Everything We Know About Judas

Everything We Know About Judas

Key Takeaways

  • A new sci-fi game,
    by Ken Levine, features a heroine named Judas who faces complex challenges.
  • The game shows religious symbolism with the protagonist named Judas, who attempts to atone for her actions.
  • Players will interact with “The Big Three” holograms in various ways, impacting the journey aboard a multi-generational spaceship.

As a seasoned gamer with over three decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that the premise of “Judas” sounds like an exhilarating blend of suspense, exploration, and combat reminiscent of classic titles like “BioShock”. The concept of a stranded spacecraft in an asteroid field is not only captivating but also ripe with opportunities for rich storytelling.

As a devoted gamer, it had been a while since I’d heard Ken Levine’s name, the genius mind behind BioShock Infinite in 2013. But then in 2022, his name resurfaced with an exciting announcement – a sci-fi shooter titled Judas. The news was a delight for many, but also brought about some puzzlement. After all, the trailers for Judas left us with more questions than answers. So, what on earth is Judas? It’s hard to tell for certain. From the teasers, Levine’s interviews, and the gameplay footage that’s been released, we can glean some information about the plot, but a lot remains shrouded in mystery. Some fans have even started referring to it as “BioShock in Space” due to similarities in gameplay, although this oversimplifies a much more intricate storyline.

This complete game encompasses some bold assertions, such as an entire system that game designer Levine often refers to as “Narrative Brickset,” intended to offer a distinct adventure in each playthrough. Much of the game remains hidden, making it challenging to provide a comprehensive image, but examining the available details offers an intriguing glimpse into what fans may anticipate from this title.

6 The Heroine

Judas Tried To Start A Revolution

Everything We Know About Judas

As a dedicated fan, I can’t help but notice the intricate elements that make this game stand out, but one aspect that truly grabs my attention is the protagonist – a woman named Judas. From the trailers, she appears to be far from content with the current status quo, her rugged, bloodied appearance in dirt-streaked clothing suggesting a life marked by struggle. This impression is further strengthened by first-person shots depicting Judas engaging in intense battles, using guns, fists, and cybernetic enhancements. It’s clear that she’s been through the wringer!

It seems clear that she has a significant past with this location. Her revelation that the “Big Three” are robots set off a series of events on the Mayflower, leading to much of the turmoil we see now. This disclosure has made her unpopular among most of the ship’s passengers. Additionally, an intriguing element is the opening scene in the latest trailer showing her being recreated, suggesting she may have perished prior to the storyline’s beginning.

5 There Might be Some Religious Symbolism Going On

They Picked a Very Curious Name

Everything We Know About Judas

One very curious decision made by Judas is the choice of name for its lead, and the game itself. Why call the protagonist, and the game itself, “Judas” of all things? It is a very unusual name for a girl. The most likely explanation is a deeper meaning. Perhaps one of the most notorious people to go by that name was Judas Iscariot, the disciple said to have led the Romans to Jesus Christ, ensuring his crucifixion. Many denominations of Christianity view this as the ultimate betrayal, resulting in Judas becoming a symbol of disloyalty over the years. It is probably no coincidence that Ken Levine chose the name of a man with a reputation as a traitor. From what has been revealed about the plot, the “Judas” featured in the game is similarly viewed as betraying the people aboard the Mayflower, and is seemingly responsible for a catastrophe that has happened aboard. This is most visible in one first-person clip where a woman spraypaints a “J” onto Judas’s shirt, seemingly intended as a way of shaming or marking her.

Remarkably, the game presents a unique twist on the concept, making the traitor more empathetic. Unlike historical Judas who caused all the trouble, this character is depicted as fixing what she has broken. The tagline of the game is “Fix what you broke“. In contrast to her Biblical counterpart, this Judas appears to be spending the game trying to make amends for her actions by setting things right.

4 The Big Three

The Three People Who Can Make (Or Break) Judas

Everything We Know About Judas

Alongside Judas, we’ve been acquainted with a group called “The Big Three” – comprising of Tom, Nefertiti, and Hope – who command the ship. Initially robots, they were disconnected from their physical forms and transformed into holograms. Each possesses unique objectives that can make them allies or adversaries contingent on Judas’s choices. Tom is focused on maintaining the mission’s success, Nefertiti advocates for human evolution towards mechanical forms, while Hope aims to terminate her wretched existence.

