First Descendant Players Point Out Weird DPS Discrepancy

First Descendant Players Point Out Weird DPS Discrepancy


  • Players in The First Descendant are shocked by a gas tank dealing more damage than a top weapon, questioning the game’s design.
  • Nexon has quickly released updates to fix bugs and improve player engagement in The First Descendant.
  • The community continues to debate online about misleading DPS counters and damage scaling issues in the game.

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of experience under my belt, I must say that The First Descendant has certainly piqued my interest – and not just because of its visually stunning graphics or intriguing narrative. However, I find myself scratching my head in bewilderment at the peculiar damage discrepancy between a humble gas tank explosion and a top-tier weapon like the Thunder Cage SMG.

Players of “The First Descendant” are puzzled by an unusual DPS inconsistency that makes a risk more potent than one of the top-tier weapons in the game right now. This finding has left numerous players doubting some design decisions made by the development team at Nexon Games for “The First Descendant.”

Within a month following the debut of “The First Descendant” game, Nexon introduced numerous updates aimed at boosting player interaction and resolving ongoing problems. Hotfix 1.0.6 for “The First Descendant” has made several modifications to various character roles of The Descendants and rectified an issue where players couldn’t earn Supply Coins from the Battle Pass’ Weekly and Seasonal Challenges. Additionally, hotfix 1.0.6 addressed a significant bug that influenced the Fortress Outskirts mission after update 1.5 of “The First Descendant.” Since its release, gamers have been actively searching for additional problems to report to the development team in anticipation of fixes in upcoming updates.

Reddit user xF00Mx discovered an unexpected outcome: a solitary explosive gas tank inflicted more harm on a Recombined Cell Cabury than a fully constructed Thunder Cage Ultimate submachine gun, delivering around 558,399 DPS. The explosion of the gas tank drained about half of the enemy’s health, suggesting it caused millions in damage. Members of the The First Descendant community on Reddit were equally astonished and bewildered by this occurrence, as it challenges the game’s damage scaling. Some users propose that the gas tank’s explosion is tied to a fixed percentage rather than defensive and elemental factors, allowing it to deal significantly more damage compared to shots from the Thunder Cage.

Gas Tank Explosion Deals Much More Damage Than Thunder Cage SMG in The First Descendant

Some people find the DPS counter in The First Descendant to be confusing and unnecessary because it doesn’t seem to provide precise damage figures for every weapon in the game. For instance, while the Thunder Cage weapon may not be the best choice against boss enemies, some players think it should have inflicted more damage on Recombined Cell Cabury than what was shown in xF00Mx’s video footage. Additionally, the scaling of damage from the explosion can disrupt immersion for certain players, as a brand-new weapon might appear to deal less damage than objects that players wouldn’t typically rely on during regular encounters.

The specific timeline for weapon and playground modifications in The First Descendant isn’t set yet, but they might debut at the onset of Season 1, which is expected around late August 2024. Nexon’s plan for The First Descendant includes fresh story missions, weapons, and additional in-game content, all scheduled to drop when Season 1 kicks off. With Season 2 set to start in early December, offering a new episode, players of The First Descendant can look forward to numerous updates and content throughout the remainder of 2024.

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2024-08-13 00:14