Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus


  • Ghost of Tsushima’s New Game Plus mode offers players a fresh challenge with increased difficulty and new content.
  • Players can expect to start over with some progress reverted to zero, while keeping key unlocks and gear.
  • The update also introduces new features like a unique horse, charms, and gear options for a more immersive experience.

In the realm of exceptional games known for their captivating gameplay and stunning graphics, Ghost of Tsushima stands out. This masterpiece is now offering an expansive, no-cost expansion for those who have thoroughly explored its island world. Sucker Punch has introduced a significant multiplayer component with the Legends mode to their original creation. Furthermore, they’ve given devoted fans an extra incentive by adding New Game Plus, allowing them to replay the game with enhanced challenges and rewards.

But what is this New Game Plus mode? The description states that the story will start over but upgrades, unlocks, and gear will stay. That’s not entirely true, the story begins after the first siege of Tsushima and a few unlocks sneakily do revert back to zero. Also, some magnificent new facets weren’t advertised at all. Here is a deep dive into Ghost of Tsushima‘s New Game Plus that will help players understand exactly what to look forward to (and what to dread) when giving this new mode a shot.

How To Unlock New Game Plus & What It Is

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

For individuals who haven’t finished “Ghost of Tsushima” yet, there’s no need to concern yourself with New Game Plus just yet. This mode becomes accessible only after successfully completing the entire campaign. While it’s not mandatory to finish every side mission or collect all the items, it is essential to wrap up the main storyline and engage in the battle during the epilogue.

Players can look forward to experiencing the entire game anew with all plot developments initially reset. The following sections will delve into the specifics regarding what aspects are affected and which remain constant. However, it’s essential to note that mission progress will begin anew, starting immediately post-invasion events.

12 Ammo & Currency Are Gone

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

As a seasoned gamer, I’m thrilled to share that in New Game Plus, Jin Sakai keeps his impressive toolkit at hand. The stances and grappling hook, which are usually obtained through missions, are now readily available from the get-go. So, without any frets, I can pick up my preferred sword and dive right into conquering every duel the game has to offer.

Inexplicably absent from the satchel are all items: no wood, no fabric, no metal, and no merchandise. No provisions whatsoever. Arrows have vanished, yet bows remain unscathed. A crucial takeaway is to invest in gear improvements prior to initiating New Game Plus, as equipment persists but the constituent components do not.

11 Map Is Hidden

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

As a passionate fan of “Ghost of Tsushima,” it’s no secret that this game sets the bar high in the gaming world. However, even the best have their imperfections. One issue that has left many fans scratching their heads is the chore of clearing the fog of war. Despite our deep-rooted love for this masterpiece, we can’t ignore this minor annoyance.

In New Game Plus, the thick fog has returned with increased intensity. Regrettably, this encompasses the fast travel points as well, meaning there’s no shortcut for traveling swiftly to clear the fog. The quest of amassing every weapon in the game must now be accomplished through walking or riding a horse.

10 Exploration Collection Is Gone

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

Despite all the positive developments ahead, it’s essential to address the disappointing news first. As mentioned in the description, Vanity Gear remains in your inventory. However, the progress tracker resets back to zero out of 59. Let’s hope some classic gaming memes can help ease the frustration this unfortunate setback may cause.

In the Exploration Collection, every item aside from the sword kit skins and cosmetics is now completely empty. You can immediately use these newly acquired rewards, including Ghost Flowers obtained from discovering their originating spots. However, reaching a full collection requires starting anew from the beginning.

9 Artifact Collection Is Intact

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

After disposing of items in the other two tabs, the situation appeared bleak for the artifacts. This realization brought about a considerable sense of fear since some of these relics are extremely elusive and retrieving them was not a welcome prospect. It’s significantly simpler to hunt down all the archery challenges compared to tracking down these valuable pieces of history.

I’m glad this tab escaped the fate of the others unharmed. The Artifact Collection remains untouched with the Sashimono Banners and their accompanying saddles still in place. No need for me to search every battlefield and graveyard again, as Sucker Punch saw fit to do it only once.

8 Charms Are Still There

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

Upon starting the game, several players were infuriated when they discovered that their weapon Charms were conspicuously absent. The disappointment over losing access to some of the game’s most coveted Charms is a sentiment many can empathize with.

