Every Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Warlock Change Explained

Every Dungeons and Dragons 2024 Warlock Change Explained


  • D&D’s warlock class is getting a major power boost with upcoming revisions to core rulebooks.
  • Changes include moving subclasses to third level, improved invocations, and new features like Magical Cunning.
  • Players can expect more customization options and improvements to make the warlock class more appealing.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I’m thrilled about the upcoming changes to Dungeons and Dragons‘ warlock class. The class has always held a special place in my heart, but some aspects have felt lackluster compared to other spellcasters. With these revisions, it looks like the warlock is about to receive a much-needed power boost.

As a huge fan of “Dungeons and Dragons,” I can’t help but be excited about the upcoming revisions to its core rulebooks. The warlock class, in particular, is a community favorite, despite some opinions that it may not measure up to other spellcasters. However, the rumors of enhanced powers for the pact-forgers have my imagination soaring, potentially elevating this already captivating class to new heights.

The D&D 5e warlock is a crowd-pleaser due to its rich customization features and distinctive elements, such as Pact Magic spellcasting, a Faustian vibe, and the iconic eldritch blast cantrip. However, some players enjoy dabbling in the class instead of fully committing. The warlock’s front-loaded nature, which includes obtaining a subclass at first level, Eldritch Invocations at second, and Pact Boons at third, contributes to this trend. Furthermore, the Pact Magic system’s effectiveness hinges on the frequency of short rests taken by the party, potentially leaving the warlock underpowered compared to multiclass characters.

Every Change Coming With D&D 2024’s Warlock Class

Big Subclass Changes

One significant modification introduced in D&D 2024 is moving warlock subclasses from first to third level. This adjustment, which will apply to all classes in the upcoming Player’s Handbook, may seem like a downgrade at first, but it’s offset by other enhancements and notable improvements to each subclass. The roster of available options encompasses all 2014 warlock subclasses (Archfey, Fiend, and Great Old One), along with the Celestial warlock presented in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.

Minor changes have been made to most of these subclasses, boiling down to quality-of-life fixes that give the player more uses of their subclass features—in addition to making patron spells always prepared, bringing them in-line with the cleric. The exception is the complete rework given to the Great Old One warlock, one of D&D 5e‘s more underwhelming subclasses. Their telepathy is slightly improved, they can change the damage type of spells to psychic, cast certain spells without verbal or somatic components, and force creatures to have disadvantage on attacks against them. Their Create Thrall ability is also changed, now amounting to a buffed casting of Summon Aberration.

Revised Invocations

As a dedicated gamer, I’m thrilled about the enhancements made to warlock invocations in D&D 5e’s 2024 revision. In my experience, invocations have always been a standout feature for this class. And let me tell you, these improvements are nothing short of impressive!

Magical Cunning and Contact Patron

In D&D 2024’s Player’s Handbook update, warlocks gain a new ability named Magical Cunning, which is an improved iteration of the Eldritch Master trait from the 2014 edition. At level 2, warlocks can reclaim half of their spent spell slots in just one minute. This benefit can be utilized once per long rest and completely restores all spell slots at level 20. Essentially, this feature offers an additional daily spell slot for most of the warlock’s progression, providing a valuable and convenient enhancement to their capabilities.

starting from level 9, warlocks can forge a direct line of communication with their otherworldly patrons at no extra cost during a long rest. Although many Dungeon Masters grant players some form of patron interaction without charge, having this guaranteed roleplay engagement adds an enticing layer to our gaming experience.

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2024-07-13 16:33