstory and watched them grow in power.

The paladin class in “Dungeons and Dragons” is a fan favorite due to its combination of magical and combat abilities. But with the adjustments to this class coming in the next “D&D” rules update, some players are expressing excitement while others are voicing concerns.

In simpler terms, the paladin class in D&D 5e has faced some unfavorable perceptions due to its historical “lawful stupid” portrayal. However, this class offers an abundance of enjoyment with its captivating flavor and exceptional divine smite ability. Paladins bring a lot to the table, as they can heal, protect, provide assistance, and inflict substantial damage. Given these attributes, it’s no surprise that paladins have expanded beyond D&D and have become a beloved fantasy character type.

Every Change Coming With D&D 2024’s Paladin

Spellcasting and Smite Changes

In the upcoming D&D edition of 2024, I’m excited to share that paladins will be getting some significant changes in their spellcasting abilities! Unlike before, starting at level 1, paladins will now have a set number of spells they can prepare. This is a departure from the intricate calculations required in the previous 2014 edition. Additionally, as a cavalier-like class, paladins will be able to cast “Find Steed” for free once per day at level 5 and always keep it prepared in their spell list.

In relation to the magic of casting spells, there is a significant shift regarding Divine Smite. Previously, paladins needed to prepare and use this spell at their own expense, but now they can utilize it for free once a day. This adjustment, inherited from earlier trials for the D&D 2024 paladin class, will have substantial consequences. Essentially, this modification reduces Divine Smite’s power, requiring a bonus action (which becomes scarce for paladins in D&D 2024 due to Lay on Hands also costing a bonus action) and limiting its usage to once per turn. Additionally, it will no longer apply to reaction attacks, leading to a noticeable decrease in strength – though not one that would completely undermine the paladin’s abilities. However, there is a silver lining as Divine Smite can now be employed with unarmed strikes, making this change not entirely detrimental.

Aura, Subclass, and Channel Divinity Reworks

In D&D’s updated Player’s Handbook for 2024, Channel Divinity gets some enhancements. It will offer more uses and comes with fresh features like Divine Sense and Abjure Foes, which instills fear in a cluster of adversaries. Auras become stronger too, as Aura of Courage now dispels the Frightened status from allies that enter its area. Furthermore, subclasses grant additional advantages to companions staying within your Aura of Protection.

Paladin subclasses are in for numerous enhancements, and the Oath of Glory from “Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything” is among them. This subclass will now have a new oath spell at its disposal and an extended duration on Peerless Athlete. Meanwhile, the Oath of Devotion will benefit from longer durations on Sacred Weapon and Holy Nimbus. The Undying Sentinel of the Oath of Ancients will regain more hit points, while the Vow of Enmity of the Oath of Vengeance no longer needs an action to activate. Generally, these subclass alterations involve valuable improvements, although devotees of “D&D 5e”‘s Oathbreaker may be displeased by its absence from updates.

Weapon Masteries

In D&D 2024, Weapon Expertises significantly enhance a player’s combat experience. The paladin can select two weapons at level one and acquire their unique benefits, which can be swapped out during long rests. Additionally, the paladin’s Fighting Styles have been updated, with the Blessed Warrior style from Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything now included.

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2024-07-17 13:53