In essence, we’re discussing a potential alteration to the original BioShock, where Jack’s relationship with Dr. Tenenbaum could evolve based on his actions. Instead of just saving or harvesting Little Sisters, Jack’s choices could impact Tenenbaum’s behavior towards him. For instance, if Jack saves a sister, Dr. Tenenbaum rewards him with vital resources and special abilities. But suppose there was a system where Jack’s interactions with the Little Sisters affected his standing with Tenenbaum. If Jack harvested too many sisters, Tenenbaum might retaliate by hindering him, for example, by preventing his escape from a room filled with Splicers.

The fundamental concept revolves around the trio known as The Big Three. Assisting any of them might bring unforeseen benefits later, yet provoking them could result in unanticipated consequences too. For instance, overly assisting Hope may lead Nefertiti or Tom to secretly undermine Judas in unusual ways. A case in point is shown in the leaked footage where Tom locks a door to confine Judas within a room filled with aggressive robots. Navigating relationships with all three is an integral aspect of the challenge, given their contrasting beliefs often lead to complications when helping one may strain relations with another.

3 The Setting

A Strange Ship In The Distant Future

Everything We Know About Judas

In a creative twist, both games, BioShock and BioShock Infinite, are set within fallen utopias – a concept that game creator Ken Levine appears to be fond of, as demonstrated by his work on Judas as well. Unlike the original BioShock which is based on a sunken city under the ocean, the setting for Infinite is a colossal spaceship called the Mayflower, intended to transport its inhabitants to a fresh world. Regrettably, things didn’t go according to plan, and now the ship finds itself trapped in an asteroid belt around a distant planet with no viable means of descent.

Indeed, disorder ensues as the Mayflower gradually deteriorates. Passengers and robots alike act unruly in this situation. Much like the audio logs found in BioShock, Judas can discover snippets of information scattered throughout the vessel that shed light on its past and the magnitude of the catastrophe. It appears her objective is to restore order and steer the ship toward its intended destination – the planet.

2 Enemies

Judas Has To Defend Herself Against Strange Robots

Everything We Know About Judas

It appears that most of the adversaries in the game Judas will be robots that once performed routine duties on the ship. When things went awry, they transformed into hostile entities. One robot you’ll often encounter is the deputy, resembling a cowboy with a horse’s head and tail. Originally, deputies were likely meant to serve as Tom’s security detail, fitting his sheriff theme. However, like other machines, they became aggressive. An enemy that’s particularly unsettling is the dentist, a transforming dental chair armed with a drill it unfortunately uses excessively.

In the game, although the majority of enemies are robots, there could also be some human adversaries for Judas to face. The woman who brands her with a “J” and commands her arrest might be one such example. This aligns with the notion that Judas is an outcast, and her actions before the game’s start may have provoked others, providing them reasons to seek revenge.

1 Traces Of Bioshock

There Is Clear Influence From Ken Levine’s Masterpiece

Everything We Know About Judas

Players of BioShock might have found one aspect of Judas’ gameplay remarkably familiar. In BioShock, the story revolves around ADAM, a DNA-altering substance that grants special powers when injected into plasmids or vigors. The original BioShock also featured a hacking mechanic, allowing players to manipulate machines for their benefit. It seems that Judas is combining these two elements.

Judas holds a compact green gadget in her left hand, granting her distinctive powers with numerous customizable choices. Some techniques may resonate with BioShock players, such as the capacity to shock water and eliminate several adversaries simultaneously, yet there are significantly more hacking possibilities available.

In the initial release of BioShock, hacking was beneficial, yet it essentially had two functions: either prompt robotic adversaries to clash or manipulate vending machines to lower prices. However, in Judas, there’s more diversity. For example, Judas can instigate battles among robots, but she possesses multiple programs to control their actions. One of the demonstrations highlights this with the Kamikaze Mode, a command that makes a robot rush towards other foes and detonate.

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2024-09-29 23:24