Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials


  • Hades 2 introduces Melinoë with new Nocturnal Arms & Chaos Trials, elevating the challenges from the original game.
  • The Chaos Trials offer varied difficulties, strategic weapon combinations, and unique boons from gods like Hera, Hephaestus, and Aphrodite.
  • Players must navigate challenging trials like Precarity, Fury, and Doom using skill, luck, and clever use of Melinoë’s abilities.

As a seasoned adventurer who has braved the treacherous lands of Greek mythology, I’ve faced my fair share of trials and tribulations. But none have tested my mettle quite like the Trials of Gods. The Trial of Blood, with its relentless assaults on Melinoë’s health, is a challenging endeavor for even the most experienced warriors.

As a long-time fan of Supergiant Games and the original Hades, I’m beyond excited about the Early Access release of Hades 2! Unlike the first game where we followed Zagreus on his heroic journey to escape the Underworld, this time around, we get to play as his sister Melinoë. It’s a fresh take that instantly grabbed my attention, and I can’t wait to explore what her unique abilities bring to the table.

In Hades 2, the game presents several innovative features including resource collection, crafting, and hot springs interludes. Among these novelties, the Chaos Trials, which are unique hurdles Melinoë must surmount to secure rewards from Master Chaos, stand out. Each trial involves a distinct weapon, a specific memento (or none), and transpires in a designated locale. The level of challenge indicated by the rating on each trial may not align with its true difficulty for some gamers. So, which Chaos Trials prove to be the most challenging in Hades 2?

As a dedicated gamer with years of experience under my belt, I strongly advise readers who are eagerly waiting for the full release of Hades 2 to exercise caution while reading this article. Why, you ask? Well, let me tell you from my personal perspective, I’ve been bitten by the spoiler bug more times than I care to remember. Trust me, there’s nothing quite as disappointing as having a surprise twist or plot development ruined before experiencing it firsthand in a game.

15 Trial Of Origin

Difficulty Rating: 1/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Erebus
  • Weapon: Descura the Witch’s Staff, Aspect of Melinoë
  • Keepsake: None
  • Boon: Primordial Chaos

Players will uncover these challenges by reaching the Pitch Black Stone in the same location as Nocturnal Arms. Here, they’ll encounter Melinoë navigating Erebus using only her initial gear and a blessing from Master Chaos. This early trial is relatively simple and brief, making it an ideal starting point for players.

Players advance through the initial stage like normal and encounter Hecate at the finale. Occasionally, she will remark on the oddity of the circumstances, hinting at Master Chaos’ manipulation of the game. Following their victory over Hecate, Melinoë retreats back to her chamber in The Crossroads having accomplished the task.

14 Trial Of Vengeance

Difficulty Rating: 1/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: City of Ephyra
  • Weapon: Revaal the Argent Skull, Aspect of Melinoë
  • Keepsake: Evil Eye
  • Boon: Hera

In my latest gaming adventure, I’m tasked with taking down Polyphemus, the menacing Cyclops, and retrieving both Revaal, given to me by Melinoë, and Nemesis’ Evil Eye keepsake. These items grant a powerful bonus: inflicting an additional 20% damage on the last foe that dealt me a defeat. Plus, Melinoë’s divine favor allows her to collect boons from the Queen of Olympus during this challenge, enabling her to deal substantial area-of-effect damage over time.

Players should find this task uncomplicated since the Argent Skull grants Melinoë increased mobility, making it an effective response to the slow-moving Cyclops. It’s essential to take advantage of Hera’s boons during the challenge and utilize any Hermes bonuses you encounter along the way.

13 Trial Of Labrys

Difficulty Rating: 1/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Erebus
  • Weapon: Zorephet the Moonstone Axe, Aspect of Melinoë
  • Keepsake: Lion Fang
  • Boon: Hephaestus

As a devoted fan, I’d describe this Chaos Trial experience in my own words: In the beginning, Melinoë wields formidable power against her foes, thanks to Herakles’ Lion Fang granting me a 30% damage boost. But as we delve deeper into the trial, Melinoë’s strength gradually weakens – her damage output decreases by 5% after each encounter. The Moonstone Axe I carry is potent, yet it comes with a trade-off; my character becomes slower than others. However, this axe has its advantages: it can deflect incoming projectiles and acts as a reliable shield during battles.

