God of War Ragnarok: Every Spartan Rage, Ranked

God of War Ragnarok: Every Spartan Rage, Ranked

As someone who has spent countless hours swinging my axe and clashing blades with the mighty Spartan Kratos, I must say that the new Rage abilities in God of War: Ragnarok are nothing short of breathtaking! Among them, the latest addition – Wrath – caught my eye for its raw power and simplicity.

In hack & slash games, powered-up states weren’t created by God of War initially, but the series has significantly influenced their usage, particularly with the combination of L3 and R3 buttons to activate them. Each installment in the franchise offered a unique twist on this “Rage” state, such as the original game’s Rage of the Gods, the enhanced Rage of the Titans from God of War 2, and the more intricate Rage of Sparta in God of War 3. However, the 2018 God of War game marked a significant shift, overhauling everything from the Norse setting to the new, intimate combat style.

In the latest installment, God of War Ragnarok, Kratos retains only his Spartan Rage. This ability transforms him into a frenzied warrior, attacking anything in sight with his bare hands. While enjoyable and useful, it could have benefited from more variety. Now, players are given the option to choose among three distinct types of Spartan Rage, each having its advantages and disadvantages. Players have discovered different applications for each one, but some prove more effective in overall combat than others. Here’s a rundown of every Spartan Rage, ranked based on their versatility.

4 Legacy

Driven by the Rage of Sparta

God of War Ragnarok: Every Spartan Rage, Ranked

  • Appears in: Valhalla – Homecoming.
  • It allows Kratos to use the Blade of Olympus in combat.
  • Doesn’t heal Status Ailments on Activation.

The artifact called Legacy is encountered within the Chamber of Sacrifice during the Valhalla DLC expansion. Consequently, this item can exclusively be employed in the main campaign when replaying with New Game+ settings. Unlike the Boons of Valor, Wrath, and Fury, Legacy doesn’t have its own inherent enchantment. However, it allows Kratos to wield the Blade of Olympus, the mighty sword that Zeus once utilized to cast Titans into Tartarus, and the same weapon Kratos employed to slay numerous gods and titans himself. The Legacy served as the foundation for his Rage of Sparta in GoW3, making it fitting to reintroduce it here as a new Rage form.

As a die-hard fan, I’d say the Blade’s lethargic strikes pack a punch like no other, boasting more base strength than Kratos’ standard weapons. What’s more, it endures the longest among all Rages, draining the meter gradually during use. Plus, it rewards Kratos with a bit of health with each successful block and charged attack – a valuable perk since it’s the sole source of healing in this case, unlike other Rages that offer life boosts upon activation or remove status afflictions.

As a devoted fan, I find that wielding The Blade reminds me of Kratos acquiring a weapon that requires Rage to activate, as opposed to it being a permanent Rage state. Given that it can only be utilized in NG+ following the conquest of Valhalla, it’s likely to be less powerful than Kratos’ upgraded weapons at that stage, and even weaker compared to other Rages. Nevertheless, it’s reassuring to know that players will have something worthwhile to spend their residual resources (ingredients and hacksilver) on once they’ve optimized everything else.

3 Valor

Saves the Amateurs and Rewards Expertise

God of War Ragnarok: Every Spartan Rage, Ranked
  • Appears in: Chapter 5 – The Lost Sanctuary.
  • Exchanges Rage for Health, and can parry enemy attacks for a bigger health and strength boost.
  • Heals Status Ailments on Activation.

During the game, Valor emerges midway, disrupting Kratos’ reunion with Atreus following his expedition to Jotunheim, which is initiated by Vanadis. This feature enables the player to utilize some Rage for recovering health. If used just before an enemy’s imminent attack, it nullifies the damage, disorients the enemy, restores additional health, and temporarily boosts the power of subsequent attacks. It proves particularly useful when Kratos is low on health or to mitigate severe penalties if he misses an attack.

Instead, consider this rephrasing: The item’s power and restorative effects are only triggered when used correctly at the opportune moment. Misjudging the timing means no benefits. Moreover, it performs optimally with certain charms, but they can amplify both the advantage and the danger. For instance, the Valor Boon amplifies its strength boost and allows Kratos to siphon health from enemies temporarily, yet weakens its healing capacity in return.

Inexperienced gamers might discover that this tool serves as a swift healing option amidst or post battles against multiple foes. Yet, seasoned players are likely to derive more benefits from it due to its intricate time-dependent bonuses and potentially hazardous enhancements.

2 Wrath

A Big Burst of Anger

God of War Ragnarok: Every Spartan Rage, Ranked
  • Appears in: Chapter 11 – Unleashing Hel.
  • Spends Rage on one big attack with Kratos’ equipped weapon.
  • Heals Status Ailments on Activation, and doubles damage on afflicted enemies with enchantments.

As a passionate enthusiast, I’d express it like this: In the thrilling world of God of War, the new rage called “Wrath” has made its grand entrance! This fury comes into play after my boy Atreus wreaks havoc in Helheim, forcing Kratos to defend Sindri’s abode from those ominous Hel-Walkers. Unlike Valor, which emphasizes strategic defense, Wrath is all about going on the aggressive. It boosts the impact of your weapon and increases its damage – for instance, it adds an extra frosty blast with the Leviathan Axe or inflicts a burning effect with the Blades of Chaos!

This ability will partially refill Kratos’ Rage gauge when the player misses an attack, and it will deal double damage to enemies affected by status ailments. When activated, its shockwave absorbs these afflictions to enhance Wrath’s power. However, it is most effective against a single enemy rather than groups, unless there’s one specific foe causing Kratos more issues, such as the Nokkens and their healing melodies.

As a gamer, I can tell you that wielding Wrath strategically lets me tear through an opponent’s health bar swiftly – especially with my enhanced arsenal. However, it’s crucial to note that this ability mainly focuses on offense, so don’t expect it to boost my character’s health significantly. Its main strength lies in clearing status ailments, similar to other Rages. If you’re the type of player who likes to get right up close and personal with your enemies, Wrath will feel like a perfect fit for you.

1 Fury

Bare-Handed Brutality

God of War Ragnarok: Every Spartan Rage, Ranked
  • Appears in: Chapter 1- Surviving Fimbulwinter.
  • It lets the player attack with the Trigger & Bumper buttons in a constant barrage.
  • Heals Status Ailments on Activation.

Other iterations of Rage unsuccessfully attempted to surpass the trusted, time-tested Fury. This is the original form that Kratos initially wields in the game, and as seen in God of War 2018, it allows Kratos to discard his weapons for a more direct approach – pummeling enemies with his bare fists. With each strike, he regains some health, while upgrades lessen the Rage depletion per blow, thus extending its duration.

This choice offers a versatile balance, providing reasonable health and causing modest harm to enemies, making it sufficient on its own. For instance, it offsets the disadvantages of the Berserker Resurrection Stone (which restores more Rage than health upon Kratos’ revival), as using it allows Kratos to strike his opponent enough times to replenish his health back to full.

Unlike Valor and Wrath which need precise timing and a single powerful strike to end, Rage is simpler to use. Both beginners and experienced players can activate it and keep pressing buttons until it depletes; they also have the option to turn it off early if they wish to save some Rage for later uses. Players can test different combinations of Valor, Wrath, and Rage to maximize their effectiveness, but Rage will prove useful in nearly every confrontation.

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2024-09-25 14:34