Every Role In Smite 2

Every Role In Smite 2

Key Takeaways

  • Gods in Smite 2 are more flexible, allowing players to still use their favorites even if their main roles are taken.
  • Players can excel in each role by mastering the balance between offense and defense for solo or ganking for jungle.
  • Each lane requires a different strategic approach, from aggressive damage output in middle to supportive play in duo with the carry.

As someone who’s been battling it out in the Smite arena since its early days, let me tell you about my favorite role: the Carry, or as we call it in the community, the Advanced Damage Carry (ADC). I’ve seen countless matches, and I can confidently say that this role is where the real action happens.

In the updated version of “Smite 2”, there have been numerous alterations and enhancements compared to the original “Smite”. One of these changes is making the Gods in the game more adaptable. Originally, “Smite” had a more fixed role system, but now players can select their preferred God even if two roles they typically play are already chosen by other participants.

Before a game begins, there are multiple positions a player can select, often categorized as lane roles or jungle role. The lanes have distinct regulations to keep in mind, and if a player ventures into one unprepared, it could potentially impact the whole team negatively.

6 Solo

Balance of Offense and Defense

Every Role In Smite 2

Assuming control of the Solo hero, the player should choose a character capable of withstanding attacks and dishing out significant damage to secure victory. The objective in this position is to advance towards the Solo Lane and demolish the tower within it. A champion such as Mordred offers several optimal builds, one of which excels in this specific lane.

In the solo lane, it’s crucial to strike a balance between staying alive (survival) and dealing damage (offense). While some characters may choose to prioritize survivability at the expense of damage output, this can lead to losses in matchups. However, a player doesn’t necessarily need high health or defenses to survive; they can also use debuffs and disruptive tactics to gain an edge in 1-on-1 encounters.

5 Jungle

Lurk Between Lane & Gank Enemy Gods

Every Role In Smite 2

As a gamer, I navigate through the game’s battlefield where each lane is filled with AI-controlled minions. However, the sprawling wilderness between these lanes remains devoid of minions. Instead, I must seek out and eliminate the fierce creatures that dwell in the jungle to reap rewards. With every monster slain, my character gains strength, becoming more formidable, and I accumulate valuable buffs. The jungle is a dynamic, ever-changing environment where I must constantly move, always on the hunt for the next challenge.

This implies there are numerous instances where you can surprise attack an opponent who is weakened, enabling you to defeat that opponent. This surprise attack is known as “ganking”, which essentially means to catch an enemy off guard for a kill. There are several Gods that might be introduced in the future version of Smite, and it’s hard to predict which one will excel in the Jungle role next.

4 Middle

Charge In With Everything You Have

Every Role In Smite 2

The third position is referred to as the Middle role, and it emphasizes a tactical, high-pressure playstyle. Individuals who opt for this role are likely to prioritize increasing their damage output significantly, adopting a strategy that involves inflicting maximum damage on their adversary. Characters in this position will generally move towards the Central Lane, and progress by earning gold through killing monsters and enemy minions.

Players don’t necessarily require a character with the maximum Damage Per Second (DPS), and they can effectively utilize divine entities with potent, high-damage abilities and intricate playstyles. Handling this role may be challenging initially, but players have ample opportunity to master it as they delve into the game from its earliest stages – for instance, those who were founders during the Alpha phase of the game.

3 Support

Assist Your Allies To Overwhelm The Odds

Every Role In Smite 2

Pay attention to an additional lane called the Duo Lane. This lane gets its name from the pair of deities it hosts – the first being the Support character. These characters can be quite durable, and they’ll inflict a multitude of Crowd Control (CC) effects on enemies in the lane. CC refers to abilities used to hinder or control groups of opponents.

1. In this position, you’ll aid your partner in demolishing what they establish, making many Support characters popular due to the immense benefits they bring to a team. Many Support role enthusiasts have accumulated a vast array of skins for their characters from the original game, but these skins will not transfer over to Smite 2.

2 Carry

Ally With Support To Achieve Victory

Every Role In Smite 2

In this team composition, the role you’re referring to is often called the Advanced Damage Carrier (ADC), but on the selection screen, it’s simply labeled as ‘Carry’. The Support character will primarily focus on disrupting enemies and assisting allies, while the Carry is responsible for dealing the majority of the damage in the Duo Lane. Their main tasks involve defeating enemies and bringing down the enemy tower in the lane, with the help of their supporting partner.

In the Duo Lane, the Support couldn’t hold its ground without the Carry, but together, they form an unbeatable team, exceeding their individual capabilities. Often called Damage Dealers, both the Support and the Carry excel in dealing damage. Some players believe that building a tank for either role is pointless. Yet, having a tanky Support and a tanky Carry capable of delivering a crushing final blow can create an intimidating duo, capable of causing significant trouble.

1 Fill

Rapid Role Changing & Perpetual Threat

Every Role In Smite 2

In each team, there are five distinct roles that most players should be familiar with. Yet, an additional role called the Fill role is available, which some players might find less intuitive due to its complexity. Mastering this role requires strategic thinking based on the Gods chosen by teammates so far, as the player must select a deity capable of addressing any potential gaps that may arise during gameplay.

1) Later on, they’ll opt for the Manual build when it comes to their chosen Deity, managing resources and trading items during the game to swiftly adjust their strategy as needed. A properly balanced group won’t require a Substitute at all, but a team with weaknesses can be efficiently reinforced by an effective Substitute. (Paraphrased)

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2024-09-02 01:04