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can tell you that relying on Hephaestus’ boons during gameplay is essential for both dealing extra damage and securing additional protection. However, the boss fight against Hecate poses an entirely different challenge, one that may leave even the most experienced players sweating bullets.

12 Trial Of Flame

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Fields of Mourning
  • Weapon: Umbral Flames Ygnium, Aspect of Moros
  • Keepsake: Everlasting Ember
  • Boon: Hestia

Some players dislike using Ygnium in battle, but Moros’ feature prolongs an attack’s duration for six seconds. During this period, if Melinoë strikes her enemies with a Special move, it results in an explosion that eliminates numerous adversaries and inflicts significant damage on solo opponents. Combined with Hestia’s persistent damage and Melinoë’s agility, this technique effectively conquers the trial and generates stardust.

11 Trial Of Vigor

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Oceanus
  • Weapon: Descura the Witch’s Staff, Aspect of Momus
  • Keepsake: Blackened Fleece
  • Boon: Aphrodite

As a seasoned gamer with years of experience under my belt, I can tell you that there’s nothing quite like discovering the perfect synergy between two seemingly unrelated in-game elements. For me, that special moment came when I stumbled upon Medea’s cherished keepsake, the Blackened Fleece, and Momus, an aspect that enhances Melinoë’s abilities.

In this trial, the Goddess of Love’s special abilities don’t blend well with others. The player must inflict damage at close range for these boons, which isn’t one of Descura’s strong suits.

10 Trial Of Gold

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: City of Ephyra
  • Weapon: Lim & Oros the Sister Blades, Aspect of Pan
  • Keepsake: Gold Purse
  • Boon: None

In the game “Hades 2,” obtaining gold seems a tad simpler than before, yet Charon generously provides Mel an extra 100 gold pieces. Navigating through “Ephyra” with companions Lim and Oros is manageable, though it intensifies the challenge of the “Polyphemus” boss battle.

Use Charon’s resources to enhance your health and magic abilities, and don’t forget to allow the aspect of Pan to take effect. Mel’s unique attacks will target enemies within her range, in addition to launching extra blades following a channeling process.

9 Trial Of Salt

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Oceanus
  • Weapon: Lim & Oros the Sister Blades, Aspect of Melinoë
  • Keepsake: None
  • Boon: Poseidon

Uncle Poseidon, with his amicable demeanor, aids Mel during her ordeal in the Chaos Trial. While she brandishes the Sister Blades, they inflict blast damage, cause the Slip status effect, knock enemies back, restore Magick, grant bonus rewards, and more.

Players could face challenges in steering clear of area-of-effect attacks from enemies such as Scylla’s front assault, the deadly explosions of Hippos, and the spin attacks of Serpents, among others. However, with careful strategy, Mel is sure to come out on top.

8 Trial Of The Moon

Difficulty Rating: 2/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Erebus
  • Weapon: Zorephet the Moonstone Axe, Aspect of Charon
  • Keepsake: Moon Beam
  • Boon: None

The Titan Goddess Selene has a special bond with Melinoë, and she grants her a special power most nights — a power the Moon Beam keepsake further augments. The keepsake provides an additional upgrade for Mel’s Hex ability when she finds a Path of Stars. Unfortunately, players have to rely on luck and random generation as to which Hex they might get.

Some have immense power like “Total Eclipse,” while others, such as “Moon Water,” offer healing. A few even slow down actions, like “Phase Shift.” Your character’s build determines which abilities work best for you. Be cautious of Hecate’s attacks towards the end.

7 Trial Of Precarity

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: City of Ephyra
  • Weapon: Revaal the Argent Skull, Aspect of Medea
  • Keepsake: Experimental Hammer
  • Boon: Apollo

Icarus’ trinket bestows Mel with a diverse array of weapon bonuses after every ten encounters, necessitating players to adapt their gameplay strategy as they advance in the challenge. These perks may offer various benefits such as enhancing magic, amplifying attack potency, or even supplying pomegranate slices and ten healing every five confrontations. This setup harmonizes fairly with Apollo’s bonuses and the distinctive status effect, Daze, which confers a 20% probability that an adversary’s assault will not inflict damage.

Using Revaal in my arsenal allows me to keep a safe distance from my enemies most of the time, reducing Mel’s opportunity to inflict damage on me. And with Apollo’s Perfect Image as my ally, I can breeze through trials with greater ease.

