Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

As a seasoned survivor of the Frostpunk world, let me guide you through the intricacies of managing your limited workforce and ensuring a steady oil supply for New London during these challenging times.

In the final scene of Frostpunk 2, oil is found and transported to New London. This oil becomes your unending supply of fuel throughout the game. As long as you can extract enough to fulfill your city’s demands, you won’t need to fret about fuel shortages for the rest of the gameplay.

In the second act, you’ll need to safeguard your expanding city from an old adversary – the Whiteout! This guide offers a comprehensive walkthrough for Chapter 2 – Ambitions in Frostpunk 2 , focusing on the strategy when you pick the option “We will conquer the frost.

What To Expect When Choosing To Defeat The Frost In Chapter 2: Ambitions

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

In the sequel to Frostpunk, titled Frostpunk 2, the second chapter commences by presenting you with a pivotal choice that significantly impacts not only the course of the current chapter but also the rest of the game. The dilemma is whether to combat the frost or to accept it. If you choose to fight the frost, your bond with one faction weakens while your alliance with another becomes stronger.

With oil found for your generator, you now have a consistent energy supply, making it essential for you to find means of improving it. An improved generator will generate sufficient heat to alleviate frost and whiteout worries, enabling you to concentrate on progressing New London instead. Your choice to conquer the frost will also lead to a political rift among the two opposing groups – the Stalwarts and Pilgrims.

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

Opting to vanquish the frost has substantial impacts on my gaming experience, as it leads the Pilgrims to presume I’m advancing the Stalwarts’ cause of progress at the expense of their philosophy of adapting to the frost. Consequently, the chasm between the Stalwarts and the Pilgrims will deepen, and I should brace myself for some intriguing political clashes between these two factions.

Starting Chapter 2, the Stalwarts will unite within the city, working to win public favor for you as the foretold leader, while the Pilgrims push for you to explore and enact their urban development proposals. From now on, you’ll find yourself in the midst of a simmering political situation, and maintaining harmony among all parties may prove challenging.

As a gamer, delve into the intricacies of what happens when you opt to vanquish the frost instead of welcoming it by checking out our comprehensive guide on this crucial choice you’ll face in the game.

After deciding to conquer the frost, perhaps it’s worth considering what it could have signified for your city’s future if you had chosen to embrace it instead.

Defeat The Frost – List Of Tasks

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

As an eager enthusiast, I can’t wait to delve into the next thrilling chapter of Frostpunk 2, where I’ll be tasked with a primary mission: boosting the city’s thermal balance beyond its current needs, or in simpler terms, achieving a heat surplus. To accomplish this, I’ll need to brainstorm an innovative concept for my generator and bring it to life through construction. Once built, I’ll initiate the surplus injection system, paving the way for our city’s continued survival in the harsh frosty landscape.

How To Construct Oil Pumps In Central District

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

Constructing Oil Pumps can be likened to establishing a Scientific Research Center. Here’s how you can set one up using your generator:

  • Click “N” to pull up the “Buildings” construction panel, then navigate to the “Central” tab.
  • Select the “Oil Pumps” and build them onto your generator.

The installation of Oil Pumps limits the generator’s fuel options, making it reliant on oil and excluding the use of coal or steam for powering it.

How To Research & Construct Surplus Injectors

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

Excess Fuel Burners serve as an enhancement for your generator, enabling it to consume extra fuel and produce additional warmth. As we prepare to counteract the approaching blizzard, it’s crucial that you generate sufficient heat to endure the upcoming snowstorm. If you can’t meet the heat requirement, the consequences could be disastrous for the inhabitants of New London.

To create the Surplus Injector, begin by exploring the concept within the “Heating” section of the Idea Tree. Subsequently, locate this structure in the Buildings panel using the keyboard shortcut ‘N’, and then position it above your generator for construction. Here’s a list of resources you’ll need to assemble the Surplus Injector:

  • Workforce: 200
  • Heatstamps: 300
  • Prefabs: 150
  • Cores: 4

Generally, resources are accessible within the city, but Cores must be obtained through Exploration trips, known as Expeditions. To accumulate enough Cores (4 for a Surplus Injector and 1 more if you want to achieve the extra goal of constructing a Deep Melting Drill), you might need to embark on multiple Expeditions.

Some of these valuable Cores can be found in the most treacherous territories in the Frostlands, and gathering them safely will require an upgrade to the Logistics District with the Scouts’ or Survivalists’ Headquarters.

Should your Frostland Team lack the necessary gear for venturing into specific regions within the Frostlands, those areas will be marked as “Risky” and “Perilous.

If you ignore this caution and proceed to dispatch the Frostland Teams into these regions, understand that there’s a possibility they could get hurt or worse.

How To Access Dangerous & Deadly Territories In Expeditions

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

To explore the dangerous and deadly territories of the Frostlands, you must outfit the Logistics District with the following upgrades:

  • Scouts’ Headquarters: Researching and building the Scouts’ Headquarters slightly decreases the exploration time of expeditions and reduces the threat level of territories.
  • Survivalists’ Headquarters: The Survivalists’ Headquarters is a better upgrade than the Scouts’ Headquarters for its ability to further reduce the exploration time of Expeditions. However, it is not better than the Scouts’ Headquarters in lowering territory threat levels.

