Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Will Face a Fork in the Road with Summons

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Will Face a Fork in the Road with Summons


  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth sets the stage for the final chapter with open-world elements and summon spell mechanics.
  • Players need to start fresh in collecting summon spells, with only a few carrying over from the previous game.
  • Save file transfers could alleviate pacing issues and enhance gameplay experience in the upcoming installment.

As a die-hard fan of the Final Fantasy series since the good old days of the original PlayStation, I can confidently say that the upcoming release of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth has me more excited than a Moogle on Mogura Mogura Day! The open-world elements and summon spell mechanics are taking this remake to new heights, and while it’s a bit disheartening to start over with the summon spells, I can see why Square Enix made that decision.

The launch of “Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth” signifies a significant milestone for the “Final Fantasy 7” remake series. Beyond extending the narrative and gameplay aspects of “Final Fantasy 7 Remake“, “Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth” essentially lays the groundwork for the third installment in the trilogy, hinting at open-world features that players might encounter in the final chapter. One of the debated decisions by Square Enix concerning “Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth” was its approach to transferring progression from “Remake”, and it’s likely there will be comparable adjustments between “Rebirth” and the third game, particularly regarding Summon Materia.

In the continuation of the remake, titled Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, players find themselves beginning anew to gather summon spells, even if they’ve amassed nine different Summon Materia in the previous game. There are three ways to obtain these summon spells: one is through The Magic Pot and another involves the Moogle Trio. Interestingly, Ramuh and Leviathan are the only two summons that carry over from Final Fantasy 7 Remake or Episode INTERmission save files. The rest of the summon spells must be collected through regular gameplay progression. While many classic summon spells from the original Final Fantasy 7 are yet to appear in the remake trilogy, the third installment has room for creativity in how it introduces these missing summons, following the example set by the first two games.

Save File Transfers From Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Could Kill Two Birds With One Stone

It’s clear that “Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth” has garnered immense enthusiasm from fans of the original, but it’s also faced some criticism regarding its open-world flow. Occasionally, the game seems overly expansive because of its open-world design and numerous activities players can participate in while progressing through the main storyline. Since “Rebirth” has expanded the world of “Final Fantasy 7” with only a few regions left to discover in the next installment, allowing players to transfer their “Rebirth” save file and all accumulated progress would be beneficial in handling the open-world pacing issue and the requirement for repeated summon collection.

In the sequel to Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, it might be unfair to ask players to redo the entire process of acquiring Summon Materia by progressing through the game’s regions and defeating them in Chadley’s Combat Simulator again. A better approach could be for the third installment of the FF7 remake trilogy to build upon a player’s progress from Rebirth, much like the Mass Effect sequels do. This would mean skipping repetitive sections of the game and providing returning players with more flexibility when it comes to their starting Summon Materia, enhancing their overall experience.

Only a Few Summons Remain to Collect in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake Trilogy’s Conclusion

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 3 Will Face a Fork in the Road with Summons

In the third installment of the Final Fantasy 7 remake trilogy following Rebirth, players may find that Gilgamesh isn’t among the collectible Summon Materia, much like in the original game. Besides Knights of the Round, hinted at for inclusion, the fate of the remaining five Summon Materia from the original Final Fantasy 7 remains uncertain. To preserve the excitement of discovering new summons in the final game, it would be best if players don’t carry over their collected summons from Rebirth into the third chapter.

It would be a disappointment not to incorporate summons that have been featured in past versions of the remake trilogy into the final game, as it might disappoint long-term fans if iconic summons from the original “Final Fantasy 7” were absent. A balanced solution could be introducing players with only a few previously acquired Summon Materia (similar to how progress is carried over from “Remake” to “Rebirth”), ensuring that all summons from “Final Fantasy 7” are represented without requiring the player to endure tedious tasks.

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2024-08-07 19:43