Haikyuu – How Kenma is an Example of Unexpected Passion for Sport

Haikyuu - How Kenma is an Example of Unexpected Passion for Sport


  • Haikyuu showcases the power of passion, teamwork, and dedication in achieving goals. Karasuno exemplifies this through their journey to Nationals.
  • Kenma’s growth from an introverted, unmotivated player to a strategic, dedicated team member is highlighted in Haikyuu, showing the power of mentorship.
  • Kenma’s evolution in the sport exemplifies the importance of pushing oneself, forming friendships, and finding passion in the face of challenges.

I’ve had the pleasure of getting to know Kenma Kozume, the enigmatic and brilliant setter from Nekoma High School’s volleyball team, over the course of my obsession with Haikyuu!. At first, he struck me as a lazy and unmotivated player, but boy was I wrong.

Without a doubt, Haikyuu is one of the top-notch sports anime that showcases the beauty of discovering your deep-rooted love for something and putting all your heart and soul into it. The members of Karasuno High School volleyball team embody this unadulterated passion in unique ways, ultimately leading them to savour the rewards. By means of collaboration, dedication, and countless hours of practice, Karasuno has finally attained their objective of participating in the National Volleyball Championship. Yet, not every person shares this intense ardor for athletics.

At Nekoma High, where Kenma Kozume has long been a formidable adversary for Karasuno’s volleyball team, his lack of enthusiasm towards becoming a top player is noticeable. However, this apathetic demeanor transforms towards the end of the anime series and is vividly portrayed in this year’s released movie. Shy and introverted, Kenma seems misplaced amongst his boisterous teammates. The film reveals that Kenma has undergone significant growth since childhood and has evolved into a savvy volleyball player with a deep-rooted passion for the game.

Kenma Before Volleyball

Haikyuu - How Kenma is an Example of Unexpected Passion for Sport

Kenma has never been able to make friends on his own, a fact he’s not particularly proud of. He preferred blending into the background as much as possible due to his strong anti-social tendencies, but he did care about people’s opinions. His only friend growing up was Tetsurō Kuroo, currently the captain of Nekoma’s volleyball team. They lived next door to each other and, being close in age, they frequently played together. Despite Kenma’s preference for spending hours engrossed in video games in his room, Kuroo persistently encouraged him to join the volleyball team. Sports held no appeal for Kenma, but the team he eventually joined was impressive, so he continued playing even through high school.

Kuroo encourages Kenma to stick with the sport

Haikyuu - How Kenma is an Example of Unexpected Passion for Sport

Throughout their childhood, Kenma remained smaller and less vocal than most people around him. When he joined Nekoma High School’s volleyball team with Kuroo, upperclassmen frequently targeted him. They assigned him the task of cleaning up alone or retrieving volleyballs for them. This situation didn’t sit well with Kenma, as it seemed more efficient if everyone pitched in.

Kenma swiftly noticed the haughty demeanor of his superior teammates, which left him considering abandoning the team. Kuroo praised Kenma for his acute observations and logical mindset. However, Kenma believed his intellect was underappreciated in this environment. Whenever he proposed ideas, the elder students mockingly labeled him a “know-it-all,” forcing him to run significantly more laps than other rookies.

Kuroo was the one who discovered Kenma’s volleyball abilities for the first time. He reassured Kenma not to worry as the current third-year students at Nekoma would soon graduate, and their true coach, Coach Nekomata, would be coming back. Kuroo urged Kenma to remain on the team, believing that with time, Kenma would become an invaluable asset to Nekoma.

Although Kenma is very shy and may prefer to keep to himself, he places complete faith in Kuroo’s judgment. Instead of disregarding Kuroo’s suggestions or holding a negative outlook on things, Kuroo has been looking after Kenma since they were kids. This unwavering trust remains strong between them, and Kuroo has never led Kenma astray. As a result, Kenma continued his involvement in volleyball at Nekoma.


