Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

As someone who has journeyed through the lands of Eorzea since its early days, I can wholeheartedly say that the new zones introduced in Endwalker have been some of the most captivating and immersive experiences I’ve had in this game.

The highly anticipated Final Fantasy 14: Endwalker expansion drew significant interest upon release due to wrapping up the extensive Hydaelyn and Zodiark tale, which unfolded across various expansions. Throughout the narrative, several long-held mysteries were unraveled, including those left hanging from Shadowbringers, particularly concerning the source of the catastrophic “Final Days.” True to form, players were transported to six fresh zones where the storyline unfolded.

As a gamer, I’ve noticed that in past expansions, the game world was designed with interconnected zones within a single map or, at most, two. However, with Endwalker, things have changed. Some new areas are situated on the unexplored continent of Ilsabard, while others float in the sea of stars, and yet more are hidden in places that only the bravest adventurers could ever hope to reach.

6 Labyrinthos

The Underground Archive

Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

Standout Features of Labyrinthos:

  • The wonder of Sharlayan technology
  • The Ragnarok’s station
  • The gate to the Aethereal Sea

Many people agree that Labyrinthos is the weakest part of Endwalker, narrative-wise, as it artificially extends the story while sending the protagonist on menial tasks. The zone itself has some uniqueness due to its structure and location: a large underground place built beneath Sharlayan. It is the storage of an immense amount of knowledge and lore accumulated over many years, and so this is where the Forum’s secrets are located.

The manufactured zone mirrors the flora and fauna of the Northern Emptiness with great care. It boasts lakes, meadows, and caverns that encircle the select Sharlayan settlements within Labyrinthos’ essential areas. At its heart lies a grand dome concealing Ragnarok, the revered vessel believed to be Etheirys’ final salvation.

5 Mare Lamentorum

Zodiark’s Grave

Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

Standout Features of Mare Lamentorum:

  • The heart of the moon
  • The Watcher’s Seat
  • The whirlwind of lost souls

One of the most eagerly anticipated aspects of the expansion since its unveiling was the possibility of traveling to the moon. With the arrival of Endwalker, this dream became a reality. The expansion introduces an entirely new area beyond the confines of our familiar world, featuring the ‘crater of martyrs.’ This is where the dark primal Zodiark, a significant character in the narrative, resides. It’s here that players finally get to confront him, although not exactly as initially anticipated.

Additionally, this area leaves a strong initial impact with its distinctive scenery and melancholic ambiance. Here, players engage with the spirits of the ancients, who extend their hands towards the raw elements and traverse the subterranean passages, guided by a familiar named Argos. Although the area may appear unremarkable after the initial shock wears off for some, it fails to diminish the indelible first impression.

4 Thavnair

An Exquisite Kingdom

Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

Standout Features of Thavnair:

  • Vrtra’s domain
  • A lush tropical land
  • The neutral nation

In the beginning of Endwalker, one destination the gaming community explores is Thavnair, an island country recognized for its impartiality and harmonious connections with adjacent regions. Thavnairan alchemy significantly contributes to devising a means to penetrate the emerging towers’ protective aura. The enigmatic Satrap of this land emerges as a significant figure in the expansion. Moreover, Thavnair functions as a platform for Final Days, enabling players to observe the devastation unfold firsthand.

In this vibrant area, you’ll find a stunning blend of jungle and desert scenery. The architecture draws inspiration from India, as does the rich cultural tapestry that permeates the zone. Newcomers will be enchanted by the tropical island vibe created by the lush, expansive plains. However, the ominous Tower of Zot, which towers in the distance, casts a dark and foreboding shadow over the land, especially during its final days. This is also the ancestral home of the mighty Matanga beast tribe.

3 Ultima Thule

The Edge Of Despair

Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

Standout Features of Ultima Thule:

  • A hell far away from home
  • Ruins of civilizations long gone
  • The final zone

In the final chapter of Endwalker, players will journey to Ultima Thule, a unique zone unlike any other they’ve encountered. This place holds significance as it marks the culmination of numerous expansions, where the struggle between hope and despair unfolds. Unlike familiar territories, Ultima Thule is governed by Dynamis energy, which alters Aether’s laws, resulting in rules that are entirely new and distinct for both players and characters. The landscape itself is adaptable through Dynamis, adding to its mystery and intrigue.

In this area, despair reigns supreme as it is home to numerous once-thriving cosmic civilizations that met tragic ends. Their spectral remains now roam this vast emptiness. Some of these civilizations, such as Dragons and Omicron, are known to the player, while others, like Ea, are fresh additions to the lore. The player will encounter all of them and observe remnants of their shattered societies as they gaze upon the ominous violet vortex gurgling below.

2 Elpis

A Glimpse Into A Better World

Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

Standout Features of Elpis:

  • An ancient facility
  • The land of innovation
  • Where it all began

As a curious gamer, I’ve got to share with you one of the most awe-inspiring discoveries I made in Endwalker: Elpis. Before its official reveal during the expansion launch, this enigmatic place was shrouded in mystery, leaving us players guessing based on the tantalizing glimpses we got from concept art – a floating island that hinted at something extraordinary. Boy, were we ever in for a surprise! Elpis turned out to be an ancient site, a long-lost facility governed by our enigmatic forebears, where the Final Days actually began unfolding. It’s a mind-blowing moment when the pieces of the puzzle finally fall into place, isn’t it?

As someone who has journeyed through the desolate and ravaged lands of Thavnair, I can tell you that the contrasting beauty of this place is nothing short of breathtaking. The sight of lush grasslands and vibrant greenery, teeming with diverse creatures, is a stark reminder of the peaceful and prosperous world that once was.

1 Garlemald

An Empire Destroyed

Final Fantasy 14: Best Endwalker Zones, Ranked

Standout Features of Garlemald:

  • A cold, unforgiving land
  • The ruined city
  • Zenos’s Lair

Many players have long been eager to explore Garlemald, the stronghold of the Garlean Empire’s antagonistic faction. The capital city of this region has seldom been shown in detail, with brief appearances in cutscenes and a more extensive look given only in “Shadowbringers” during Gaius and Estinien’s mission at the black rose facility. Consequently, visiting Garlemald was one of the most eagerly awaited features of Endwalker.

When the athletes reach Garlemald, they find nothing but ruins. Contrary to the beliefs of many, this once militaristic and technologically advanced city and culture has deteriorated into a desolate wasteland. The air is heavy with sadness and despair as roaming tempered wander the land, causing destruction and taking innocent lives. The overarching gloom that blankets Garlemald creates an eerie and dismal environment.

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2024-07-16 09:27