Upgrading your Logistics Districts to include one of these Headquarters will allow you to venture into the most distant regions of the Frostlands as quickly as possible.

Beyond enhancing the Logistics District by establishing either the Scouts’ or Survivalists’ Headquarters, you may also choose to investigate and construct either the Vanguard Supply Depot or the Automated Supply Depot. Expanding your Frostland Team with these facilities will enable you to initiate numerous Expeditions simultaneously.

Optional Objective: How To Build & Use The Deep Melting Drill

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

In the “We Will Conquer the Frost” storyline of Chapter 2, the Deep Melting Drill becomes accessible for both research and construction. You’ll be able to construct the Deep Melting Drill on tiles marked with an infinity symbol, which represent Material or Fertile Soil.

A Deep Melting Drill functions as an improvement for either an Extraction Zone or a Food Zone, granting endless resource retrieval from the chosen district. Here’s how much it costs to construct a Deep Melting Drill:

  • Workforce: 300
  • Heatstamps: 80
  • Prefabs: 40
  • Cores: 1

It’s strongly suggested that you should store supplies such as materials and food using the Deep Melting Drill, in preparation for the cold seasons.

How To Pump Enough Oil To Reach Surplus

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

By utilizing the Surplus Injectors, the generator can consume excess fuel and produce extra warmth, helping New London endure the approaching blizzard, also known as a Whiteout. If we can successfully implement this plan, no resident of New London will perish from the cold, as long as everyone has access to food and shelter.

To maintain enough oil production to exceed the required threshold, you’ll need to make several crucial choices. Initially, prioritize ensuring the city caters to its current residents’ needs and manages population growth effectively. If the “Allow All Outsiders” law is active, a large number of individuals could migrate to New London due to the Whiteout. In case you decide to assist these refugees, it’s advisable to construct at least 100 homes in advance. Additionally, consider accumulating sufficient food supplies by building numerous Food Stockpiles and potentially utilizing the Fertile Soil patches with the Deep Melting Drill for additional resources.

As a larger population boosts Heatstamp production and labor force, it simultaneously raises issues in catering to their requirements. Conversely, a stationary population may impede growth initiatives owing to a restricted workforce.

At present, it’s advisable to enact a law such as “Temporarily Limited Admissions” or “Admit Only Valuable Newcomers,” to prevent sudden increases in population just before the Whiteout. This law can be amended to “Welcome All” at a later time.

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

Ultimately, after extracting oil from the Old Dreadnought, make sure to utilize the Resource Transfer interface to move that oil to New London.

Here are all the necessary steps you should consider taking to meet the oil surplus demand:

  • Use All Three Oil Reserves: At the Old Dreadnought, you have the option of accessing three oil reserves. However, one of these reserves also serves as a graveyard for the Wanderers. While you can move the bodies and access the oil, if you want to placate the Wanderers by the end of Chapter 2, you might want to hold off until you’ve delivered their requested oil. On the Citizen difficulty, the Wanderers demand 30,000 oil. Once their needs are met, you won’t have to worry about them anymore, and the third oil reserve can be accessed without any problems.
  • Research & Build Skyways: Skyways can be researched under the Frostland section in the Idea Tree, and they can be built in the Frostland, much like Trails. Skyways increase resource transfer capacities and reduce transportation time. Connecting the Old Dreadnought and New London via Skyways will ensure both quick and increased resource transfer between both locations. The smoother the Old Dreadnought colony functions, the more uninterrupted will be the oil supply to New London.
  • Research & Build Hydraulic Or Fracturing Pumpjacks: Research these upgrades under the Heating section of the Idea Tree to improve the Extraction Districts’ capacity to pump oil. Hydraulic Pumpjacks produce 80 additional oil but slightly increase disease, while Fracturing Pumpjacks produce 100 oil, but squalor is slightly increased. Upgrading the Extraction Districts with six pumpjacks will increase oil production by up to 500 oil.
  • Research & Build Automated Freight Docks: Found under the Frostland section in the Idea Tree, Automated Freight Docks increase the capacity of resource transfer on Skyways. This upgrades the Skyways to perform at their best, and they make sure that you’re not bottlenecked by resource transfer issues.

How To Survive The Whiteout In Chapter 2

Frostpunk 2: Chapter 2 Walkthrough (We Will Defeat The Frost)

In order to determine the excess oil you should have, it’s crucial to consider the overall heating needs of your city. A reasonable target to aim for would be approximately half of the total oil supply on hand.

By turning on the Surplus Injectors, you’ll get a view of the excess fuel the generator is consuming. If the surplus falls below the 50% mark, consider adding more pumpjacks in the Extraction Regions to boost oil production.

Always test fuel surplus in colder weather, as heat demand is reduced in warmer seasons.

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2024-09-23 17:35