Despite having unequipped the Charms, they remain in your inventory, joined by any previously acquired Charms before initiating New Game Plus. This means the Charm of Inari is still accessible, ensuring progress on shrines does not eliminate these prized possessions. Additionally, all animal sanctuary locations continue to offer their services in this game mode, allowing for continued interactions with beloved animal friends.

7 Extra Upgrades

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

In the world of “Ghost of Tsushima,” every player has a preferred armor set for Jin Sakai, sparking lively discussions about which ones excel and where to acquire them. The game caters to various playstyles and aesthetic inclinations by offering an impressive range of armor options.

Prepare to experience an enhanced sense of coziness in your cherished armor collection. A new improvement grants most items a twofold boost to their previous values for widely beloved characters. Additionally, katanas, bows, and half-bows undergo an upgrade as well, gaining their own bonus enhancement spots.

6 Skippable Cutscenes

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

Many gamers have expressed a strong desire for the option to bypass cutscenes in “Ghost of Tsushima” and return to gameplay as soon as possible. Regrettably, this feature is unavailable during the opening New Game mode. Instead, players are obliged to watch every cinematic sequence in its entirety with no option to fast-forward.

With New Game Plus, players can bypass cutscenes right from the start. This feature quickly advances past the initial long cutscene depicting the Mongol invasion of Tsushima Island, leading directly into gameplay. In every subsequent instance, players have the option to press a button indicated on screen during a scene to jump ahead.

5 Increased Difficulty

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

In the game, Jin commences his adventure with all his armor and abilities in place. However, the challenge level significantly increases as enemies inflict more damage on the player compared to the standard difficulty setting. At Normal+, adversaries deal heavier blows than at Normal. Consequently, employing defensive charms that enhance durability becomes essential.

As a gamer at Lethal+, I can tell you that the experience is unlike any other. Here, we’re not just playing a game; we’re surviving a relentless onslaught. Every mistake could cost us dearly, so we have to be on top of our game. The Tadayori Turret and Sarugami parry machine, once thought of as quirky or broken builds, suddenly gain newfound value in the heat of battle against the Mongol horde.

4 New Horse & Saddle

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

Take a close examination of the fresh promotional images for Ghost of Tsushima‘s New Game Plus feature. The game boasts stunning visuals, making it an irresistible subject for photographers, thanks to its exceptional photo mode. It’s natural to be captivated by Jin Sakai’s eye-catching new cape and armor, but remember, there’s a new horse in town that players haven’t encountered before.

In the beginning of New Game Plus, you’ll be given a black horse with a vivid red mane and tail, along with a brand new, red saddle. You won’t have to struggle locating a stable or the saddle merchant; instead, the opening scene shows Jin riding proudly on the horse, adorned with the fresh saddle.

3 New Charms

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

From the latest supplier, you can buy some distinctive Charms. One of them offers the opportunity for a bolt of lightning to hit an adversary following the usage of Heavenly Strike. Another Charm is solely aesthetic and amplifies the graphic violence during battles.

While some of these new Charms may seem beneficial for dealing with the Mongol horde, be cautious as a couple of them could actually hinder your build’s effectiveness. For instance, one Charm causes any damage to result in instant death, another removes all drops from slain enemies, and a third increases resolve costs by double. Beware!

2 New Dyes & Gear

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

In the authentic and engrossing world of “Ghost of Tsushima,” history comes alive with a fresh, modern twist. Players can enhance their experience by acquiring new hats, face coverings, and dyes for these items, as well as discovering some novel designs for previously existing gear.

If the game’s narrative becomes too gloomy for your taste, try bringing a touch of vibrancy to the darker moments with Baku’s stunning new design additions. As a fan, I can’t wait to see how these new elements enhance the stealth experience and add a splash of color to the otherwise somber storylines.

1 Ghost Flower Rewards

Ghost Of Tsushima: 10 Things You Should Know About New Game Plus

When the news reached the community about the need for a new type of flower for these latest additions, a collective sigh of disappointment echoed through the air. Agriculture of these blooms had been a laborious task before, and few were excited at the prospect of taking it up once more.

Adjusting to the other modifications in this list may require some effort, but acquiring Ghost Flowers will be effortless; they have supplanted nearly all prior rewards. Liberate a city? Reap some Ghost Flowers. Rescue someone’s son? Ghost Flowers are your reward. Thus, anticipate swiftly earning them during New Game Plus.

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2024-07-14 05:54