Haikyuu - How Kenma is an Example of Unexpected Passion for Sport

A less frequent assessment of Kenma’s performance as a volleyball player is his subdued energy or apparent lack of courage. He seldom seemed to invest fully in the game, almost as if conserving a minimal amount of energy would make him insignificant. In stark contrast, Taketoa Yamamoto, an animated teammate, stands out. Yamamoto is known for his boisterous demeanor and immense energy, fueled by intense resolve. He embodies the polar opposite of Kenma: driven, determined, and brash. Yamamoto poured all of himself into every training session, which eventually caught Kenma’s attention as it didn’t seem to benefit him much on the court.

Kenma gently suggested to Yamamoto that he might benefit from loosening his tense shoulders. However, Yamamoto took offense, feeling the need to prove himself and unable to let go of the intense focus. Deep down, relaxing seemed like a sign of weakness to him. Kenma disagreed with this perspective and encouraged Yamamoto to examine the root causes of his performance issues rather than attributing them to an abstract notion of “guts.” Yamamoto admitted that he had allowed the opposing team’s pressure to affect him and was fixated on the ball, struggling with challenging returns. To Kenma, these problems were solvable through targeted efforts. He couldn’t fathom why Yamamoto would blame his lack of results on a concept as vague as “guts.” In an assertive tone, Kenma expressed that Yamamoto’s excessive weight training and running were unnecessary if performance was being attributed to a general idea like “guts,” instead suggesting it was more about “self-satisfaction.”

As someone who has spent years coaching and mentoring young athletes, I have seen my fair share of disappointments and frustrations. And let me tell you, nothing is more disheartening than seeing a talented player like Kenma squander opportunities on the court with a lackluster attitude and no sense of urgency.

I, as a devoted fan, witnessed Kenma’s transformation during their intense clash against Yamamoto. He passionately expressed that all he could convey was the elusive notion of guts. However, guts wouldn’t secure him victory; instead, a well-thought-out plan was required. Yamamoto strongly disagreed with this perspective. Following their confrontation, both boys gained newfound respect for each other. Yamamoto adopted a more cunning approach, while Kenma played with unwavering intensity. Even Yamamoto acknowledged this, admitting that although he may lack resolve, he is an fierce competitor nonetheless. Eventually, they formed an effective partnership, with Yamamoto extending the invitation for Kenma to call him Tora, just like his other companions.

Interactions with people like Kuroo and Yamamoto have significantly shaped Kenma’s character since their childhood. While Kuroo initially ignited Kenma’s development, encounters such as the one with Yamamoto have helped Kenma become more outgoing. If Kenma didn’t value the team or the game, he wouldn’t have engaged in a heated debate with Yamamoto about improving their performance. The lively dynamics of this team are ideal for Kenma. He is surrounded by larger-than-life personalities who encourage him to express himself, yet they also value his opinions.

Kenma Right Now

Haikyuu - How Kenma is an Example of Unexpected Passion for Sport

In the anime, fans are introduced to Kenma for the first time via Hinata. Initially, Kenma comes across as enigmatic. He speaks softly and appears disinterested. However, Hinata’s initial encounter with him leaves a lasting impression. Contrastingly, Kenma shows an intense love for volleyball right from the start. Meanwhile, he seems lethargic and unenthusiastic about the game compared to Hinata.

As a devoted fan, I’ve come to appreciate Kenma more and more with each passing match. His exceptional setting skills, akin to Kageyama’s, are just the tip of the iceberg. Beyond that, he is Nekoma’s mastermind, always thinking several steps ahead. He doesn’t necessarily outwork his teammates but instead, uses intelligence and strategy to lead us to victory. Trusting Kenma with our game plans has been a crucial factor in our successful run.

In the latest film, “Haikyuu: The Dumpster Battle,” and the fourth season of the anime series Nekoma, Kenma’s dedication to his team shines during the Nationals tournament. Although the pressure is greater than he’s accustomed to, Kenma is as invested in their victory as they are. He strategizes their moves and gives it his best on the court, surprising everyone with his effort, much to Kenma’s chagrin. His teammates take pride in his newfound determination.

I strongly believe that everyone has gone through the experience of joining an extracurricular activity during our high school years, whether we were excited about it or not. I remember feeling reluctant to join a volleyball club in particular, but with the encouragement and support of my friends, I stuck with it and discovered a hidden passion for the sport.

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2024-07-24 21:34