Hardest Bosses In Once Human

Hardest Bosses In Once Human


  • Once Human offers a variety of gameplay styles, from survival and combat to farming and RPG elements.
  • Each boss in Once Human has unique combat mechanics that players must learn to defeat them effectively.
  • Progressing through the game’s storyline will guide players to different bosses, each with their own challenges and rewards.

As a seasoned gamer with decades of experience under my belt, I’ve faced my fair share of challenging boss battles. But none have tested my skills and patience quite like the Great Ones of Once Human. Let me tell you about three particularly memorable encounters that left me feeling both elated and defeated.

In simple terms, Once Human offers various gaming experiences. It’s a horror survival game for adrenaline seekers, a pet taming and combat game for strategy lovers, a story-driven RPG for narrative enthusiasts, and a farming simulator for relaxation lovers. Its free-to-play model caters to diverse budgets while its captivating world map engages players with multiple genre preferences.

As a gamer in the world of “Once Human,” I can tell you that my journey involves facing off against five formidable enemies, referred to as the Great Ones. The game’s narrative leads me to the locations where these bosses are hidden, each guarding a monolith in this survival shooter. To emerge victorious, I must adapt and master the unique combat mechanics for each encounter.

5 Ravenous Hunter

Monolith of Greed, Dayton Wetlands

Hardest Bosses In Once Human

In “Once Human,” the Ravenous Hunter is the initial Great One that players encounter during the main storyline. Essentially serving as an introductory boss battle, the Ravenous Hunter teaches players essential strategies for confronting each boss in the game, which all possess unique mechanics that need to be identified and neutralized.

Upon entering the instance for a boss battle, you’ll find the boss centrally located in the room, ready for engagement. Initially, you can attack it freely. But once it has sustained some harm, it will relocate to the tiny elevated platform at the back of the room, rendering it invulnerable to any incoming damage.

In simpler terms, after eliminating the initial wave of spawn pods on the ground level, which bring along regular enemies, players must continue destroying all subsequent pods to prevent more foes from emerging. The Ravenous Hunter will then reappear in the center of the room for another attack round. This sequence repeats until the boss is defeated. For ammo conservation, players can make use of a powerful minigun dropped by the boss during the battle.

4 The Treant

Gaia Cliff Monolith, Broken Delta

Hardest Bosses In Once Human

In the game “Once Human,” the Treant is the least challenging boss fight due to its straightforward nature. This colossal being is clearly comprehensible, and it doesn’t require intricate combat strategies to defeat. Upon entering the instance, players are instructed to destroy three clusters of vines, which will provoke the Treant into engaging battle.

In the skirmish, a Treant hurls bulky, slowly advancing missiles towards the character. Simultaneously, common adversaries pop up at irregular intervals. The player must dodge the oncoming projectiles and manage the emerging threats before they escalate into significant challenges.

In “Once Human,” surviving the boss fight against the Treant primarily involves dodging incoming attacks and finding the right moments to shoot at the boss. Moving constantly is also essential for your safety. This method may take some time, but it ensures the safest way to defeat the Treant.

3 Arachsiam

Mirage Monolith, Iron River

Hardest Bosses In Once Human

In the game “Once Human,” Arachsiam is a formidable spider boss that poses a significant challenge for players during their initial encounter at the Mirage Monolith. This battle proves to be quite a struggle around the time when the storyline directs players there for the first time. However, as players progress and gain experience levels as well as better equipment, the Arachsiam fight becomes more of an inconvenience than a genuine challenge.

When fighting Arachsiam, if he gets hurt, a thick fog rolls in, making it difficult to see. During this time, spider eggs appear at the map’s edges, and Arachsiam becomes invulnerable until these eggs are eliminated. The eggs hatch small spiders that can swarm the player if not handled properly.

As a dedicated fan, I’d describe my experience with the formidable foe, Arachsiam, as follows: When the hazy mist descends, I watch as Arachsiam ascends to the summit of that towering pillar, shielded from harm. However, once those precious eggs are annihilated, the mist begins to lift, leaving Arachsiam exposed and susceptible to damage once more. If I act swiftly, I can aim and fire at Arachsiam, sending him toppling off the pillar and crashing down onto his back, momentarily stunned. This intriguing mist mechanic continues until Arachsiam meets his demise.

2 Rabizex

Monolith of Thirst, Chalk Peak

Hardest Bosses In Once Human

As a devoted fan, I’d describe Rabizex as an enormous hound and unquestionably the most perilous of the Great Ones in “Once Human.” Encountering them for the first time presents quite a challenge due to the intricate combat mechanics that need to be mastered.

When the player activates Rabizex, it starts taking damage and becomes vulnerable up to a certain point. Once its health reaches a certain threshold, Rabizex becomes immune to most attacks, except for those that hit its two glowing shoulder patches. The player must then shoot these patches to keep Rabizex from recovering. As long as the patches are active, Rabizex generates small floating orbs that attack the player. Following this phase, Rabizex transforms into a large spinning ball, requiring the player to locate and hit its weak spot to prevent it from exploding and causing significant area-of-effect damage. This process repeats until Rabizex is finally defeated.

In “Once Human,” the boss fight against Rabizex poses a significant challenge, despite advanced player levels and quality equipment. With Rabizex dishing out substantial damage, along with contributions from orbs and a destructive area-of-effect (AoE) attack, maintaining mobility and frequent healing is essential for survival.

1 Mensdevoran

Forsaken Monolith, Red Sands

Hardest Bosses In Once Human

In the game “Once Human,” Mensdevoran serves as the final adversary. This formidable foe is referred to as a Great One, and defeating it necessitates teamwork. While its damage output isn’t exceptionally high, it has an immense amount of health, making it a challenging opponent. It is technically possible for a single player to tackle this boss, but they will need an enormous quantity of ammunition – potentially thousands of rounds – and should carry a backup weapon since their primary one is bound to wear out during the prolonged battle.

As someone who’s spent countless hours immersed in the world of online gaming, I can tell you that battling the boss on Mensdevoran is no walk in the park. There’s this one particular area on his body, a pulsating glow that shifts from chest to head to hands, which is the only part that takes damage. It’s a frustrating dance as a player, constantly moving into position to target the active glowing patch. I’ve found myself running back and forth across the map more times than I can count, my heart racing with each step. The fight feels endless, but the thrill of finally landing that crucial hit keeps me coming back for more. It’s a testament to the immersive nature of these games, where even in defeat, there’s always the promise of victory just around the corner.

Mensdevoran will sweep its arms across the map, inflicting substantial harm on any player unable to dodge or leap over them in time. The battle is lengthy, so consider bringing some allies for support; attempting to face it alone may grow monotonous after mastering its combat mechanics.

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2024-07-29 18:04