Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

Key Takeaways

  • Gunfire Reborn can be challenging in solo runs since players don’t have any allies to rely on.
  • Characters like Qian Sui can offer high survivability, which can be absolutely crucial for successful solo runs.
  • Momo is pretty due to the tankiness of Ink Form and his overall scaling capabilities.

As a seasoned Gunfire Reborn enthusiast, I must say that each of these characters offers unique strengths and weaknesses that cater to different playstyles.

Gunfire Reborn is not your average roguelike game; it presents a challenging experience. While there are undoubtedly tougher roguelikes out there, completing a run in Gunfire Reborn requires significant effort. In multiplayer or with AI companions, the game becomes less daunting as you can revive and resurrect fallen teammates, but when playing alone, each attempt is essentially your one shot at success.

Beyond this point, it’s crucial to note that if your character falls, the game is done, making the selection of the right character and build paramount when playing alone. With this understanding, let’s explore some top-tier choices for a solo run character and delve into why these picks are so effective in general.

10 Crown Prince

The Elemental Alchemist

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

Kick-starting our discussion with The Crown Prince, initially placed at the lower end of the rankings in Gunfire Reborn. It’s important to note that every character in Gunfire Reborn can excel remarkably in single play when used correctly. Here, we’re comparing their strengths based on this specific game mode, assuming equal skill levels among players.

Regarding his abilities, the Crown Prince has numerous means to stay alive, but truly shines when playing in multiplayer mode, leveraging the elemental effects of other players for optimal performance. Essentially, the Crown Prince is focused on inflicting Elemental Damage and serves as one of the primary ‘magic-users’ within this game. However, his effectiveness can wane in single-player scenarios, especially when things don’t go quite right, as he may struggle with both damage output and survivability in those instances.

9 Ao Bai

The Firearm & Explosives Expert

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

As a devoted fan, let me share my excitement about the upcoming character, Ao Bai. Unlike other characters, he keeps things simple yet effective. His approach is straightforward: maximize raw power and deal massive damage. What sets him apart is his unique ability to dual-wield weapons, making him a formidable force on the battlefield. In essence, Ao Bai’s strategy revolves around brute force and rapid-fire attacks – pure and simple!

Character Ao Bai excels in throwing explosive grenades, boasts a variety of talents primarily focused on high damage output (DPS), and is all about enhancing himself while wielding two weapons simultaneously. His abilities like Dual Battle Soul or Extra Reserves make him quite resilient, and he possesses numerous potent dual-wielding combinations. However, Ao Bai doesn’t grow in power as quickly as many other characters do, which is the reason for his lower ranking compared to others.

8 Qing Yan

The Armored Martial Artist

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

Initially, if someone had evaluated Qing Yan’s skills and potential prior to reviewing this list, they might find it unexpected that he’s ranked relatively low. The main cause for his placement here primarily stems from the fact that he excels in close-quarters combat.

Absolutely, Qing Yan boasts significant natural durability, numerous health/armor recovery methods, and good mobility. However, as combat moves towards close quarters, particularly in later stages, there’s a higher chance of being swiftly defeated by an unexpected elite or enemy combination. In multiplayer scenarios, Qing Yan becomes nearly invincible and extremely hard to kill, but without a teammate for support, choosing Qing Yan can be quite risky.

7 Xing Zhe

The Shapeshifting Monkey King

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

Starting with the top DLC character in our rankings, let’s talk about Xing Zhe, a character reminiscent of Wukong. Xing Zhe is one of the recently introduced playable characters that joined the game following the release of the Visitors of the Spirit Realm DLC in August 2022. He and Li were introduced at the same time, marking a new trend for Gunfire Reborn to introduce DLC characters with one being more intricate and the other being relatively straightforward. Interestingly, it’s the monkey character who is more complex in this case. Xing Zhe possesses the weapon-type mechanic as part of his Soul Strike ability, additional mechanics for his Essence Chains, and even a passive Talent called Steady Stance that auto-revives him.

On his own, Xing Zhe performs quite well, but his lower ranking is due to the fact that he requires a specific blend of weapons, upgrades, and magical texts to truly go on an exponential growth spree during gameplay.

