Games That Open With The Protagonist’s Death

Games That Open With The Protagonist's Death

Key Takeaways

  • Killing the protagonist early in a game is attention-grabbing, and continuing the story past their death can be incredibly impactful.
  • Before Your Eyes uses eye-tracking to delve into memories, offering unique gameplay and afterlife exploration.
  • Various games like Murdered: Soul Suspect, Vampyr, and Mass Effect 2 challenge norms by exploring death, ghosts, and resurrection.

As a seasoned gamer, I must admit that starting a game with a character’s death is quite intriguing. It adds a sense of urgency and gravity to the storyline, making the player eager to uncover the mysteries surrounding the characters’ lives and deaths.

Characters who are central to a work of media, like movies or video games, are usually the main movers. They allow viewers or players to delve into the world and narrative, cheer them on, and sometimes, in the case of video games, control their actions. In most cases, creators avoid killing the game’s main character because it forms a connection with the audience. However, if death does occur, it typically happens towards the end of the game’s plotline.

Starting a video game with the main character dying early on in the opening scenes can definitely catch a player’s interest. To hold that attention, the narrative could progress beyond the character’s demise. This might involve a flash-forward, an exploration of the afterlife, or some other unique approach. Regardless, it takes courage to begin a game this way, and more often than not, it proves to be effective.

6 Before Your Eyes

Embark On A Unique Journey To The Afterlife

Games That Open With The Protagonist's Death

This one-of-a-kind and groundbreaking video game, titled “Before Your Eyes“, stands out not just for its intriguing storyline but also its distinctive gameplay. The game employs eye-tracking technology to recreate the protagonist’s memories, with the aim of determining whether he is deemed worthy by the Gatekeeper for passage into paradise. Instead of conventional controls, the character interacts with the game world and communicates with the ferryman by blinking – a method players will use throughout their journey.

But the story of death and moving on are just as equally worthy of attention. So many games focus on life and staying alive that playing a game exploring what comes after is truly special and unique. The game will recount Benny’s memories from childhood to his death, showing an ordinary life that most people could likely relate to, making it all the more impactful.

5 Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines

Become One Of White Wolf’s Legendary Vampires

Games That Open With The Protagonist's Death

In role-playing game (RPG) circles, “Bloodlines” is notorious for its complex history yet boasts one of the most enthusiastic and devoted fanbases ever. Originating from the tabletop RPG “Vampire: The Masquerade”, “Bloodlines” starts with your character being unwittingly transformed into a vampire, then thrown headlong into the unforgiving world of darkness without mercy. The Camarilla’s prince orders the execution of their sire and assigns you the task of demonstrating your worth.

Characters journey through the game world disguised as a vampire, trying hard to conceal their supernatural identity from other characters while accomplishing assigned missions. They may occasionally encounter hostile figures like other vampires, hunters, and so forth. Exploring Los Angeles from a blood-drinking perspective offers a unique, entertaining, yet imperfect experience that many players are bound to enjoy.

4 Murdered: Soul Suspect

A Murdered Detective Must Solve His Own Murder

Games That Open With The Protagonist's Death

Detectives are skilled at resolving homicides, and after several years in service, there isn’t much that would surprise them. However, even with his extensive experience, Detective Ronan O’Connor is about to accomplish something unprecedented in his career – solving the murder of himself posthumously.

As a gamer, I’m super excited about the upcoming game where I embody Bell Killer’s latest victim, Detective O’Connor, who unfortunately became a ghost after crossing paths with this notorious serial killer. The twist? I’ve got to help him complete his final mission before I can move on.

3 MediEvil

Dan Was Brought Down By The First Arrow In The Fight For Gallowmere

Games That Open With The Protagonist's Death

In the classic PS1 game called “MediEvil,” the protagonist, Dan, is recognized for his skeletal form. However, it’s important to note that Dan wasn’t always a skeleton. The story revolves around Dan, who had to battle against an undead army. There were rumors circulating about his bravery in combat and his role in securing the victory, even claiming he was the one who killed the leader of the undead. Sadly, poor Dan didn’t get much fighting time, as he met his untimely end with the very first arrow that was fired at him.

In a surprising turn of events, Dan meets an unusual end – both comical and disgraceful. Yet, this death isn’t his final act. Zarok, in a twisted move, resurrects Dan as a skeleton, plunging the land into eternal night and raising more undead for his army. Now, Dan stands as Gallowmere’s sole beacon of hope to vanquish the wicked Zarok, rescue the realm, and if feasible, earn a place in the halls of heroes – a privilege he was previously denied due to his dishonorable demise.

2 Vampyr

Jonathan’s Journey Begins At His End

Games That Open With The Protagonist's Death

Previously associated with the game “Life is Strange,” Dontnod Entertainment has since moved beyond time travel themes and teenage melodrama to explore a darker, more mature narrative – namely, “Vampyr.” Set in early 20th century London, this gothic tale delves into the world of vampires, offering a somber and melancholic experience. Despite variations in the vampire lore across different adaptations, one consistent element remains: each character succumbs to death during transformation, rising as an undead creature with an insatiable hunger for blood.

In the game titled “Vampyr“, the storyline commences with Jonathan Reid, who managed to survive the war, returning home, but tragically succumbing to death at the claws of a supernatural entity in his native land. This initiates Jonathan’s afterlife, where he grapples with his insatiable thirst for blood and the oath he swore when he became a physician. The notion of a vampire doctor might appear paradoxical, but it is this internal struggle that gives the game an engaging twist.

1 Mass Effect 2

The Second Installment Starts With A Bang

Games That Open With The Protagonist's Death

In the second part of the Mass Effect series, players encounter new elements such as Cerberus and the Collectors. The game starts with an unforgettable scene where the Normandy is assaulted by a mysterious ship, compelling the crew to abandon it. Selflessly, Shepard ensures everyone else safely evacuates before them, but unfortunately, they don’t manage to board an escape pod and perish in space due to asphyxiation.

Instead of creating a new character, Cerberus meticulously rebuilds Shepard’s body and revives them to combat the Collectors. The death and subsequent resurrection of Shepard significantly affects former allies, romantic interests, and leads to more significant repercussions in Mass Effect 3.

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2024-08-28 08:33