Final Fantasy: Funniest Quotes In The Games

Final Fantasy: Funniest Quotes In The Games

Key Takeaways

  • Success led to investment: The first entry’s success prompted Square to invest heavily in Final Fantasy.
  • Humor in narratives: Each game, includes a touch of humor to keep things light.
  • Iconic quotes: Memorable lines, like “You Spoony Bard!” and “Alright, Everyone, Let’s Mosey,” have stuck with players.

As a devoted fan of the Final Fantasy series, I’ve been captivated by the rich narrative and unforgettable characters that have graced these games over the years. The interactions between these digital personalities often reflect real-life human dynamics, and the exchanges between Cloud and Formash, Squall and Seifer, and the Hypello owner in Final Fantasy 7 and 10 respectively, are no exception.

Final Fantasy is renowned as one of the greatest video game series ever created. Square launched strongly with the initial installment, introducing a Japanese twist to the role-playing formula popularized by Dungeons & Dragons, which was extremely popular at the time. The success of the first Final Fantasy game led the company to invest significantly in this franchise, an investment that proved highly profitable. Numerous aspects contributed to the series’ wide appeal and its status as one of the most successful JRPG franchises, thanks to both its engaging gameplay mechanics and compelling narratives.

The initial “Final Fantasy” game, as well as the third and fifth installments of the main series, placed greater emphasis on gameplay rather than narrative. Nevertheless, each game in the series found a way to incorporate humor at times, making the experience enjoyable, lively, and memorable. Known for Woolseyisms and amusing nicknames, “Final Fantasy” has left many players chuckling with its collection of humorous quotes, long after they’ve finished these grand adventures.

5 “You Spoony Bard!”


Final Fantasy: Funniest Quotes In The Games

In “Final Fantasy 2,” the emphasis on storytelling significantly advanced the series, however, the flawed leveling system sparked a lot of criticism which prompted Square to prioritize gameplay for “Final Fantasy 3.” Fortunately, the desire for an engaging narrative remained strong within the development team. As a result, the subsequent numbered installment in the franchise is fondly remembered by many due to its epic, humorous, tragic, and multifaceted storyline.

In the course of events, Cecil evolves from a brooding Dark Knight to a noble Paladin, bolstered by several companions, among them Tellah. His deep affection for his daughter is evident as he disapproves of her elopement with a minstrel named Edward. On a quest to find her, Tellah stumbles upon Anna, gravely injured, and Edward nearby. Enraged, Tellah assaults the minstrel, hurling insults at him in a fit of anger. This scene was intended to be emotionally intense, but instead, it sparked laughter among fans due to an odd phrase that Tellah uttered, which has since become legendary in the annals of Final Fantasy, owing to its absurdity.

4 “Son Of A Submariner! They’ll Pay For This…”

Kefka Palazzo

Final Fantasy: Funniest Quotes In The Games

Kefka, a character from Final Fantasy, is widely recognized as one of the most cherished villains due to his unstable personality. This clown-like figure carries an intense, chaotic essence that he manifests through his cruel actions. His captivating allure deceives players into thinking they’re safe, only for him to reveal his extreme capacity for violence in an instant. A striking demonstration of this is when he ruthlessly killed General Leo and plunged the world into chaos.

Occasionally, Kefka’s evil schemes are thwarted before he can display his destructive side. One such instance happens when Edgar provides shelter to Locke and Terra in Figaro Castle. However, Kefka unexpectedly shows up at Edgar’s doorstep. In response to the king of Figaro’s command to submerge the castle, they manage to evade Kefka’s grasp. This event triggers one of Ted Woolsey’s most memorable lines during the localization process, earning him a legendary status among many fans of Final Fantasy.

3 “Alright, Everyone, Let’s Mosey.”

Cloud Strife

Final Fantasy: Funniest Quotes In The Games

The growth of Cloud’s personality in Final Fantasy 7 is captivating. Initially appearing bold and detached, it isn’t until later in the game that the reason for his distorted identity becomes clear. Contrary to initial impressions, Cloud was never a SOLDIER member, instead joining the infantry after failing to achieve his ambitions. Subsequent Mako poisoning led him to unknowingly adopt Zack’s memories as his own. This shocking revelation causes significant distress for Cloud, and it takes some time for him to come to terms with this new knowledge.

Even though Cloud lived a false existence for years, he gradually accepts his past and feels at ease with himself. His journey is eased by a loyal group of friends who believe in him, following him towards the North Crater for their ultimate battle against Sephiroth. In a heartwarming moment, they ask him to inspire them, and he does so humorously but sincerely, demonstrating how far he’s come from being a cold-hearted SOLDIER candidate with a broken memory to a scarred yet optimistic leader who values the relationships forged during his journey. This quote captures the essence of Final Fantasy 7, explaining why it is celebrated as one of the finest Japanese RPGs ever created.

2 “Hey Chicken-Wuss. Lot’s Happened Between Us, Eh?”

Seifer Almasy

Final Fantasy: Funniest Quotes In The Games

The relationship between Squall and Seifer is not just a healthy competition; it’s more like an ongoing hostility that surfaces right from their first supposedly harmless sparring session, where Squall gets injured unnecessarily. Seifer and his group of associates frequently ridicule Squall and his companions, with one particularly childish insult being “Chicken-Wuss.” Despite its simplicity, Seifer’s persistent use of this nickname for Squall stirs up strong feelings in the protagonist.

Despite being under Edea’s control and obliged to follow her commands, Seifer persists in teasing Squall with a pet name each time they cross paths. This recurring taunt gives players immense pleasure as they repeatedly defeat this arrogant gunblade-wielding chap, causing them to chuckle secretly whenever Seifer belittles Squall with his juvenile nickname.

1 “Ride Ze Shoopuf?”

A Hypello That Handles The Shoopuf

Final Fantasy: Funniest Quotes In The Games

The addition of voiceovers to Final Fantasy 10 significantly enhanced the game’s portrayal, allowing players to become deeply engrossed in one of the finest narratives in the series’ history. Remarkably, the voice performances are of top-notch quality, an unexpected feat considering that English dubbing in most Japanese games during that period was somewhat inconsistent. Nonetheless, Final Fantasy 10 occasionally has instances where the voice acting inadvertently turns some scenes into laughable moments.

In such a scenario, it happens when a character named Hypello, who possesses a Shoopuf, assists players in their journey. This Hypello’s unexpectedly flamboyant speech transforms an ordinary remark into one of the most hilarious and memorable quotes from Final Fantasy.

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2024-09-15 04:34