Guild Wars 2: Best Mounts, Ranked

Guild Wars 2: Best Mounts, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Mounts like the springer, raptor, and skimmer each offer unique abilities and playstyles to enhance gameplay.
  • The roller beetle stands out for its extreme speed but challenging maneuverability, creating a thrilling racing experience.
  • The griffon is hailed as the ultimate flying mount, offering exhilarating speed and freedom of movement without breaking exploration like the Skyscale.

As a seasoned adventurer who has traversed the breathtaking landscapes of Tyria for countless hours, I must say that each mount in Guild Wars 2 brings its own unique charm and excitement. However, if I were to choose my favorite based on my personal experiences, it would have to be the Griffon.

In the realm of Guild Wars 2, I’d say the mounts are a major highlight that truly sets this MMO apart. Each of the nine steeds has been thoughtfully woven into the narrative and gameplay, with unique designs that cater to different scenarios. You see, each mount comes with its own purpose, appearance, and vibe. This innovative concept was first unveiled in the expansion “Path of Fire,” and more mounts have been added over time through updates.

Over time, certain mounts and their skills have undergone modifications. For instance, the “Janthir Wilds” update introduced a set of new capabilities for the Warclaw, both in World VS World and PVE. Each mount is now ranked based on its current abilities rather than those at release, which might be useful information for returning players or those considering a return, as they can see how each mount has evolved.

9 The Springer

The Cute Vertical Climber Outpaced By A Later Addition

  • Travel Archetype: Average speed, vertical movement abilities
  • The Chase: Made somewhat redundant by flying mounts

Despite not being able to attain the same speeds as other mounts, there’s an irresistible charm about these lively rabbits. The thrill of dodging falls and soaring to alarmingly high places in a single, dusty leap is incredibly gratifying, and hopping around on one remains enjoyable.

Although the skyscale mount becomes accessible after reaching a certain point, the springer may lose some utility, except for specific instances. The springer’s “cannonball” skill remains useful for initiating the break of a boss’ resistance meter, and navigating steep terrain quickly is most efficient when traveling on the agile springer.

8 The Raptor

A Classic And Respectable Travel Choice

  • Travel Archetype: Above average speed, horizontal movement abilities
  • The Chase: Basic, but still a viable option

The initial mount introduced in Guild Wars 2 remains an effective method for land travel. While it doesn’t have the flashy maneuvers of other mounts, the raptor can jump over gaps or speed up swiftly and consistently, providing a satisfying whoosh. Additionally, its charge attack is still beneficial for corralling enemies together for a concentrated assault.

Regarding its appearance, this beginner’s mount seemed to be crafted with considerable care and affection. Flying on a raptor is a delightful option for exploring the game with additional characters, as its speed doesn’t distort the scenery into a blur, but instead allows players to leisurely appreciate the stunning landscapes at a pace they can control.

7 The Skimmer

For Land, Sea, And Under The Waves

  • Travel Archetype: The above and underwater mount (faster in water)
  • The Chase: A blessing from the gods for underwater exploration

Upon launch, the skimmer provided an alternative means to traverse water without experiencing the sluggishness associated with swimming. Subsequently, an update was developed for the skimmer that enables it to move at comparable speeds through water.

While underwater combat in Guild Wars 2 is quite impressive, it doesn’t fully compare to other games that offer watery exploration in terms of engagement. However, the skimmer’s depth-skimming ability is a welcomed addition for those who enjoy exploring the aquatic realms, making the game more appealing for them.

6 The Jackal

Great Handle And Feel With A Somewhat Specific Ability

  • Travel Archetype: Above average speed, the teleporter
  • The Chase: Cool by design but niche in some of its utilities

As a captivated admirer, I must say that the blinking ability of this magnificent mount is not just aesthetically pleasing or thrilling to use; it’s an incredibly valuable feature for navigating with pinpoint precision. The fact that you can activate blink even during a fall makes it both a lifesaver for reaching distant ledges and a shield against any potential damage from falling.

Blink’s secondary feature allows it to pass through sand-based portals, and the Jackal can traverse sand bridges at speed. This makes the Jackal an invaluable mount for finishing maps in “Path of Fire” and “Living World Season 4,” but its usefulness is somewhat limited since these characteristics don’t appear frequently outside Elona.

