Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters


  • Final Fantasy characters offer relatable reflections, role models, and familiar faces, embracing various forms of positive masculinity.
  • Characters like Tidus bring boyish charm to a dark world, while older men like Auron mentor and help usher in justice against endless sorrow.
  • Charismatic characters like Balthier epitomize the leading man role with wit, suaveness, and a knack for adventure beyond the mundane.

I’ve had the chance to encounter some truly remarkable men in the vast and intriguing world of Final Fantasy. Each one of them carries a unique story that has touched me in different ways, leaving an indelible mark on my gaming experiences.

In simpler terms, the characters in “Final Fantasy” go beyond being simple story propellers for some gamers. They can be intricate and relatable representations, sources of comfort and familiarity, and even role models. Just like there are numerous renowned female characters in “Final Fantasy,” there have also been compelling male leads, wise male guides, and charming sidekicks.

In the extended run of this anthology series, almost equal diversity exists among male characters as there are definitions of authentic masculinity. Ranging from nurturing father figures to loyal friends, these men have been selected for their resilience, intelligence, capacity for self-improvement, and other traits associated with positive maleness.

10 Tidus

The High Spirited And Spirited-Away Blitzball Champ

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy10

In the year 2001, Final Fantasy X from the Final Fantasy series brought about significant advances such as fully realized 3D environments, a reintroduction of turn-based battles, and incorporation of voice acting. The narrative and atmosphere underwent a drastic transformation, leading to the introduction of an outsider character – none other than Tidus. Despite being a contentious figure among fans, there’s no disputing Tidus’ endearing boyish charm and himbo qualities.

His unusual excitement and habit of interfering in matters that don’t concern him or go beyond his comprehension create an intriguing difference from the dismal and long-lasting cycle of despair in Spira, which has been trapped in a downward spiral of misery for generations.

9 Adelbert Steiner

A Loyal Knight Of Ironclad Virtue

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 9

When the situation is tough and Steiner is confronted by skeptics and questionable characters, he maintains the honorable conduct expected of a knight. Although he may be portrayed as a comical figure due to his rigorous adherence to the law in “Final Fantasy 9,” Steiner possesses a kind heart beneath his rigid exterior.

He advocates for fairness and safeguards the weak, a commendable trait that emerges as he can no longer endure his Queen’s wicked deeds. His internal battle between obligation and morality resonates with us all. The intriguing balance between his clumsy knight and valiant champion persona makes him an endearing and distinctive character.

8 Barret Wallace

The Hot-Headed Eco Warrior Who Fights For His Daughter’s Future

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 7

In the realm of Final Fantasy 7, rulers with hidden evil intentions and semi-divine beings flaunt their malevolence in broad daylight. However, this world faces an even more dangerous adversary at first: relentless corporate dominance and avarice. Despite his intense demeanor, Barret recognizes the necessary steps to save the Earth and those dear to him, and he’s prepared to take any action required.

In spite of his fiery temperament, ominous gun appearance, and imposing figure, Barret is deeply committed and loving towards being a father. Fundamentally, his reason for battling Shinra, Sephiroth, and Jenova’s transformation stems from an unwavering affection for the children of the future.

7 Cecil Harvey

The Dark Knight Turned Hero Of Light

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 4

As a dedicated gamer, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering many iconic characters throughout my gaming journey, and none quite compare to the enigmatic Cecil from “Final Fantasy 4.” This trailblazer among pre-defined heroes continues to captivate players with his rich backstory and multidimensional personality.

Deep within, Cecil harbored a strong commitment to do what is right. However, his unclear sense of self led him astray, causing him to prioritize loyalty over discernment. It took the patience and kindness of good people, as well as some time, to eventually guide him toward making better choices.

6 Cloud Strife

The Iconic But Distant Solider

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 7

Cloud, like numerous young men, harbors concerns that resonate with his experiences, born from the adversity and disappointment he faced in his formative years. Despite appearing self-absorbed, indifferent, and even harsh at times, Cloud demonstrates sound judgment when it matters most.

