Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

As a seasoned survivor of the Frostland, I can’t stress enough the importance of managing your resources wisely in Frostpunk 2. One key area to focus on is maintaining a balance between Heat and Shelter demands, lest you find yourself freezing in the cold or cramped in a small shelter.

In the game “Frostpunk 2”, cold is a significant challenge that players must manage effectively. Failure to do so can lead to numerous problems for the city, such as increased instances of disease and tension, decreased population growth, and even loss of life among the citizens. This guide offers solutions for those finding it difficult to cope with the cold in “Frostpunk 2”.

Users might want to occasionally glance at the snowflake symbol situated beneath the Resource Drawer at the top of their screen. This action will prompt an informative panel to surface, providing details about Cold in the City. If the information shows that Cold is not present, maintaining a stable state is fine. However, if it’s anything but absent, or if it’s growing, players should employ these strategies to reduce its size instead.


Frostpunk 2: How to Reduce Cold


A player should prioritize ensuring their city’s Heat demand is met first, as a lack of Heat could significantly increase a city’s Cold levels. If you notice a red bar below the flame symbol in the Resource Drawer at the top of the screen, it signifies that Heat Scarcity is currently active.

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

As a gamer, when I find myself in a bind due to Heat Scarcity in my game, here’s what I do to solve the problem:

Increase Fuel Output

In the Central District, the Heater serves as the primary source of Heat required by the city. It accomplishes this task by consuming Fuel. If the Heater is using Fuel at an unsustainable rate to keep up with the city’s continuous need for Heat, players can consider these strategies to boost Fuel production:

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Build additional Extraction Districts on Fuel-producing tiles. Initially, players should look to build on tiles that produce Coal, though they will be able to use other types of Fuel after upgrading their Generators.
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Build Buildings that increase the Fuel output of Extraction Districts within those Districts. Players can gain access to those types of Buildings by building a City Hall in a Housing District, navigating to the Idea Tree, and researching Ideas within these nodes:
    • Coal Mines (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Advanced Coal Mines (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Pumpjacks (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Advanced Pumpjacks (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Pyochemical Oil Extraction (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Geothermal Plants (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Advanced Geothermal Plants (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Charcoal Plants (Idea Tree: Resources)
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Locate points of interest in the Frostland that yield Fuel, and connect them to the City with a Trail or Skyway.

Decrease Heat Demand

As a gamer, I can tackle Heat Scarcity by lowering my city’s heat demands, and here are some strategies I can employ:

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Research Ideas in these nodes, which provide passive decreases to the Heat demands of certain Districts:
    • Food Energy Efficiency (Idea Tree: Heating)
    • Housing Insulation (Idea Tree: Heating)
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Research Ideas in these nodes, which give access to Buildings that decrease Heat demand, and build them in the appropriate Districts:
    • Heat Dispatcher (Idea Tree: Heating)
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Research the following Ideas and then pass them as Laws:
    • Worker Shifts: Weather-Adjusted Shifts (Idea Tree: Resources)
    • Waste Heat Conversion: Heat Recycling (Idea Tree: Resources)
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Build Heating Hubs next to Districts to directly decrease their Heat demand.

Increase Production Efficiency

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

As players enhance their Production Efficiency, they can keep their resource output steady while lowering their Energy requirements. In other words, as Production Efficiency improves, city-building enthusiasts might discover that they can assign fewer workers to their districts without experiencing a shortage of resources. To lessen the workforce in a district, players should click on the district and adjust the Workforce control towards the left side, which will also lower the district’s Energy demand at the same time.

In the following guide for Frostpunk 2, players will discover strategies on enhancing their Production Efficiency: [LINK]

Generator Upgrades

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

Generator upgrades are a great way to deal with Heat Scarcity, as they can make the Generator process Fuel more efficiently, give it the ability to process different types of Fuel, and more. Players can gain access to these upgrades by researching Ideas in Generator Upgrade I, II, and III (Idea Tree: Heating), and strategy game fans should make sure to pursue the upgrades that align with the resources that are available to them. For example, it would be unwise to select the Oil Pumps upgrade, which makes the Generator burn Oil exclusively, if there is no Oil in sight.

Generator Overdrive

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

A player can swiftly boost the performance of their Generator by engaging its “Turbo Mode”. However, keep in mind that this isn’t a permanent solution to Heat Shortage, as Turbo Mode also intensifies the Generator’s wear and tear. Therefore, enthusiasts of post-apocalyptic games should consider exploring alternative methods for managing Heat needs during this enhanced functionality.

Decrease District Workforce

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

While this has been touched upon in the section on Production Efficiency, it is important to emphasize that players can always decrease their Heat demand by reducing the Workforce in, or even shutting down, a District. Again, survival game fans can reduce a District’s Workforce by selecting the District and moving its Workforce slider to the left, and they can see how their adjustments impact overall resource output by looking at the Resource Drawer at the top of the screen.

In an ideal scenario, players should avoid reducing any resource output when modifying their Workforce. However, in Frostpunk 2, a resource’s output can momentarily dip below zero if the player has excess reserves and the adjustment significantly helps alleviate Heat Scarcity. It is crucial to be aware of this, especially during periods when heat demand spikes, such as Whiteouts. In such situations, it may be beneficial to shut down districts and utilize stockpiled resources instead, until the event passes.


Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold

In Frostpunk 2, adequate shelter is another crucial aspect affecting cold, and gamers aiming to tackle this urban challenge should ensure their accommodations can house their expanding [LINK]Population. Similar to Heat Shortage, players will recognize the onset of Shelter Deficiency when they see a red bar below the house symbol in the Resource Interface at the game’s top, and here are suggestions for handling this situation:

Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Build additional Housing Districts. Each one provides 20 Shelter by default.
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Expand Housing Districts. Expanded Housing Districts provide 25 Shelter by default.
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Research Ideas in these nodes, which give access to Buildings that increase Shelter, and build them in the appropriate Districts:
    • Housing Block (Idea Tree: City)
    • Worker’s Housing (Idea Tree: City)
  • Research an Idea in this node, and then pass it as a Law:
    • Housing Distribution (Idea Tree: City)
Frostpunk 2: How to Decrease Cold
  • Transfer Population to an established Colony or Settlement. Players will gain access to this option as they explore the [LINK]Frostland in Frostpunk 2.

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2024-09-17 20:25