Fire Emblem Heroes: How to Merge Allies (Duplicates)

Fire Emblem Heroes: How to Merge Allies (Duplicates)

As a seasoned gamer with countless hours invested in various strategy RPG titles, I’ve witnessed the transformative power of merging units firsthand. Each merge level brings newfound strength and potential to my beloved heroes, elevating their capabilities in battle.

In Fire Emblem Heroes, you’ll find over a thousand unique characters to collect. You can acquire these heroes using the in-game currency called Orbs, which is used in the gacha system. However, it’s common for players to end up with multiple copies of the same hero while building their team.

Just like in other gacha games, Fire Emblem Heroes lets you enhance your Heroes by merging duplicate ones. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the ins and outs of merging allies.

How to Merge Allies in Fire Emblem Heroes

Fire Emblem Heroes: How to Merge Allies (Duplicates)

In the “Allies” tab, under the “Ally Growth” section, you’ll find the “Merge Allies” feature. To utilize it, click on the blank “Enhance” space and choose the Hero who will receive the enhancement from the merge. Next, select the duplicate Hero (the “source unit”) in the empty “Lose” slot, which will be merged into the first Hero and permanently removed from your collection after the merge is completed.

Merging identical heroes using the “Merge Allies” function can yield Skill Points (SP) and enhanced stats. Yet, not every merge results in a stat boost; this depends on the rarities involved. Each time a hero is upgraded by merging with an identical hero of the same rarity, their merge level increases, denoted by the plus sign next to their base level, up to a maximum of +10.

  • Merging units of the same rarity will result in a gain in both SP and stats, increasing merge level by 1.
    • Example: merging a 5-Star unit into a 5-Star results in a 5-Star+1 unit, gaining SP and stats.
  • Merging a lower rarity unit into a higher rarity unit will only result in SP gain.
    • Example: Merging 4-Star into 5-Star results in 80 SP gained.
  • Merging a higher rarity unit into a lower rarity unit will treat the higher rarity as if it’s the same rarity as the latter.
    • Example: Merging a 5-Star into a 4-Star will result in a 4-Star+1 unit, gaining SP and stats.
  • Merging a unit with prior merges into a non-merged unit will inherit the merge levels of the former in addition to the one gained with the current merge.
    • Example: Merging a 5-Star+4 into a 5-Star will result in a 5-Star+5.

Along with these fundamental guidelines, combining allies allows the Hero to retain or bestow all acquired abilities, upgraded weapon capabilities, granted blessings, and Dragonflower improvements. Regarding Dragonflower enhancements, the more advanced level between the two is preserved.

When a hero undergoes the process of enhancing their abilities through “Unlocking Potential,” prior merged levels are forfeited. For instance, a hero with a star rating of 4-Star +10 will relinquish all stats gained from that +10 merge level upon being upgraded to a 5-Star unit.

During merges, the amount of Special Points (SP) you gain depends on the rarity and merge level of the unit being combined. For instance, a 4-Star +3 unit will transfer over 320 SP (80 SP from each of the four units it represents). However, any personal SP or regular levels that the source unit had will be discarded during the merge process.

Rarity of Source Unit Base SP
1-Star 10
2-Star 20
3-Star 40
4-Star 80
5-Star 120

As a passionate fan of this game, I’d express it like this: When trying to merge a unit with a maxed-out Skill Point capacity (9999), you’ll first have to reduce some points for the targeted unit before another one can join forces.

HP > Attack > Speed > Defense > Resistance.

Merge Level Stats Gained
  • The highest and second-highest raw stats gain +1 each.
  • The Flaw is canceled out if one exists.
  • Neutral units gain +1 each for the three highest raw stats.
+2 The third and fourth highest raw stats gain +1 each.
+3 The lowest and highest raw stats gain +1 each.
+4 The second and third-highest raw stats gain +1 each.
+5 The two lowest raw stats gain +1 each.
+6 The highest and second highest raw stats gain +1 each.
+7 The third and fourth highest raw stats gain +1 each.
+8 The lowest and highest raw stats gain +1 each.
+9 The second and third-highest raw stats gain +1 each.
+10 The two lowest raw stats gain +1 each.

HP is the highest level 1 raw stat for all Heroes in the game.

As a gamer, I’d describe the neutral 5-Star Tempest King Joshua’s base stats this way: “Joshua, my Tempest King, has a solid health pool with 18 HP points. His speed is relatively low at 9, which might make him a bit slower than other heroes in battle. Defensively, he boasts an 8 in defense and offensively, his attack power is at 7. Lastly, his resistance stat sits at 6.”

Merge Level Example Stats Gained by a Neutral 5-Star Tempest King Joshua
  • HP+1, Spd+1
  • An additional HP+1, Spd+1, Def+1 due to this Joshua being a neutral unit.
+2 Def+1, Atk+1
+3 Res+1, HP+1
+4 Spd+1, Def+1
+5 Atk+1, Res+1
+6 Hp+1, Spd+1
+7 and onward Repeat +2 step until merge level +10.

A 4-star unit with an additional 10 bonus units typically has superior statistics compared to an unmerged 5-star unit. Therefore, they represent a cost-effective choice for procuring powerful characters in the game.

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2024-07-24 07:03