Gallywix’s Downfall: The Greedy Goblin’s Ironic Fate Unveiled!

Jastor Gallywix has been World of Warcraft’s archetypal demagogue since the goblins first saw profit in joining the Horde. He’s been the de facto head of the Bilgewater Cartel for years, and as long as he made money, the Horde leaders looked the other way. But his dicey practices and loose morals were bound to catch up to him, and at long last, this scheming kingpin has been cornered.

The Trade Prince’s story is a repeated obsession with one goal over all others, and that’s profit. The best example of this lies in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm’s goblin starting zone, on the island of Kezan. Gallywix was in charge of operating a lucrative Kaja’mite mine inside the island’s active volcano. When the mountain erupted with molten fury, Gallywix didn’t hesitate to spin the tragedy in his favor. Since he possessed the only boat to safety, all goblins on the island were forced to give up everything they had, including their freedom, just to avoid certain death.

Gallywix Made His Debut in WoW: Cataclysm

This gluttonous disregard for ethics is evident from the moment players meet the Trade Prince, and is a central part of his character. Unlike many other villains, Jastor Gallywix has never been too concerned with hiding his nature, and the Horde accepted a partnership with his cartel, knowing full well that he cared nothing for honor or bravery. Efficiency, however, was his forte, and the Bilgewater’s ideas would prove to be, if not useful, then certainly entertaining.

In Battle for Azeroth, Gallywix’s enterprise was among the first to discover Azerite, a volatile and powerful mineral that he quickly learned to weaponize. Sylvanas Windrunner was pleased with this turn of events, and would allow Gallywix full rein in exploiting the planet’s lifeblood, as long as he put it to good use against the Horde’s enemies. When Sylvanas was deposed, tolerance for Gallywix’s methods began to wear thin.

Fleeing the Horde and Meeting Xal’atath

Gallywix had never been well-liked, but his extravagant antics and remorseless greed tended to drive away what few allies he had. After Battle for Azeroth, the new Horde resolved to rid themselves of Jastor’s amoral methods, and the former Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel was forced to flee. This didn’t sit well with the Big G, and he returned to the subterranean goblin city of Undermine to rebuild his influence.

Ever bitter about his deposition, Gallywix was a pawn ripe for manipulation. The Void’s Harbinger, Xal’atath, having woven her delectable schemes with such care, spotted an opportunity in the errant Trade Prince. Like she had so many others, she promised him power and profit beyond his wildest dreams, but also threatened him with unavoidable wrath if he failed. Gallywix managed to scrape together a new cartel of mercenaries, known as the Darkfuse, and with the help of Xal’atath, quickly gained control over the entire goblin underworld.

How Gallywix Seized Control of Undermine

The other cartels in Undermine, namely the Steamwheedle, Venture Company, and Blackwater, were quickly brought into line by Gallywix’s new Black Blood weaponry, courtesy of Xal’atath. This Void-powered arsenal forced the loyalty and cooperation of everyone in Undermine, no matter what Jastor demanded in return. Undermine had always been a chaotic anarcho-capitalist city, but under Gallywix’s thumb, no one could fight back.

After Gallywix had abandoned it, the Bilgewater Cartel remained loyal to Horde, now led by Gazlowe, a goblin of far more sound ethics. During the War Within, it’s Monte Gazlowe who leads players into his old hometown to put a stop to Gallywix’s schemes and liberate goblins once and for all. In the Undermine zone’s raid, the final boss is Jastor himself, albeit holed up in an enormous, mechanical, and weaponized mech made in his image.

A Bitterly Ironic Demise

Naturally, he is defeated by Azeroth’s heroes, and Gallywix tries to blame the robot head for his failure, unaware of how precariously it was positioned above him. Despite a warning from Gazlowe, Jastor is crushed by his own titanic visage, an apt end for a goblin whose greed and hubris ushered in his ultimate downfall. Trade Prince Gallywix will be missed by players for his quirky antics and honest villainy, but at least lore-wise, no one will mourn the loss of World of Warcraft’s most prolific kingpin.

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2025-03-16 20:36