Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Assassin is weaker due to stronger rivals & controlled by Caster.
  • Rider is strong but held back by a weak master in the Holy Grail War.
  • Lancer is hindered by philosophy, still skilled but weak compared to others.

As a longtime fan of this enchanting anime, I can’t help but marvel at the breathtaking display of power and skill these servants exhibit! The intricate weave of their backstories, abilities, and connections with their masters truly adds a layer of depth that sets Fate/Stay Night apart.

Fate/Stay Night is an iconic battle royale anime series where seven mages and their respective warriors compete in a fierce struggle for the Holy Grail. In this contest, only one victor can be found among them all. Each warrior is associated with a distinct class of combatant, leading to diverse fighting methods, weaponry, and extraordinary abilities called Noble Phantasms.

Each servant is called forth from the essence of mighty legendary characters like King Arthur or Hercules. The potency of each legend is influenced by several aspects, such as the magical abilities of their summoner, the precision of the summons rite, and the abundance of mana as vital energy. These rankings are determined by the servants’ actions in the original Fate/Stay Night, not from Unlimited Blade Works or any other alternate reality.

8 Assassin

A Good Swordsman But Inferior To Other Classes

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

In most Holy Grail Wars, the Assassin class is typically one of the less powerful summoned classes, but this is merely because its rival heroes are incredibly strong. Sasaki Kojiro, a legendary samurai renowned for his code of honor and exceptional skill with a sword, embodies this character.

Despite battling Saber, she’s in a diminished condition yet overpowers him. Notably, Assassin is primarily a secondary servant under Caster’s control, which underscores their relative weakness as they can be influenced by another servant.

7 Rider

A Strong Servant When Conditions Are Favorable

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

The main character, often referred to as the Rider, plays a pivotal role throughout the initial stages of the series, primarily pursuing Emiya. Unfortunately for her, she was summoned by a relatively feeble master named Shinji. Despite his noble lineage, Shinji is outmatched by numerous competitors in terms of power and skill.

The rider employs chains and sharp weapons to immobilize her adversaries, taking apparent delight in causing them distress. Her Noble Phantasm, Pegasus, ranks among the strongest in the series. If fortune had favored her more, the Rider could have progressed deeper in the Holy Grail War.

6 Lancer

A Fast, Skilled Fighter Hindered By Philosophy

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

In the initial conflict of the show, Lancer, a competent and talented attendant, demonstrates his prowess against Archer. Although their battle ends in a stalemate, it’s evident that Lancer is capable of holding his own against many other characters.

While Lancer lives longer than many other servants, he is relatively weak compared to several others. Just like Assassin, Lancer operates in a supporting role beneath Gilgamesh for Kotomine Kirei. Despite his apparent abilities, Lancer puts up minimal fight when he finally faces The Golden King.

5 Caster

The Magic-Class Servant Has A Variety Of Powerful Tricks

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

As a mage in this game, I’m a combatant who relies on magic rather than brute strength. I’ve got quite a few tricks up my sleeve, like summoning skeletons to do battle for me and crafting illusions that I can control at will. I’m a formidable ally, no doubt about it. Unfortunately, the limitations of my master often prevent us from showcasing my full potential in combat situations.

The tale of Caster and her master, Kuzuki, is undeniably one of the saddest stories within the series. As he lacked any magical abilities himself, Kuzuki showed compassion by taking in Caster, a mage, despite having no way to aid her. Regrettably, their kindness ultimately led to harm for both of them.

4 Archer

A Skilled Servant In Several Disciplines With A Strong Noble Phantasm

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

Among all the servants, Archer stands out as the most laid-back and stylish, yet his abilities are subtly displayed across the series. Although he belongs to the Archer class, he predominantly engages in combat with a pair of swords. Remarkably, if these swords get damaged or misplaced, he has the unique ability to replace them.

Archer’s extraordinary ability, Unlimited Blade Works, is usually more than enough to defeat other servants. However, due to a weak bond with his master, Tohsaka, he must fight both Berserker and Illya without her assistance.

3 Berserker

The Monstrous Servant Bludgeons His Way Through His Opponents

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

In a chilling and awe-inspiring debut on the series, the formidable and wordless figure known as Berserker quickly proves himself to be one of the strongest minions. With the powers bestowed upon him by his master, Illya, Berserker stands among the most fearsome characters that could potentially appear as servants.

As a reincarnation of the mighty Greek semi-god Hercules, Berserker embodies extraordinary physical power and combat skills. Moreover, his unique ability, The God Hand, bestows upon him twelve lives, rendering him nearly invulnerable during initial skirmishes.

2 Saber

The Ideal Servant’s Powers Grow Throughout The Series

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

Despite being widely recognized as the strongest and most sought-after class to summon, Saber often finds herself at a significant disadvantage throughout the series due to her inexperienced master, Emiya Shirou. Initially drained of her mana, Saber initially loses to both Berserker and Gilgamesh. However, she eventually regains her full strength.

In essence, since Saber’s authentic character is King Arthur, her strength primarily stems from her artifacts – Excalibur, Caliburn, and Avalon. Without these artifacts and a sufficient mana reserve, she significantly loses power. However, even in a diminished state, she can still outmatch other servants.

1 Gilgamesh

The King of Kings Is Worthy of His Self-Proclaimed Title

Fate/Stay Night: All Servants, Ranked

In essence, Gilgamesh isn’t truly a servant as he primarily serves his own interests. Yet, he stands out among Epic Heroes with his extraordinary weapons and Noble Phantasm. Being the victor of the previous Holy Grail War, Gilgamesh had already defeated servants from almost every class before re-entering the battlefield.

With the power to conjure historical weapons through his Babylonian gateways, Gilgamesh hardly needs to exert effort as hordes of swords and spears shower upon his adversaries. Only Servant Saber can offer him a challenge, but even she must redirect Gilgamesh’s own Enuma Elish back at him to emerge victorious.

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2024-10-13 09:03