FF14: How To Get The Spectral Statice Mount

FF14: How To Get The Spectral Statice Mount

Alrighty, partner! I’ve seen more paths than the sunrises I’ve witnessed in my long days. Let’s tread this one with care and a steady hand.

In Final Fantasy 14, the game frequently adds new content that can be unlocked. This encompasses a variety of activities like optional dungeons, as well as captivating mounts and minions that numerous players aim to gather. Sometimes, even those who don’t collect will stumble upon exceptionally rare or intriguing mount options that boast unique, entertaining, and visually appealing designs.

One option among these is the Spectral Static mount. Rather than riding a distinct creature, this mount transports players on the back of a fairy. Obtaining it involves several steps and exploring one of the variant dungeons within Final Fantasy 14. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to get the Spectral Static mount in FF14.

How To Unlock The Spectral Statice Mount

FF14: How To Get The Spectral Statice Mount

Exploring the variant dungeons introduced during the ‘Endwalker’ expansion in ‘Final Fantasy 14’ could be enticing due to the chance of obtaining the Spectral Statice mount. Although these dungeons are intriguing individually, they offer additional rewards that make them worth investigating. These rewards might include distinctive mounts that players can earn upon fulfilling particular conditions, and it is just such a condition that allows players to obtain the Spectral Statice mount.

Unlocking Aloalo Island

To obtain this particular mountain, you should journey to Aloalo Island. To access the unique dungeon within, you must first accomplish a quest titled “An Odd Job“. This level 90 quest is self-completing once picked up by the player. You can find it by conversing with NPC Osmon at coordinates (12, 13.4) in Old Sharlayan. Upon doing so, it will grant access to variant and criterion dungeons.

This quest will only be available once the level 90 MSQ “Endwalker” has been completed.

Following that, I’ve got to hit level 90 with the Main Story Quest “A Satrap’s Duty“, as it’s one of the preconditions for gaining access to Aloalo Island. Once you’ve wrapped up both this quest and “An Odd Job“, I can then take on the level 90 quest “Stranger from Paradise” from NPC Shallow Moor (12.0, 13.3). After getting the quest, it’ll guide me through a series of tasks before unlocking Aloalo Island. To wrap up this quest, I’ve got to complete the Aloalo Island dungeon.

The Aloalo Island Dungeon can be found in the V&C Dungeon Finder, accessed through the Duty menu.

These type of dungeons can be enjoyed either by a single player or a team of up to four individuals. There’s no limitation on roles or jobs in this setting. The challenge level remains consistent with that found in the game’s main storyline, tailored according to the number of players. The essence of these dungeons lies in the freedom for players to traverse various paths. These choices, along with random occurrences, significantly influence the journey. This could also mean that boss battles may employ distinct strategies, while the route itself may vary as well.

Exploring certain routes within the V&C Dungeon Finder will unveil narrative snippets that can help you discover additional content, such as secret bosses, puzzles, and hidden stories associated with each dungeon. Additionally, these excerpts are vital for earning the Spectral Statice mount, as you must unlock all twelve of them from Aloalo Island to achieve this goal.

All 12 Routes Of Aloalo Island Variant Dungeon In FF14

FF14: How To Get The Spectral Statice Mount

Here, you’ll discover the essential steps for each of the twelve prerequisites needed to acquire the mount.

Aloalo Conservation Record 1: A Not-quite Deserted Island

  • Follow the left path.
  • When Matsya asks to stop and fish, tell him you must press on.
  • Moving on, you’ll see the lalafell that appeared earlier in the mini-boss fight being attacked by monsters. Don’t try to help; instead, let the monsters attack him until his health reaches 0 and he flees.

Aloalo Conservation Record 2: The First Settlers of Aloalo Island

  • Follow the left path.
  • When Matsya asks to stop and fish, tell him you must press on.
  • This time, when you meet the lalafell being attacked by monsters, help him.

Aloalo Conservation Record 3: God of Heaven And Sea

  • Follow the left path.
  • When Matsya asks to stop and fish, tell him to fish to his heart’s content.
  • In the new path that will open after a cutscene, Matsya will want to fish again. Pick his bait by interacting with the pile of sand.

Aloalo Conservation Record 4: A Noxious Gift

  • Follow the left path.
  • When Matsya asks to stop and fish, tell him to fish to his heart’s content.
  • In the new path that will open after a cutscene, Matsya will want to fish again. Pick his bait by interacting with the pile of rocks.

Aloalo Conservation Record 5: The Roots Of Arcanima

  • Take the middle path.
  • When you find the pack of mobs with a treant and worms, kill them away from the sigil on the ground.
  • Follow the path straight to the boss.

