Games With Really Unique Control Schemes

Games With Really Unique Control Schemes

Key Takeaways

  • Katamari Damacy uses both sticks for movement, adding weight and precision to player control.
  • Dark Souls’ use of shoulder and trigger buttons for attacks was revolutionary in the gaming industry.
  • Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons has a unique control scheme using analog sticks and shoulder buttons.

As a seasoned gamer with decades of controller-grinding under my belt, I can attest to the monotony that ensues from playing games with the same old controls. It’s like eating the same meal every day – after a while, even the most delectable dish becomes bland. That’s why I appreciate games that dare to innovate and offer something fresh.

Many video games aim to be as user-friendly as they can, which is a fresh approach indeed. Yet, it often results in most games using similar control systems and gameplay patterns, which can grow monotonous for players seeking something unique. Fortunately, some games have caught on to this trend and endeavored to introduce novelty in one way or another. Games that dare to experiment with unconventional controls instead of relying on what’s proven should be commended for their efforts.

Eventually, players may grow tired of repeatedly executing the same actions through button presses. Changing how a controller responds could significantly maintain interest, as players are challenged to learn and excel with novel controls from the start, even in games that might seem challenging initially.

5 Katamari Damacy

Players Use Both Sticks To Roll The Sphere Around, Adding More Weight To The Prince’s Movement

Among the most unusual games for gamers to explore is the title “Katamari Damacy“. In this game, players assume the role of a prince on a mission to rectify his father’s mistakes and repopulate the cosmos by creating planets anew. The prince accomplishes this task by rolling a magical sticky ball that collects everything it touches. Despite its seemingly absurd premise, players will find themselves gradually embracing the gameplay mechanics, striving to dodge larger objects while growing their collection as expansively as possible until they have dominion over the entire level, allowing them to play and explore at will.

As I maneuver this colossal orb through the cosmos, I find myself immersed in its gravitational pull, thanks to the deft control offered by those twin joysticks. The hefty response they provide makes me feel like I’m actually propelling this gargantuan object, pushing past obstacles and working tirelessly towards achieving each level’s objectives. The precision these sticks offer is crucial when dodging hazards and large objects, allowing me to roll over everything in my path. Each successful roll brings me one step closer to creating another star or planet in the universe.

4 Dark Souls

Using Shoulder And Trigger Buttons To Unleash Attacks Was Revolutionary At The Time

The game Dark Souls, regarded as one of the best video games ever, has significantly influenced the gaming world. Many other games have attempted to replicate its success in various ways, including combat mechanics. Notably, several games have adopted the use of shoulder and trigger buttons for attacks, which is now quite common in gaming. However, this was not the norm when Demon’s Souls and its sequel first introduced this control scheme.

Reflecting on it now, it’s amusing how gamers criticized this control scheme back then, not realizing that it enabled them to dodge, heal, and prepare attacks simultaneously. While it might not appear groundbreaking at first glance, the extraordinary popularity of Dark Souls has made this unconventional approach to attacking a standard that many players have grown accustomed to. In its own way, FromSoftware’s masterpiece revolutionized the gaming world for years, paving the path for future titles.


A Hilarious Game Where Players Use A Designated Key For Every Limb To Move The Character

  • Platforms: PC, Mobile
  • Release Date: November 12, 2008
  • Developer: Bennet Foddy
  • Genre: Sports

Bennet Foddy is famously known for turning basic game movements into incredibly difficult tasks within video games, and this quirky style is evident in the game QWOP. This peculiar game gained massive popularity when it first came out, as players had to manage one of the most uncontrollable track athletes ever created, attempting to reach the 100m finish line by separately controlling his thighs and calves.

Playing this game results in a mix of laughter and annoyance since players frequently trip up multiple times before advancing. Mastery requires learning to control the runner’s muscles effectively to reach the finish line. Although it may appear silly, the satisfaction felt when achieving what initially seemed impossible is rare among games, underscoring why Bennet Foddy has gained acclaim in video game development, thanks in part to this popular viral creation.

2 The World Ends With You

The DS Version Of The Game Used Both Screens For Simultaneous Combat

The Nintendo DS was a distinctive portable gaming device, and numerous games took advantage of its dual screens to create exceptional gaming experiences. It’s worth noting that The World Ends with You might be considered the most impressive application of this feature on the handheld. Players quickly realized why this game stood out when they engaged in combat. This action RPG offered a unique mechanic where players could control two characters at once, one using the D-pad and buttons, and the other through touch controls during battle scenarios.

Just as you might anticipate, the battle scenes were hectic and disorderly, but they became enjoyable once players grasped the basics. It was an engaging way to utilize the Nintendo DS, and it’s unfortunate that remakes of this game had to forgo this mechanic in order to function on a single screen. If you happen to own a DS, experiencing The World Ends with You is practically essential to appreciate the inventiveness of the developers when working with the handheld’s hardware.

1 Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons

Each Brother Is Controlled With An Analog Stick And The Respective Shoulder Button

For an authentic experience of the distinctive gameplay that set Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons apart, it’s recommended to play this game individually rather than in co-op mode. Although controlling two characters simultaneously might sound peculiar, using the left and right analog sticks and shoulder buttons on each side of the controller to manage both brothers creates an engaging and one-of-a-kind gaming experience.

The engaging and enjoyable gameplay of “Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons” is supported by a surprisingly touching storyline, which successfully evokes tears from players even though it lacks intelligible dialogue. This remarkable feat underscores why this game played a significant role in establishing Josef Fares as a well-known figure in the gaming industry.

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2024-10-11 08:05