Greedfall 2: How to Find Explosives in the Mine (Deep Tunnels)

Greedfall 2: How to Find Explosives in the Mine (Deep Tunnels)

As a seasoned gamer with decades of dungeon-crawling under my belt, I can confidently say that the Gold Mine in Greedfall 2: The Dying World is a labyrinthine test of patience and stealth. The linear design and one-way slopes make it a maze that’s easy to get lost in, but the tantalizing promise of explosives hidden deep within the mine keeps us pressing on.

At the start of your journey in “Greedfall 2: The Dying World,” you’ll delve into an investigation concerning the Gold Mine close to your village, as part of the mission titled “A New Evil.” This Gold Mine is a rather straight-forward labyrinth with inclines that only allow progress in one direction. It can be challenging to revisit earlier areas before fully exploring the primary route, but eventually, a wall that can be destroyed will obstruct your path, forcing you to gather some explosives first, either to complete your quest here or exit the mine.

In Greedfall 2, acquiring explosives isn’t a simple task. You’ll have to infiltrate a restricted area of the mine and retrieve them from a heavily guarded chest. This operation calls for swiftness, using the game’s stealth mechanics or making a hasty escape upon opening the chest. Here’s a guide on how to proceed, or you can watch the video above for visual instructions.

How to Get to the Restricted Area of the Mine

Greedfall 2: How to Find Explosives in the Mine (Deep Tunnels)

To access the Limited Area within the Deep Tunnels, you’ll have to venture far into the mines, descending various non-return slopes. Remember to carry any healing supplies and essential gear as you go. Also, save your game at the entrance as a precaution, but do note that it shouldn’t be too difficult to retrieve the explosives and return to the surface.

After descending into the mine and being tasked with rescuing trapped miners, make your way down the ladder on your right, followed by another one ahead, which will lead you to a tunnel that extends deeper within. Continue along this passage until you arrive at an open space where some miners are squabbling. Plunder the room and handle the disagreement according to your game strategy, then proceed through the tunnel to the east, which offers further exploration into the mine.

To finish the quest known as “The Missing Scales,” you might want to make a right turn midway on this path which will lead you to the cave where Vlann resides. Subsequently, you can opt for an alternate route that ends up placing you in the same room as the ladder, providing access to the restricted area.

Heading straight on from where we are now, you’ll eventually come across an open space that has a ladder and a trail leading northwest. Follow this trail to reach a junction with a path obstructed by debris and another ladder. To acquire the explosives necessary to clear the obstructed path, you’ll need to ascend the ladder and venture into the off-limits area.

Approach the upcoming segment with caution; it’s deceptively challenging and could potentially lead to harm for everyone involved. Make sure you save your progress before venturing into the off-limits zone.

How to Get the Explosives

Greedfall 2: How to Find Explosives in the Mine (Deep Tunnels)

Upon breaching the forbidden zone, the stakes become more intricate. I must locate the chest concealing the explosives without triggering an alarm and igniting a battle. Interestingly, there are two chests here, one that lies straight ahead from the entrance, which can only be opened with a successful Mechanics check, but the other containing the explosives is smack in the heart of this restricted area.

Position yourself at the top of the slope illustrated earlier, keeping a discreet watch on the guards. Wait for them to momentarily step away from the box (ignoring the guard stationed on the elevated platform; it appears he can’t see the box directly). Once they move, swiftly descend towards the box, open it using the ‘Q’ key, gather all items, and exit immediately.

Greedfall 2: How to Find Explosives in the Mine (Deep Tunnels)

Instead of engaging in a futile battle with those guards who are both strong and capable, it would be wiser to exit the forbidden zone immediately. Once you’re outside, utilize your fresh supply of explosives to liberate the Miners and create a route leading back to the entrance instead.

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2024-09-26 18:53