Aloalo Conservation Record 6: Under The Boughs Of The Great Tree

  • Take the middle path.
  • When you find the pack of mobs with a treant and worms, kill them away from the sigil on the ground.
  • The next pack of enemies will be near a bush with red flowers. While fighting them, go through the flowers to reach a group of armadillos and scare them away.
  • Go back to the main path. When you reach the next pack of monsters, there will be another bush with red flowers. Repeat what you did before and scare off the armadillos, then proceed to the final boss.

Aloalo Conservation Record 7: A Dear Friend

  • Take the middle path.
  • When you find the pack of mobs with a treant and worms, kill the treant first, then kill the worms on top of the sigil on the ground.
  • Go down the new path that will open up.
  • When you reach an area with a pack of enemies, inactive golems, and a miqo’te woman, make sure you don’t hit the miqo’te. She will run away, and the golems will be activated. Defeat them and continue to reach the final boss.

Aloalo Conservation Record 8: Fish For The Mind

  • Take the middle path.
  • When you find the pack of mobs with a treant and worms, kill the treant first, then kill the worms on top of the sigil on the ground.
  • Go down the new path that will open up.
  • When you reach an area with a pack of enemies, inactive golems, and a miqo’te, make sure you hit the miqo’te. She will still run away, but the golems won’t be activated. Continue to reach the final boss.

Aloalo Conservation Record 9: A Familiar History

  • Take the path to the right.
  • When the faerie offers to help you, accept her help.
  • Go through the portal and continue the path directly.

Interacting with the fallen totems in the dungeon won’t impact the outcome of the different paths. It will simply change the mechanics of the mini-boss, as it utilizes the totems in battle.

Aloalo Conservation Record 10: The Remnants Of Faith

  • Take the path to the right.
  • When the faerie offers to help you, refuse her. She will try to convince you several times, and you must refuse her until she gives up.
  • Follow the path Matsya will open and don’t interact with any of the treasure chests.
  • In the chamber with the three statues, pull the lever near the door to open it.

Aloalo Conservation Record 11: A Lalafell Or A Fish?

  • Take the path to the right.
  • When the faerie offers to help you, refuse her. She will try to convince you several times, and you must refuse her until she gives up.
  • Follow the path Matsya will open and interact with any of the treasure chests.
  • In the chamber with the three statues, pull the lever near the door to open it.

Aloalo Conservation Record 12: Wellspring Of Golden Memories

  • Take the path to the right.
  • When the faerie offers to help you, refuse her. She will try to convince you several times, and you must refuse her until she gives up.
  • Follow the path Matsya will open and don’tinteract with any of the treasure chests.

Inside the room containing three statues, the situation becomes slightly intricate since navigating this path involves solving a kind of riddle. To proceed, you should follow the rituals detailed in the Conservation Documents before each of the three statues, in whichever sequence you find suitable.

Standing in front of the Turtle statue:

  • With chat in Say mode, type: O wayfarer of land and sea, hear me.
  • After receiving the buff, do two counterclockwise laps around the statues.
  • Standing in front of the Turtle statue, use the /bow emote.

Standing in front of the Whale statue:

  • With chat in Say mode, type: O messenger from beyond the horizon, hear me.
  • After receiving the buff, do one clockwise lap around the statues, then do one counterclockwise lap around them.
  • Standing in front of the Whale statue, use the /dance emote.

Standing in front of the Sparrow statue:

  • With chat in Say mode, type: O dancer of the skies, hear me.
  • After receiving the buff, use the /blowkiss emote.
  • Circle once clockwise around the statues.
  • Standing in front of the Sparrow statue, use the /dance emote.

As the ritual commences, the statues will begin to radiate light, accompanied by a blue circle in front of each statue. This circle marks both the starting and ending point for each lap. Only the player who possesses the buff is able to perform the ritual. If you falter or take an excessive amount of time, you can restart by standing before the statue and reciting the appropriate phrase. Don’t forget your punctuation!

Once all three ceremonies have been finished, a fresh avenue will emerge at the room’s heart. Venture with Matsya along this way to continue.

  • Defeat the monsters on the foggy path, and take out Whasbyrm.
  • After he leaves, grab the sack he drops.
  • Place the sparrow statue on the first pedestal.
  • Place the whale statue on the second pedestal.
  • Place the turtle statue on the third pedestal.
  • Continue the path to defeat the secret boss.
FF14: How To Get The Spectral Statice Mount

After you’ve successfully unlocked every entry, no matter the order you choose to conquer each path, you’ll be rewarded with the “Good-willed Hunting” achievement. This prestigious feat grants you the Spectral Static mount. Navigate to the achievements page to claim it, and voila! The whistle will magically appear in your inventory.

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2024-08-12 11:03