Final Fantasy 14 Developer Teases New Project

Final Fantasy 14 Developer Teases New Project

Key Takeaways

  • Creative Studio 3 is developing a small-scale unannounced project separate from ongoing commitments.
  • Fans speculate potential remakes of Final Fantasy Tactics and Final Fantasy 9 as the next projects for Creative Studio 3.
  • However, that is just speculation at this time and fans will need to wait for an official announcement.

The first one to live

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Although primarily known for their work on Final Fantasy 14, the team at Creative Studio 3 has another smaller-scale game project in the pipeline. As reported by Famitsu and translated by @Genki_JPN on Twitter, Yoshida mentioned that while they continue to develop Fantasian: Neo Dimension alongside Mistwalker, led by Final Fantasy series creator Hironobu Sakaguchi, they also have a separate game project in the works. Yoshida did not reveal details about this small-scale project, but he did hint at Creative Studio 3’s plans to take on diverse projects in the future

Final Fantasy 14 Dev Team Working On Small-Scale Project

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With upcoming updates for the game “Dawntrail” and ongoing development of both the porting projects for “Fantasian” and “Final Fantasy 16,” Creative Studio 3’s calendar could be its most packed yet. It’s still uncertain when Yoshida’s team will officially reveal their secret project

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2024-09-05 22:23