6 Li

The Fiery Spirit Summoner

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

In the expansion pack for “Visitors of the Spirit Realm,” named Li was introduced as an additional character. Compared to the other character, she appears to have a more straightforward mechanical design. Similarly to Crown Prince, Li is classified as a Mage, primarily utilizing her Spiritual Flame and Blazing Meteor abilities for damage in most gaming sessions.

Although Li’s destructive power is remarkably high, especially when players strategize around her inherent Burning Ailment combinations, her resilience leaves much to be desired. In multiplayer scenarios, Li frequently emerges as the most fragile character in a group, yet paradoxically requires more frequent revivals than others. On the other hand, during solo play, opportunities for revival are rather limited, with the majority of them being introduced alongside the new Demon Spirits system.

5 Zi Xiao

The Master of Fate & The Occult Scrolls

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

In terms of intricate personalities, Zi Xiao stands out as one who leaves an impression. Over time, his Astrohouse and Astroaspect tricks become familiar, but initially, they can be quite perplexing to grasp.

If you’re a player seeking a straightforward character to play in single-player mode, Zi Xiao might not be your ideal choice. However, if you’re already familiar with this character, he becomes an excellent solo option because many of his Ascensions synergize to boost his damage output and survivability.

4 Nona

The Genius Mechanic & Her Mecha Wing

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

In essence, if we were to draw parallels between “Gunfire Reborn” and another gun-focused first-person shooter featuring character classes, Nona could undeniably be likened to the Mechromancer from “Borderlands 2.” Similarly, Ao Bai shares many similarities with the Gunzerker from “BL2,” whereas Nona exhibits a remarkable resemblance to Gaige in terms of both strengths and weaknesses.

Nona is the unique character who can get back on her feet when knocked down (until Demon Spirits came into play). However, it’s important to note that she faces difficulties in staying alive except for a few strategic builds. Additionally, if enemies grow too powerful compared to her, maintaining Mecha Wing might become challenging.

3 Lyn

The Cold & Masterful Dominator of the Snow Realm

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

Following in line is Lyn, a freshly introduced playable character in the game “Gunfire Reborn ” through the Realm of Frost and Inkwash expansion pack. To clarify, Lyn embodies the ‘Frost’ aspect of the DLC title, whereas Momo represents the ‘Inkwash’ part.

In a chilly demeanor, Lyn is a game character whose playstyle centers on reducing enemies’ health to a specific threshold, which she calls the ‘Lethal Line’, and then sealing their fate with Frost Burial. Known for her impressive damage output, ability to identify enemy vulnerabilities, and effective crowd control techniques, Lyn stands out in many ways. However, similar to Li, she is heavily focused on dealing damage rather than enhancing her own survivability. Consequently, it can be challenging for her if she’s unable to swiftly eliminate enemies before they manage to defeat her.


2 Momo

The Ink Spirit Artist

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

As I pen this down on September 30th, 2024, I can’t help but feel that Momo is overwhelmingly powerful. His Ink Form is simply too durable, and the way he can escalate out of control by transforming into his Ink Form, particularly when paired with an auto-firing weapon like the Starfly, sets up a scenario that’s remarkably easy to exploit.

Beyond these features, he additionally boosts numerous additional abilities by choosing Ascensions associated with his Empty Realm and immense damage through the strategic use of Weapon Skills. Momo, in essence, is an all-encompassing character who brings a lot to the table. As long as he has a Demon Spirit that offers him resilience or the ability to resurrect upon defeat, it’s scarcely feasible to lose a game with this little squirrel.

1 Qian Sui

The Ultimate Tank With His Tidal Aspis

Gunfire Reborn: Best Solo Characters, Ranked

While high damage is obviously an important factor in solo play in Gunfire Reborn, it really all comes down to survivability more than anything else. As long as a player can stay alive, they can always get stronger with just a single Occult Scroll synergy, but a player with high damage and no survivability is going to be struggling most of the run.

It’s fortunate that Qian Sui stands out as an exceptional tank character, making him a top choice for solo play. This is mainly due to his virtually indestructible nature. His inherent abilities revolve around survivability, and all of his Ascensions work towards maintaining Tidal Aspis indefinitely. Essentially, playing Qian Sui feels like having ‘godmode’ activated for melee characters. However, players should endure approximately 4-5 stages initially to truly maximize the benefits of Qian Sui’s build configurations.

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2024-09-30 05:34