Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series

Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series


  • Yiazmat in FF12 has over 50 million hit points and is as big as Balthier’s airship.
  • Ruby & Emerald Weapon in FF7 are giant biomechanical monsters as tall as the Shinra headquarters.
  • Leviathan in FF15 is large enough to swallow a city, while Adamantoise hides in the same game but in plain sight.

As a seasoned gamer and long-time Final Fantasy fan, I’ve had the pleasure of encountering some truly awe-inspiring bosses throughout my gaming journey. But let me tell you, none have left me as utterly speechless and in awe as the colossal behemoths Adamantoise from Final Fantasy 13 and 15, Sin from Final Fantasy 10, and Titan Lost from Final Fantasy 16.

In the realm of Final Fantasy games, battles are famously grandiose and not just due to heightened drama or importance. In fact, several protracted series’ encounters with bosses have been decidedly lopsided in terms of scale, requiring players to confront colossal foes.

From the boss’s point of view, numerous battles would appear as if they were dealing with an unusually persistent group of mosquitos, yet these weren’t ordinary insects – they possessed magical powers, gravity-defying agility, and occasionally summoned larger, supernatural allies. Given the colossal nature of these adversaries, the creators of “Final Fantasy” had to develop captivating backstories and innovative methods for the party or hero to defeat them.

6 Yiazmat – Final Fantasy 12

The Biggest Prize In The Greatest Hunt

Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series
  • As Big As: Balthier’s Airship (or ego)

In the realm of fantasy, dragons are infamous for good reason. One exemplary creature from the land of Ivalice is Yiazmat, a formidable being whose very existence marks the pinnacle of hunting quests in “Final Fantasy 12.” Once you’ve taken the job to eliminate him, Yiazmat can be located in an amphitheater, occupying nearly its entire space. The sole advantage of confronting this behemoth is that he isn’t elusive.

Yiazmat stands out among Final Fantasy’s toughest boss encounters due to his colossal size – one paw alone is as large as a party member – and extraordinary resilience, boasting over 50 million hit points. Despite being dwarfed by other series’ giants (it would fit in a cathedral), subduing Yiazmat would require an airship to even consider mounting his head on a wall.

5 Ruby & Emerald Weapon – Final Fantasy 7

The Godzilla-Sized Biomechanical Monsters

Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series
  • As Big As: The Shinra headquarters building

As a gamer, I’ve come across some weapons in Final Fantasy 7 that are a great deal. These weapons are hard to tell apart size-wise, making them a two-for-one deal in my book. One of the game’s major themes is the impact of humanity’s greed on nature. It’s reminiscent of another Japanese cultural symbol, Godzilla, born from the destructive consequences of technological advancement. These colossal beings roam the earth, seeking retribution against those responsible for disrupting the fragile harmony between nature and mankind.

As a gamer, I’ve often pondered over how the colossal cyborg guardians in Final Fantasy 7 came to be. Their origin remains a mystery, and their numbers seem to fluctuate, typically ranging from five to seven. In the North American and European editions of the game, players can engage in epic battles against Ruby Weapon from the desert and Emerald Weapon from the deep sea as formidable bosses. The depiction of these behemoths varies between gameplay and cutscenes. Considering that their siblings, Diamond and Ultima Weapons, tower over Midgar’s Shinra Building – which is already a significant structure – they can be reasonably assumed to measure anywhere from a few hundred feet to skyscraper-sized.

4 Leviathan – Final Fantasy 15

A Serpent Large Enough To Swallow A City

Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series
  • As Big As: The combined waterways of Altissia

In the course of the game series, the Leviathan has consistently met expectations as a colossal mythical water beast. Nevertheless, the Leviathan expands to unprecedented proportions and length in “Final Fantasy 15.” Here, Noctis encounters her during a trial that stands in for Lunafraya, enabling him to form a pact and harness her immense power, a feat worthy of note given her status as one of Eos’s mightiest entities.

In the heat of the fight, Noctis needs to employ the Power of Kings, or the Armiger, to soar over the cresting waves and tranquilize the enraged Astral. At the same time, she gathers a colossal vortex of water, capable of obliterating Altissia with a solitary surge. Despite her immense size, she is also slender and susceptible to being sliced through. Though Noctis manages to put an end to his relentless onslaught, he pays a heavy price for doing so.

3 Adamantoise – Final Fantasy 15

A Monster Hidden In Plain Sight

Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series
  • As Big As: A tortoise-shaped mountain

In place of “After ditching the mostly-linear game design of the last entry, Final Fantasy 15 took advantage of the open world to convey its narratives,” you could say:

In the game series, the rocky tortoise named Adamantoise has made an appearance since the second installment and has been gradually increasing in size. This trend reached its peak in “Final Fantasy 13,” where it transformed into one of the largest adversaries in Gran Pulse. In “Final Fantasy 15,” the battle against Adamantoise took a unique turn, becoming an intense super boss encounter. Players can initiate this fight by undertaking Takka’s “Lonely Rumblings” quest after unlocking the Chapter Select feature.

2 Sin – Final Fantasy 10

Crushes A World Under Its Belly, Holds The Past On Its Back

Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series
  • As Big As: Every blitzball court in Spira put together

In Final Fantasy 10, Sin serves as the primary antagonist, with the narrative centering on finding a way to defeat this immense and mysterious foe. Its elusiveness adds to its allure, as only glimpses of it are revealed throughout the game. When finally unveiled, Sin looms over everything, even surpassing the size of the party’s airship.

As a devoted fan, I’d describe it like this: Sin, with its immense size and dominating gravitational force, crushes any gathering of individuals who dare to employ technology to better their situation. It doesn’t stop there; Sin annihilates entire towns and cities as a chilling reminder of its unmatched power. Carrying the remnants of Zanarkand on its back, Sin was brought into existence with the intention of preserving the legacy of this lost land. Although fans witnessed Sin’s downfall in “Final Fantasy X,” its ultimate destiny remains uncertain following “FFX-2” and additional media.

1 Titan Lost – Final Fantasy 16

Like Fighting A Mountain With A Piece Of Burning Coal

Final Fantasy: Largest Bosses In The Series
  • As Big As: a series of angry mountain ranges stacked on top of each other

In Final Fantasy 16, the epic Eikon battles are renowned for their grandeur, making it unremarkable that this game introduces one of the largest bosses ever encountered, not only in the Final Fantasy series but in video games as a whole. Approximately halfway through Clive’s confrontation with the already impressive Titan, an unexpected event occurs: the rocky behemoth reveals a Mothercrystal and consumes a piece of pure aether, subsequently metamorphosing into Titan Lost – a colossus that stands out among colossi. Amidst the battle against Titan, it’s simple to overlook the actual magnitude of the encounter.

During a fierce battle, Clive undergoes a metamorphosis into the colossal being known as Ifrit. Despite its size, Ifrit-transformed Clive is maneuverable and takes advantage of this by dodging Titan Lost’s attacks while firing shots at the boss to weaken its stony exterior. Size doesn’t always equate to strength, and with a deft touch, Clive uses Titan Lost’s tentacles against it, tearing the beast apart and creating an opportunity to assault Titan within its fragile core. The battle continues as they plummet down Titan Lost’s deteriorating upper body for several minutes, making for one of the most thrilling encounters in the game.

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2024-07-25 10:34