Frostpunk 2: Should You Banish, Seek Reconciliation, Or Enforce Order?

Frostpunk 2: Should You Banish, Seek Reconciliation, Or Enforce Order?

As a seasoned survivor and ardent Frostpunk 2 enthusiast, having weathered countless storms and political turmoils in my time as the city’s steward, I must say that the final chapter presents us with a formidable challenge indeed. The radicalized faction’s discontent has reached boiling point, and it’s up to us to navigate this crisis without losing our grip on the city.

In the concluding part of Frostpunk 2, the storyline reaches a critical juncture where internal strife has overwhelmed the city, causing two major factions to emerge. One faction, driven by extreme ideologies, voices their discontent through demonstrations, kidnappings, and violent uprisings. Continued unrest leads to a significant deterioration of your leadership capacity as the city’s administrator.

As a gamer, here I am at a crucial juncture where I get to decide the course of action. I can choose to exile the extremist group, strive for peace between the two warring factions, or impose order and halt political dialogues with either side. If I’m pondering over the repercussions of each choice and how they influence the game storyline, this guide will offer some insight into the effects of my decisions.

Banishing The Radicalized Faction In Frostpunk 2

Frostpunk 2: Should You Banish, Seek Reconciliation, Or Enforce Order?

If you decide to exclude the extremist group, it’s crucial to first lower the city’s alert level from Critical to High. After achieving this balance, maintaining peace and avoiding any future upheavals caused by the group, like persistent demonstrations or riots, will be essential.

To relocate a group, it’s essential to scout the Frostlands for a suitable settlement site. After identifying the spot, make sure to arrange essential supplies such as fuel, housing, provisions, and resources necessary for their livelihood.

You should consider choosing the option of banishing the radicalized faction if their motivations don’t align with your ambitions for the city, or if you simply don’t like them.

Seeking Reconciliation Between Opposing Factions In Frostpunk 2

Frostpunk 2: Should You Banish, Seek Reconciliation, Or Enforce Order?

Opting for reconciliation among the conflicting groups demands the most effort and promises the most favorable outcome in the game. Initially, you focus on reducing city tension from Catastrophic to Critical, followed by engaging in dialogues with each faction to enhance their trust in your governance. These discussions might encompass exploring concepts suggested by the factions, constructing or dismantling specific buildings, or implementing or rescinding certain regulations.

Frostpunk 2: Should You Banish, Seek Reconciliation, Or Enforce Order?

In the face of three options, reaching reconciliation proves the hardest path, as factions might refuse negotiation if laws like Sterilization or Human Experimentation are enforced. To move forward with a peace treaty, it’s crucial to abolish these contentious laws first. Additionally, quelling protests across different districts necessitates deploying approximately 40–60 guards to restore order.

To keep your leadership position in the city, make sure your trust doesn’t drop below the Tolerated level. If you fail to meet the demands of both factions, it could lead to your overthrow. After satisfying their negotiation requirements, you should present the Peace Accords at the council meeting to halt demonstrations and establish peace.

If you aim to deftly handle negotiation difficulties, it might be beneficial to explore the possibility of reconciliation. This approach could help in persuading both parties to abandon their conflicts and instead, follow the path towards peace.

Seeking reconciliation is slightly easier if your trust level is above the Respected stage.

Enforcing Order In Frostpunk 2

Frostpunk 2: Should You Banish, Seek Reconciliation, Or Enforce Order?

Ultimately, you may decide to assert control by utilizing your militia to quell the disputes among factions. To formalize this authority, you’ll need to propose and pass the Captain’s Authority Act in the council. This act can only be implemented when you select the ‘Enforce Order’ option. Remember that any law giving you more power necessitates a two-thirds majority (67 or more votes) within the council. However, the council is more likely to vote for such laws when the city is on the verge of collapse.

Nevertheless, the Captain’s authority isn’t immediately accessible. Before gaining access to it, you need to enact certain rules falling under the “Rule” category first.

  • Guard Enforcers
  • Steward’s Militia
  • Martial Law


  • Guided Voting
  • Bureau of Propaganda
  • Secret Police

After asserting your authority as Captain, all protests and unrest in the city cease, and factions lose their enthusiasm. At this point, trust no longer factors into how your leadership is perceived, and the council will vote according to your wishes. Despite this, you’ll still need to tackle several objectives related to dealing with the extremist factions.

Once the Captain’s Authority Act is in effect, it’s essential that you maintain a minimum of 45 reserve guards to uphold your authority. Additionally, you will need to establish two distinct zones to accommodate the rival factions and construct watchtowers to preserve their segregation.

Frostpunk 2: Should You Banish, Seek Reconciliation, Or Enforce Order?

An alternative approach would be to take control by leading a rebellion against the council, forming an army of 200 guards, and subsequently assuming the role of captain. This method skips the process of passing the Captain’s Authority law, but amassing such a large group of guards proves challenging.

Opting for Strict Order can result in the most unfavorable outcome within the game, so make this decision if you’re intent on following the old captain’s path – or if you aim to crush the quarrelling groups decisively!

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2024-10-04 08:03