Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Swarm mode in League of Legends offers a unique PvE experience unlike traditional MOBA gameplay. WASD controls add a Bullet Heaven twist.
  • Players can unlock and switch between nine different champions in Swarm, each with a Signature Weapon and unique abilities to master.
  • Each champion in Swarm, like Jinx, Seraphine, and Leona, brings a different playstyle to the game, offering diverse strategies for success.

As a long-time League of Legends player with countless hours spent mastering various champions, I must say that Swarm has truly brought a new dimension to my favorite MOBA game. Playing Yasuo, the Unforgiven Samurai, in Swarm is an absolute blast! His mobility and ability to unleash waves of whirlwinds make him a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. The fact that his ultimate can save the entire team from defeat adds an extra layer of excitement to every match.

As a long-time fan of League of Legends, I’m thrilled to share my excitement about the newest game mode, Swarm. Having played this game for years, I’ve grown accustomed to its familiar MOBA elements and intricacies. But Swarm is unlike anything I’ve experienced before.

In the game Swarm, players face countless adversaries and aim to conquer formidable bosses. They can choose among nine distinct characters to control, with only two being accessible initially. To access additional champions, players must accomplish various tasks, ranging from basic missions to overcoming bosses on increased levels of challenge. The Swarm champions possess unique attributes, each wielding a Signature Weapon, a special passive trait, and two unconventional abilities.

1 Battle Cat Jinx

Unlocked At The Start

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Fishbones: Jinx sends out a swarm of 9 rockets that travel in random directions and explode on impact.
  • Super Mega Death Rocket!: Jinx’s normal ultimate.

In League of Legends, Jinx is commonly chosen as a starting champion for Swarm and is delightful to control in the Bot Lane. She inflicts significant damage and, with increased ability haste for her auto-attacks and some added movement speed for kiting, she can swiftly traverse the map, decimating waves. Her passive significantly amplifies these capabilities by providing additional speed or ability haste.

2 Battle Dove Seraphine

Unlocked At The Start

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Surround Sound: Grant a shield and movement speed to nearby allies.
  • The Perfect Note: Nearby allies are granted invulnerability while enemies are rooted and forced to dance before taking damage and being pushed away.

Seraphine excels in raining down projectiles with her powerful shield and destructive ultimate. Her passive enhances each attack by causing all projectiles to be duplicated, amplifying the damage dealt. With Augment abilities, both Seraphine and other champions can unleash a barrage of projectiles, resulting in chaotic situations.

3 Battle Lion Leona

Unlock By Upgrading Searing Shortbow To Lvl 2

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Eclipse: Leona gains 200% Armor and a shield which then explodes to damage nearby enemies.
  • Solar Flare: Leona’s normal ult, but it leaves a scorched zone for 12 seconds after stunning enemies.

In simpler terms, when starting out in the game, Leona is usually the first new champion that players can obtain and find relatively easy to use due to her toughness. However, in Swarm’s version of League, Leona, who is a support character, doesn’t offer much assistance in this role. Instead, she excels at pushing forward through enemy waves, leading to increased damage dealt with her shield.

4 Battle Bear Illaoi

Unlock By Upgrading Radiant Field To Lvl 4

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Tentacle Smash: Illaoi slams down, damaging and knocking up enemies. She can store 2 charges of this ability.
  • Leap of Faith: Illaoi leaps and slams down for huge damage in an area, gaining ability haste and spawning more Tentacles around her.

In a similar fashion to how powerful she is in the Top Lane, Illaoi in Swarm excels at managing an area and awaiting enemies’ approach to their demise. The reason being, the presence of Illaoi’s Tentacles amplifies her strength. Not only do these Tentacles periodically assault adversaries, but they also provide additional health regeneration for Illaoi and her allies in close proximity. With some endurance to keep herself alive and bonus ability haste for her devastating ultimate, Illaoi transforms into an unstoppable force.

5 Primordian Briar

Unlock By Defeating Briar On The Outskirts

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Fish Frenzy & Survival Scream: Briar enters Frenzy mode, gaining many buffs, and can cancel it by screaming to damage and heal herself.
  • Dive Bomb: Briar’s usual ult with more damage, but without the Fear.

In the style of the jungle, Briar in Swarm constantly teeters between peril and prosperity. One moment she’s brushing with death, the next she’s thriving with vigor. Her auto-attacks are among the game mode’s most powerful, striking out in two expansive arcs. When her health is low, she inflicts more damage and gains increased mobility. To recuperate, players can easily leave her Frenzy state and restore their own health.

6 Battle Wolf Yasuo

Unlock By Beating Bel’Veth On The Subterranean Lab

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Sweeping Blade: Yasuo dashes to a target, damaging them and gaining a shield. He can hold 3 charges of this ability.
  • Wind Wall: Yasuo’s wall travels forward, pushing enemies away and destroying projectiles.

Although Yasuo is a controversial figure among League‘s champions due to his disliked mechanics, playing as him in Swarm brings an enjoyable experience. He boasts excellent mobility and unleashes rapid waves of whirlwinds that become increasingly chaotic as more projectiles are unlocked later in the game. His ultimate is a game-changer and can rescue the entire team from potential defeat.

7 Battle Bunny Prime Riven

Unlock By Defeating Rek’Sai On Hard Difficulty

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Valor: Riven dashes to damage and stun enemies.
  • Blade of the Exile/Wind Slash: Riven gains movement speed and empowers her normal attacks. Every time she lands after dashing, she sends out Wind Slash to damage enemies.

In Swarm, Riven’s gameplay revolves around constant motion and causing damage to enemies without the necessity of precise aiming. She inflicts harm by colliding with adversaries or leapfrogging onto them. Equipped with shields, dashes, and optimized for increased movement speed, playing Riven in Swarm is an exhilarating experience. Newcomers who may have been deterred by her daunting learning curve in League of Legends can relax as there are no complex animation cancellation techniques needed in this mode.

8 Battle Bunny Aurora

Unlock By Defeating 25 Mini-bosses On Hard Difficulty

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Across the Veil: Aurora dashes to become invulnerable and any enemy she goes near takes damages and is hexed, but she cannot use her normal attacks.
  • Between Worlds: Aurora jumps to create a rift where she gains high movement speed and can teleport from one boundary to another. Enemies around her landing location are damaged.

In the world of “League of Legends,” Aurora is the latest addition to the roster of playable champions in Swarm. Although she isn’t accessible right from the start, her unique gameplay sets her apart. Her approach may seem unusual at first and demands some adjustment time. However, once you get the hang of it, piloting Aurora becomes an enjoyable experience. Instead of a typical attack pattern, Aurora’s abilities initially inflict a hex before dealing damage on subsequent attacks. To make the most out of her powers, she needs to keep moving back and forth rather than solely focusing on retreating.

9 Battle Bat Xayah

Unlock By Completing A Total Of 20 Bel’Veth Trials On Hard Difficulty

Every Playable Champion In League Of Legends Swarm


  • Bladecaller: Xayah recalls her daggers, damaging and rooting enemies they pass through.
  • Bladestorm: Xayah’s normal ultimate.

Xayah’s Swarm mode in League of Legends has a similar playstyle to the normal game, focusing on dispersing the battlefield with her daggers for impressive damage. Notably, any Experience orbs or gold pieces that Xayah gathers are considered projectiles and will harm enemies as they return to her. This adds an enjoyable twist to farming.

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2024-07-19 17:03