5 The Siege Turtle

A Fun Way To Buddy Up

  • Travel Archetype: The “Heavy”
  • The Chase: Can carry two players, shell-mounted weaponry

The siege turtle and skimmer are vessels that can be used while swimming, but what sets the siege turtle apart is its ability to accommodate two riders simultaneously. This makes it an ideal choice for a pair of friends or a couple. One player takes control of steering, while the other manages the jade tech cannon (or more precisely, assumes the role of the gunner). The siege turtle’s attack is potent, but the gunner needs to keep an eye on the ammunition supply.

Although it has a large and heavy build, the siege turtle can accelerate rapidly and even levitate temporarily with its jet thrusters. However, as a two-seater war vehicle, it’s not particularly fast or efficient when it comes to energy restoration.

4 The Warclaw

The Combat-Focused, Multi-Purpose Mount

  • Travel Archetype: The “Battle Mount”
  • The Chase: The warclaw has seen significant upgrades; it is useful in WvW and even more useful in Janthir

To those who primarily interacted with Warclaw during its initial launch or lack the “Janthir Wilds” mini-expansion, the Warclaw might appear as a slower alternative to the raptor. However, it’s crucial to note that it is the only viable mount in World vs. World (GW2’s massive multiplayer mode) and has significantly evolved over time, boasting numerous enhancements regardless of whether one explores Janthir or not.

The warclaw can be mounted even during combat (although this applies a cooldown each time it is done). It currently runs much faster now in PvE than it did in the past, and its “sniff” ability displays enemies and treasure on the minimap. The “Janthir Wilds” warclaw mastery line grants it a suite of moves, including mid-air jumping, fall damage negation, and additional mounted combat moves.

3 The Skyscale

Fulfilling The Ultimate Travel Fantasy (But At A Cost)

  • Travel Archetype: The “Game-breaking Flying Mount”
  • The Chase: Can reach just about anywhere, hover like a helicopter, and is the most prestigious mount

The allure of soaring through the scenery on the Skyscale is clearly evident, as well as scaling walls and precipices to achieve greater elevations, executing loop-de-loops, and launching fireballs from aloft. There’s simply nothing quite as thrilling as mastering a dragon and embarking on an aerial expedition together.

Instead, let me rephrase it: The addition of this flying mount significantly changes the look of Core Tyria and earlier expansions, making them seem like mere backdrops from above. Consequently, ArenaNet’s level designers must now account for this game-altering mount’s capabilities in their future work. This could result in larger map sizes and a decreased focus on ground details due to the need for accommodating the mount’s abilities.

2 The Roller Beetle

The Fastest Land-Based Mount

  • Travel Archetype: Extreme land speeds, hard to maneuver
  • The Chase: Turns Tyria into a blurry, bumpy racetrack

Among all the excitement brought by new mounts, the roller beetle stands out as exceptionally revolutionary. Despite its breakneck speeds potentially overwhelming some players due to the difficulty of steering, numerous gamers will attest that the thrill of zipping across a map in mere seconds never fades away.

Enjoying such incredible speed wouldn’t be nearly as thrilling without the excitement of roller beetle races. These race tracks are scattered throughout Tyria, providing a genuine test for enthusiasts of fast-paced competition. The roller beetle has been so skillfully integrated into the game that it can sometimes feel like you’re playing a dedicated high-speed racing title instead of an MMO like Guild Wars 2.

1 The Griffon

Tyria’s Elite Fighter Jet

  • Travel Archetype: Extreme air speeds, difficult to master
  • The Chase: A flying mount that doesn’t break exploration and the most exhilarating ride in the game

The griffon served as the initial flying mount in “Guild Wars 2,” and although it can’t maintain a stationary hover or scale new heights like some other mounts, its functionality is significantly improved. Firstly, unlike the skyscale, the griffon doesn’t render ground travel or vertical movement obsolete. Moreover, not only does the griffon surpass it in terms of speed, but also in skill and maneuverability, offering a greater sense of freedom in movement.

Soaring through the skies on a griffon provides an exhilarating sensation that leaves even the swift skyscale seeming lethargic in comparison. Plunging towards the ground to build speed and then soaring back up again is undoubtedly one of the most thrilling sensations that the game, Guild Wars 2, has to offer. Mastering high-speed griffon flight may take time, but the sense of accomplishment it brings, coupled with its practicality for traveling short and long distances, makes it truly rewarding.

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2024-09-14 08:34