Despit having a less than ideal personality and a troubled mind, Cloud’s resolve to conquer self-doubt, embarrassment, and sadness is commendable. Despite his inner struggles, Cloud boasts one of the most distinctive and iconic appearances in the franchise, with his spiky hair, sulky purple jumpsuit, and massive Buster Sword being instantly recognizable.

5 Squall Leonhart

The Best Looking Guy At The Dance

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 8

In “Final Fantasy 8,” Squall’s unique style and intriguing scar make him an unforgettable character. However, his popularity among fans is debated due to the raw exposure of his thoughts and emotions throughout the game. While some may find it off-putting for a hero to reveal every insecurity and doubt, this level of transparency adds authenticity, complexity, and honesty often missing from adventure story protagonists.

Squall, who keeps his inner criticisms hidden from others, presents a different side to keen observers. His harsh self-assessments contradict the composed exterior he shows in tough circumstances, similar to how it was with the previous protagonist. However, despite his concealed weaknesses, Squall perseveres and ultimately faces his fears. This leads him to open up to Rinoa, resulting in significant personal development.

4 Edgar Roni Figaro

Chivalrous Ruler And Mechanical Mastermind

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 6

The charismatic and mischievous Figaro leader isn’t only skilled at utilizing advanced technology for his community’s benefit but also possesses a deep understanding of it, having been one of the first mechanists in the series. Surprisingly, his noble background doesn’t deter him from getting hands-on experience with machinery.

In spite of his strong attraction towards women, Edgar remains polite and respects their choices since the start. In “Final Fantasy 6,” Edgar is initially depicted as detesting the Empire’s tyranny. Under the pretense of forming an alliance with its emperor, he secretly collaborates with the Returners to weaken its military power and influence.

3 Zidane Tribal

The Bushy-Tailed Thief With A (Mostly) Pure Heart

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 9

With a playful demeanor, unwavering loyalty, and an inherently positive outlook, Zidane injects vitality into every circumstance. Despite appearing immature at times, there lies within him a strong capacity for nurturing, which is evident in the close friendship and protective older brother role he assumes towards Vivi, as displayed in “Final Fantasy 9”.

As a gamer, I can’t defend Zidane’s actions during the Dali escape when he took hold of Princess Garnet while boarding the cargo airship. His explanation, which seemed more like an apology given half-heartedly, and his hints that it was merely an accident left many doubts. Fortunately, this questionable behavior did not recur in the game’s storyline.

2 Auron

The Death-Defying Rebel Guardian

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 10

Stoic. Mysterious. Cool. Auron began as a straight-man guardian and became a legend but ended up as a renegade defying Yevon’s deceptive, evil doctrines. His ability to cling on beyond death stems from a steely will to mentor his friend’s son and bring justice to a world doomed to endless sorrow. His courage in standing up against his teachings, resolve to bring Jecht’s son, and determination to bring an end to Yevon and Sin’s reign.

Auron exhibits power not only through his massive sword but also with his forceful speech and stylish attire. His samurai elegance and dark sunglasses add to his impressive image, making him one of the most appealing characters in the series.

1 Balthier

The Leading Man With An Eye For Adventure

Final Fantasy: Best Male Characters
  • Appeared in: Final Fantasy 12

Balthier describes himself as the “prime figure” or “star character” among Ivalice’s legendary heroes and sky pirates. His captivating charm sets him apart from others. Additionally, many fans believed that Vaan, the main protagonist in “Final Fantasy 12,” was overshadowed by Balthier or Ashe, reflecting the depth and influence of their personalities.

Amongst all the male characters in the rich and renowned saga of “Final Fantasy,” Balthier stands out as the most composed, intelligent, and smooth. He consistently chooses the noble path, both in his elegant airship and in life, despite a complicated past. Yet, beneath this facade lies a mischievous side that delights in challenging self-centered authorities with his confederate, Fran.

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2024-07-15 08:34