Final Fantasy: Most Polarizing Characters

Final Fantasy: Most Polarizing Characters

Key Takeaways

  • Squall Leonhart from FF8 is seen as introspective & relatable despite being perceived as detached & dull due to his inner struggles.
  • Rinoa Heartilly is an amiable character, but some find her naive and corny, possibly due to FF8’s focus on weapons over characters.
  • Lightning from FF13 is headstrong and cool to some, while others view her as cruel and have unfavorably compared her to Cloud from FF7.

As a die-hard fan of these iconic Final Fantasy characters, I find myself deeply moved by their complexities and the strong opinions they evoke among fans. Rinoa, with her grounded design and strong personality, resonates deeply with me as she embodies the spirit of rebellion and determination that I admire. Her romantic side adds a touch of sweetness to an otherwise tough character, making her endearing in my eyes.

In the Final Fantasy collection, games are generally centered around engaging characters. Despite the impressive world creation and groundbreaking gameplay mechanisms, these role-playing games thrive or fail based on their capacity to captivate players with a group of appealing personalities.

As a passionate fan, I’ve noticed an intriguing pattern: Some characters have this uncanny ability to spark intense debate among us. It could be due to their unique personalities, striking appearances, or the choices they make that leave us divided. On one side, you’ve got the ardent admirers who can’t get enough of these characters. On the other, there are those who vehemently dislike them.

6 Noctis Lucis Caelum – Final Fantasy 15

Stylish And Vulnerable (Or Flat And Childish)

  • Loved for: his humanity and character growth
  • Hated for: emo looks and childishness

Among today’s “Final Fantasy” series, it’s widely acknowledged by fans that the bond between the team in “Final Fantasy 15” was portrayed most effectively. The road trip serves as a setting for Noctis’ transformation from a sheltered youth into a mature adult and future ruler.

Initially, some players dismissed Noctis due to his outdated emo style and early characterization as shallow and juvenile, such as his dislike of vegetables. However, Noctis truly shines through his development, which occurs later in the game. Unfortunately, Final Fantasy 15‘s complete story is fragmented, with key parts found outside the actual game.

5 Hope – Final Fantasy 13

Understandably Upset (Or Irritatingly Antagonistic)

  • Loved for: his bravery and capacity to love in the face of tragedy
  • Hated for: his emotional outbursts and antagonism against Lightning and Snow

Some players might view this Final Fantasy 13 character as constantly complaining and needlessly hostile towards Snow. However, it’s important to consider Hope’s background: he encounters deep personal grief and trauma at the start of the narrative, which is quickly followed by his transformation into a l’Cie – a situation that provides a valid explanation for his unrelenting anger.

At a particularly challenging time in Hope’s life, players encounter him, often overlooking the fact that he is still a young boy who, regardless of extraordinary circumstances, would struggle with his feelings just like any other child. Yet, it has been noted that the writing in Final Fantasy 13 did not effectively portray him as a relatable and compassionate character. However, his supporters often highlight his swift character development and the culmination: a figure embodying humanity that truly lives up to his name.

4 Tidus – Final Fantasy 10

Refreshingly Optimistic (Or An Idiotic Whiner)

  • Loved for: his optimism, style, and headstrong personality
  • Hated for: his laughter and occasional ignorance

In their inaugural game featuring voice acting, lifelike characters, and expressive human models, Square Enix placed a strong emphasis on the character-centric storyline for Final Fantasy 10. The game’s success was contingent upon whether players could empathize with the cast and form a connection with the player stand-in, Tidus. While Tidus’ infectious optimism and unique, fish-out-of-water viewpoint drew many fans in, some players found his antics to be repetitive.

People who don’t like the main character from Zanarkand Abes might bring up his gloomy introduction, his habit of interfering in other people’s important ceremonies and affairs, and the controversial laughing moment. However, despite his sometimes amusing behavior, Tidus shows compassion and strength when needed. Moreover, he excels in the Blitzball field.

3 Rinoa Heartilly – Final Fantasy 8

Amiable And Angellic (Or Naive And Corny)

  • Loved for: her grounded design, strong personality, and romantic side
  • Hated for: her grounded design, strong personality, weak combat abilities, and animal cruelty

In the realm of characters within Final Fantasy, Rinoa stands out as one who appears more relatable due to her realistic appearance and background. Despite her father being a prominent political figure, she isn’t a royal or destined hero, nor does she possess supernatural abilities (to start with). Rinoa is characterized by her strong-willed nature, even going so far as to orchestrate a revolution to free her hometown of Timber. She embodies the typical traits of a young adult or teenager, complete with personal relationships, political views, a beloved pet dog, and dreams for the future.

It’s unfortunate that due to certain aspects, such as the generic nature of the cast and her character design, many male fans perceive Rinoa in a negative light. Critics argue that because the game’s Junction System leaves little else for players to focus on beyond weapons and limit break abilities, Rinoa’s flimsy-looking wrist-mounted projectile weapon and campy moves are more noticeable. Additionally, some fans may not have resonated with FF8‘s love story theme, making Rinoa one of the two characters central to that romance a point of contention for them.

2 Lightning – Final Fantasy 13

Headstrong And Cool (Or Heartlessly Cruel)

  • Loved for: her strength and confidence
  • Hated for: her often-harsh treatment of her friends and cool exterior

As a dedicated fan, I find it intriguing that Lightning, who has been the central figure in three games, is often either adored or criticized by fellow fans. Some view her as aloof and harsh, particularly when she resorts to violence against her own allies during Final Fantasy 13.

Lightning, unlike some critics’ opinions that label her as a “watered-down copy” of Final Fantasy 7’s Cloud, is seen by many as a welcome departure for female characters in the series. Typically, these women were on the passive side and seldom took charge. Instead, Lightning stands out with her resilience and character, making her a powerful presence.

1 Squall Leonhart – Final Fantasy 8

Introspective And Relatable (Or Detached And Dull)

  • Loved for: his style, relatability, and romantic side
  • Hated for: his constant insecure thoughts and existential moping

In the realm of Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy 8 stands out as one that sparks a lot of debate. Given this, it is understandable that its main character, Squall, would also be a source of disagreement among fans of the series. Critics often see him as a brooding, cold, and depressed individual with a tendency to act in a harsh manner. This impression is not improved by the English translation’s frequent use of his signature “Whatever” catchphrase, which was originally intended to be more ambiguous and indirect.

One aspect worth pondering when discussing Squall’s character is that his “complaining” stems directly from his thoughts. Unlike other main characters in Final Fantasy series, Squall’s inner struggles and apprehensions are openly shown. Essentially, some players might prefer the traditional image of an unbeatable soldier over experiencing the raw emotions and worries of a young man like Squall.

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2024-09-15 08:33