Hades 2’s Biggest Glow-Up May Hint at House of Hades Members’ Peril

Hades 2's Biggest Glow-Up May Hint at House of Hades Members' Peril

As a longtime fan of the Hades series, I’ve been eagerly anticipating the release of its sequel. With each new update and teaser, my excitement only grows as Supergiant Games continues to build upon the rich world they’ve created. However, one character in particular has piqued my curiosity – Commander Schelemeus, or Skelly as we once knew him.

In the intriguing realm of “Hades 2,” every character is distinctly captivating, drawing various audiences with their unique allure. Although the follow-up game has effectively introduced these characters, there are lingering questions about their fates from the initial installment. As we await the full storyline in “Hades 2” during its early access phase, fans ponder the potential implications for the lesser-known figures hinted at within the game. The current standing of one particular character could serve as a chilling reminder of the perilous circumstances that may lie ahead.

The degree of urgency for rescue can be gauged by the transformation of Hades 2‘s character, Skelly, from a comical relief in the initial Hades to a significant figure who prepares Melinoe and the Shades for battle against Chronos. Such a marked change indicates the gravity of the situation at hand.

What Schelemeus Could Mean for the Original Hades Cast

In Hades 2, while it’s impossible to know for sure what happened to all the recurring characters, the game provides some clues. Chronos has mentioned that he has put away those who defied him, but the outcomes of certain individuals remain unclear. The emergence of Skelly as Commander Schelemeus might be a hint, since a comical character usually wouldn’t assume a more solemn position. Some plausible interpretations include:

  • Characters who can train a proper army, such as Achilles, may have been killed by Chronos to prevent such a thing from happening
  • Some may have escaped but are unable to aid in the effort to stop Chronos due to severe ailments or injuries suffered during the attempt
  • A few important figures may be under Chronos’ control to stop Melinoe, leading to the gutting possibility of something like a Megaera or Zagreus boss fight in Hades 2

Based on my extensive experience as a dedicated fan of Supergiant Games and their intricately crafted narratives, I strongly believe that Schelemeus’ enigmatic role in “Hades” could hold valuable clues to unraveling the game’s mysteries. As of now, the specifics of his status remain shrouded in uncertainty. However, given Supergiant Games’ reputation for delivering captivating stories through their games, I am hopeful that they may choose to shed more light on this intriguing character in future updates or expansions. Yet, only time will tell if and how they decide to do so.

How Turning Skelly Into Commander Schelemeus Could Do More for the Sequel

Skelly maintains his humorous character from the first game, yet the sequel reveals a more serious side of him due to his new leadership position. This change allows for the exploration of deeper storylines and provides opportunities to contribute significantly to the game’s narrative. With his enigmatic background regarding the original Hades cast still unexplored, the sequel has the potential to delve into this mystery through well-crafted quests.

A well-known trainer in the industry, Supergiant Games might create an extra challenging fight for him in Hades 2, making him one of its toughest bosses. This battle could provide an opportunity to reintroduce past characters, such as the individual who originally hired the commander to serve House of Hades.

As a longtime fan of the Hades series, I’m genuinely excited about the prospect of Schelemeus playing a larger role in Hades 2. His enigmatic ties to the original cast and his newfound prominence offer an intriguing foundation for Supergiant Games to expand upon the compelling narrative established in the first game.

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2024-07-26 00:04