FromSoftwares Next Game Has a Big Way It Could Make Coop Engaging

FromSoftwares Next Game Has a Big Way It Could Make Coop Engaging

As a long-time fan of FromSoftware games, I have always found myself engrossed in the intricate world-building and challenging gameplay that their titles offer. The latest addition to this esteemed lineup, FromSoftwares Next Game Has a Big Way It Could Make Coop Engaging

The release of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree has sparked renewed discussions among players about the game’s difficulty, summons, and co-op. Some believe that FromSoftware’s Soulslike series offer too much room for personalization, leading to debates over “legitimate” play styles. However, not all players agree with this perspective. Some enjoy the camaraderie and shared victories that come from playing together. While elitism may exist in certain circles, there is also a community that embraces the game’s challenges and celebrates collective successes.

In games like Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree, content engagement becomes thrilling anew after defeating a boss, as cooperative summons aren’t as prevalent as when a new game is launched. However, it’s worth noting that co-op is often discouraged during a player’s first playthrough because it might be seen as a sign of inexperience or reluctance to fight bosses individually. Instead, many players who have already defeated a boss like to place their golden summon sign before fog gates to assist others seeking help. Unfortunately, FromSoftware’s cooperative summons do have one significant flaw that future games could potentially address.

FromSoftware Should Let Fallen Co-op Summons Spectate the Boss Fight

In this current setup, if a host perishes at the hands of a boss, the entire project comes to an end, causing those who were called to assist to be dismissed. This seems logical because it’s their realm, and defeating the boss is their duty to ensure, regardless of whether a collaborator delivers the final blow.

When a summoned ally dies during a battle, they are immediately taken back to their own world, causing the boss fight to carry on without their presence. Sadly, they cannot linger as a ghost or maintain a viewing angle to observe the host’s progress afterwards.

If a host and a teammate were close to defeating a boss, but the teammate unfortunately died, players would only have a few seconds to witness the host’s reaction before being taken away. It’s unfortunate that we don’t get to find out if the host managed to win with the help of their teammate or if they too were defeated when the boss’ attention was no longer shared.

Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree Demonstrates the Joy and Camaraderie of Co-op

From my perspective as a fan, I can see both sides of this situation. On one hand, being instantly summoned back into the game is convenient because I don’t have to wait long before being able to help out again. However, if I’ve become attached to the host and their journey, it can be disappointing not knowing whether my assistance made a difference in the outcome of the boss fight.

FromSoftware might want to consider adding a narrative thread to cooperative gameplay in their future titles, enhancing the camaraderie and making each boss fight attempt more meaningful. However, this feature could face challenges with connection and lag issues common in online play of FromSoftware games, which is possibly why disconnecting idle players is a standard practice.

In simpler terms, some players are disappointed that there aren’t any spectators or participants in Elden Ring’s PvP Colosseums, and while it might seem logical to add a spectator mode, PvP is a complex experience. Regardless of the reason for its absence in cooperative play, it can be disappointing for co-op players if they die before the host and don’t get to see how a boss fight unfolds.

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2024-07-30 14:33