Gears of War: E-Day Should Make Marcus a More Complex Character

Gears of War: E-Day Should Make Marcus a More Complex Character

Key Takeaways

  • Gears of War: E-Day delves into Emergence Day, showing the darkest event yet in the series.
  • The game can explore a side of Marcus Fenix not yet seen in the series, using E-Day as a catalyst for his growth.
  • Marcus could face unavoidable moral dilemmas due to the suddenness and unpreparedness of Emergence Day.

As a longtime fan who has seen Marcus Fenix go through hell and back, I am beyond excited for the upcoming release of Gears of War: E-Day. This prequel promises to delve deeper into Emergence Day, a pivotal event that shaped not only the Gears of War universe but also our beloved protagonist, Marcus Fenix.

Instead of anticipating the next Gears of War installment as Gears 6, fans are in for a surprise as The Coalition unveiled something different – Gears of War: E-Day. This prequel to the original Gears of War series focuses on the ominous Emergence Day when the Locust Horde burst through Sera’s surface and attacked humanity. In the first 26 hours, over a quarter of the human population was eradicated, with millions more unaccounted for. As a result, Gears of War: E-Day is shaping up to be the darkest game in the series thus far.

As a dedicated Gears of War fan, I’m eagerly anticipating the upcoming game, “Gears of War: E-Day.” With its focus on the catastrophic event that shook the universe, this new installment has a unique opportunity to delve deeper into the complex character of our franchise hero, Marcus Fenix.

Gears of War: E-Day Can Afford to Make Marcus a More Complex Character

Gears of War: E-Day Could Show More of Marcus’ Softer Side

In the initial Gears of War trilogy, the character Marcus Fenix progressively develops into a more complex individual, yet much of his depth is hidden behind a veil of apathy and detachment. It’s clear that Marcus owes some part of his identity to this distinctive stoic demeanor, but it wasn’t always a part of him. The game Gears of War: E-Day could explore the differences in Marcus’ personality before and after E-Day, as he was a soldier for the Coalition of Ordered Governments (COG) during the Pendulum Wars, which might have shaped his attitude differently than it is now.

Displaying the events preceding Marcus’ transformation shown in the original Gears of War trilogy, as depicted in a hypothetical Gears of War: E-Day, would significantly deepen our understanding and empathy for the character Marcus has become.

The Suddenness of Emergence Day Could Present Marcus Fenix With Unavoidable Moral Dilemmas

One significant factor leading to the calamity known as Emergence Day was Sera’s lack of readiness for the incident. Despite the Locust Horde dwelling underground for decades, their presence was mainly concealed from those above ground – even from COG soldiers like Marcus Fenix and Dom Santiago, who are key characters in Gears of War: E-Day. The Emergence Day event transpired merely six weeks following the conclusion of the 79-year-long Pendulum Wars, leaving military forces and Sera’s infrastructure significantly depleted when the invasion occurred.

In the unexpected arrival of Emergence Day and Sera being caught off guard by the invasion, Marcus might find himself confronted with moral quandaries he can’t escape in “Gears of War: E-Day”. The surprise nature of E-Day took even the COG unawares, making it possible for Marcus to encounter tough choices that test his ethical standards. This could be made more complex by Chairman Prescott’s questionable decisions, such as initiating a barrage of Hammer of Dawn strikes against the Locust Horde, which led to the deaths of millions due to insufficient notice given.

There’s certainly room for expansion on Marcus Fenix’s character in a potential story like “Gears of War: E-Day“. If it dares to explore uncharted territories, it could reveal hidden aspects of Marcus or present him with challenging dilemmas that only the events of E-Day can trigger. In this way, “Gears of War: E-Day” might unlock a more multidimensional Marcus Fenix.

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2024-09-12 18:04