Hardest Achievements in Civilization 6

As a seasoned Civilization 6 player with hundreds of hours under my belt, I can confidently say that the game’s achievement system is as challenging and diverse as the civilizations it represents. From building the Trans-Siberian Railroad to becoming a “Terrible Person” by stealing glory from an opponent, these achievements demand patience, strategy, and sometimes, a dash of mischief.

The Sid Meier’s Civilization series has been brimming with numerous achievements since the fifth edition, offering a plethora of challenges for players who are up for the task. In Civilization 6, these challenging tasks become even more intricate. Although some can be accidentally unlocked during regular gameplay, others demand particular game paths or setting unusual circumstances from the start, which might disrupt the smooth progression in this complex strategy game.

In Sid Meier’s Civilization 6, certain triumphs prove more elusive than others due to their complexity or excessive reliance on luck. Here are some particularly tough feats to earn without counting any DLC-related accomplishments.

8 Pizza Party!

Assemble the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Get Very Lucky

  • Requirements: Activate Leonardo da Vinci in New York with Great Works from Michelangelo and Donatello — and a sewer — all in that city
  • Percentage Of Players: 0.4%

Enthusiasts of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are bound to appreciate the nod towards these iconic comic book heroes in this accomplishment. In order to conquer New York and acquire Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, and Donatello as exceptional individuals – a feat that necessitates prolonged residence within the Renaissance era – players must rise to the challenge.

Instead of primarily focusing your resources on Faith and production, it’s important to remember that attracting or financially supporting Michelangelo and Donatello may prevent Leonardo da Vinci, the Great Engineer, from appearing when you need him most. If players want to ensure they have Leonardo, they might need to keep saving their game and try different strategies until they manage to unlock this challenging achievement through luck.

7 Claim The Fourth Cataract

Form a Rapid Assault on Your Neighbor

  • Requirements: Playing as Egypt in a regular game, conquer the original Nubian capital within 10 turns of declaring a formal war on Nubia
  • Percentage Of Players: 0.4%

As a dedicated fan, I can’t help but share my excitement about the ‘Claim the Fourth Cataract’ Achievement. This challenge often hinges on your starting position and how swiftly you can rally forces against the land of Nubia. To conquer this feat, you need to select the Egyptian civilization and start expanding your territory as quickly as possible, positioning yourself as close to Nubia as strategically possible. It’s a race against time and a testament to your strategic prowess!

Players may have to load their saved games to guarantee they’re ready to face Nubia promptly when the opportunity arises, ensuring an advantageous starting position.

Supporters must initially make a formal declaration of war against Nubia, followed promptly by capturing its capital city. It would be strategic to construct catapults prior to the assault, and attacking sooner rather than later means that Nubia’s defenses will likely be weaker.

6 Missed That Day in History Class

Stockpile an Ancient Unit

  • Requirements: Clear nuclear contamination with a Roman Legion
  • Percentage Of Players: 0.5%

In simpler terms, ‘Missed That Day In History Class’ might seem like an effortless milestone to attain in the game of Civilization 6. However, it becomes challenging because the opportunity to create a Legion unit is brief, and maintaining its life, preventing upgrades, and ensuring it doesn’t get lost in battle are all obstacles that players must overcome.

Following this, I’ll probably need to find myself in situations where hostile forces unleash nuclear strikes, leaving behind radioactive terrains for me to clear. Achieving this feat with a Legion will unlock the coveted achievement, but it often requires crafting intricate game scenarios to ensure a smooth and complication-free process.

5 Huey Tlatoani

A Quest to Find All of the Luxuries

  • Requirements: As Aztecs on a standard-sized map, attack an opponent while receiving a +16 Combat Strength bonus for having all of the luxuries
  • Percentage Of Players: 0.8%

Players should aim to discover and gather all the valuable resources scattered throughout the game map in order to facilitate trade with distant civilizations. As the Aztecs, your expansion should be swift, but those striving for this achievement will find that it’s most achievable if they can venture far or conquer many of their neighboring territories to amass every single valuable resource.

For some players, completing this task might seem almost unachievable due to certain maps, leading these dedicated individuals to restart the game repeatedly until they can acquire the necessary luxuries.

4 Seven Wonders of the Post-Apocalyptic World

Targeted Strikes to Do Maximum Damage

  • Requirements: Launch a weapon of mass destruction and have it pillage seven wonders
  • Percentage Of Players: 1.0%

To earn the ‘Seven Wonders Of The Post-Apocalyptic World’ achievement, players should expedite their technological advancement to acquire nuclear warheads. A popular method among online gamers is by detonating nuclear bombs within their own cities. However, it’s crucial that from the start, players strategically construct wonders close to a central point, as one nuke blast can obliterate everything within a two-tile radius, allowing for quick destruction of multiple wonders at once.

While it might seem illogical to unleash weapons of mass destruction upon one’s own civilization, the act of strategically targeting an adversary with such a task necessitates meticulous planning and in-depth understanding of their internal structures and fortifications.

3 Trans-Siberian Railroad

Building an Intercontinental Trade Route

  • Requirements: Playing as Russia, have a city that is at least 60 tiles away from your capital, connected by a Trade Route and road at the start of the turn.
  • Percentage Of Players: 0.4%

One of the rarest achievements in the game, the ‘Trans-Siberian Railroad’ is a major feat for any leader to undertake. The 60 tiles required does not include the tiles that roads are built on, but rather the tiles on the most direct route to their capital.

To effectively traverse a long route, trading outposts need to be strategically placed along it. This extends the territory under the player’s control, which can be quite expansive. For leaders who naturally have access to trade routes, like Trajan, this might seem straightforward. However, for players choosing Russia, this accomplishment becomes a challenging endeavor that demands patience and careful planning.

2 You Are a Terrible Person

Steal Glory From an Opponent

  • Requirements: Playing as Poland, destroy another civilization’s incomplete wonder by initiating a Culture Bomb
  • Percentage Of Players: 0.4%

Enthusiasts and collectors will need to pull off a significant victory over a nearby civilization to claim this challenging achievement. Players taking on the role of the Polish civilization should move towards their nearest adversary as swiftly as they can. The Polish civilization possesses a unique trait that detonates a culture bomb, capturing all adjacent tiles, each time they construct an encampment or fort on a tile.

To maintain surveillance over neighboring territories, players should consider establishing diplomatic outposts, or embassies, in adjacent lands. As soon as construction on a wonder begins, it’s crucial to act swiftly by setting up an encampment nearby. However, this task can be challenging because it demands careful planning to secure the necessary resources, space, and information.

1 God-Like

Become a True Leader

  • Requirements: Win a regular game at Deity difficulty
  • Percentage Of Players: 6.6%

Regardless of the fact that many players have acquired it, the ‘God-Like’ achievement in Civilization 6 remains one of the few challenges that cannot be cheated or simplified through save-scumming or customizing the game mode to make winning effortless. Instead, players must truly master the intricacies of grand strategy and tactically secure a victory on the most challenging difficulty level, even though the AI is granted substantial advantages in overall production and an early game advantage that can be decisive.

As a gamer, I can tell you that while some of these other accomplishments on the list are tough because they demand players to do unusual things to unlock them, mastering ‘God-Like’ tasks involves honing skills and outsmarting the AI opponents to secure any kind of victory before them by staying one step ahead.

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2024-11-18 08:25