6 Trial Of Fury

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Oceanus
  • Weapon: Descura the Witch’s Staff, Aspect of Circe
  • Keepsake: Crystal Figurine
  • Boon: Chaos, Apollo, Aphrodite, Selene

Circe’s Crystal Figurine keepsake is one of the best in the game, as it activates a random Arcana card after Mel takes down a Guardian. However, it won’t do much for her in the Chaos Trial since it takes place in one location: Oceanus. The Aspect of Circe grants Descura Serenity after Mel lands 21 attacks. This boosts Omega move damage and restores some of Mel’s spent Magick.

Disregard’s Omega abilities deal great damage along the line, making it essential to align them correctly, particularly during the encounter with Scylla and the Sirens. Utilize the offered bonuses and keep in mind the importance of mobility.

5 Trial Of Heartache

Difficulty Rating: 3/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Rift of Thessaly
  • Weapon: Umbral Flames Ygnium, Aspect of Eos
  • Keepsake: Beautiful Mirror
  • Boon: Aphrodite

As a seasoned player of this enchanting game, I’ve come to notice that certain blessings from the goddess Aphrodite demand getting close to adversaries. Yet, with Ygnium as my companion, such tactics are not an option. Even the Eos aspect that magnifies attacks only to have them rebound upon sprinting doesn’t provide a practical solution.

As a fan, I would put it this way: If you’re not prepared to invest additional mental effort and time into mastering this strategy, then relying on luck and patience might be your only option. Try your best to minimize damage taken and boost your Magick to maximize the impact of Omega moves. Don’t forget to collect health and other bonuses whenever you can. And lastly, make use of Mel’s mobility by dodging enemy attacks while Ygnium’s abilities damage foes as they come back to her.

4 Trial Of Humility

Difficulty Rating: 4/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Erebus
  • Weapon: Descura the Witch’s Staff, Aspect of Melinoë
  • Keepsake: None
  • Boon: Apollo

At the outset, this task may appear intimidating. However, once players have grasped the abilities of Descura and memorized Hecate’s sequence of actions, they will find that they sail through it with ease. The 4/5 level of challenge mainly stems from the fact that players don’t receive a memento as a reward, and they cannot employ their Arcana cards during gameplay.

The success of obtaining Magic or health from reward chambers relies largely on chance. However, by minimizing damage taken and exhibiting patience, players can successfully complete the trial without encountering issues.

3 Trial Of Blood

Difficulty Rating: 4/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Rift of Thessaly
  • Weapon: Lim & Oros the Sister Blades, Aspect of Artemis
  • Keepsake: White Antler
  • Boon: None

As a gamer, I can tell you that in this battle, we’re up against Melinoë, who goes by the name “Trial of Blood” due to her ability to take quite a beating. The Sister Blades she wields may not deal massive damage on their own, but Melinoë needs to be right in the thick of things to unleash them effectively. Yet, the Goddess of the Hunt within her empowers her to defend herself. With Artemis by her side, she can occasionally deflect incoming attacks using a parry maneuver. Following that, she swiftly retaliates with an Omega Attack, striking her foes back before they have a chance to recover.

The trinket belonging to Artemis confers a 20% increased critical hit chance on Melinoe when her health is at or below the threshold of 30. Engaging in such an endeavor carries significant risk, particularly with Eris present and wielding the Adamant Rail. Nonetheless, players who are up for the challenge can seize the opportunity.

2 Trial Of Haste

Difficulty Rating: 4/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Fields of Mourning
  • Weapon: Descura the Witch’s Staff, Aspect of Melinoë
  • Keepsake: Metallic Droplet
  • Boon: None

In this trial, Hermes won’t bestow Melinoë with his usual blessings, only offering her a keepsake instead. This item enables Melinoë to move swiftly, utilize Omega abilities, and attack 20% quicker for approximately 3 minutes (200 seconds). Consequently, by the time she encounters Cerberus, Melinoë would be devoid of any bonuses or additional powers.

Despite the challenging nature of the “Trial of Heartache,” some players might find it even more difficult, requiring multiple attempts before noticing progress. Make the most of the unpredictable bonuses in the “Fields of Mourning” and remain composed during the “Guardian” battle. Agile Melinoé and nimble Descura are valuable assets; utilize them effectively.

1 Trial Of Doom

Difficulty Rating: 5/5

Hardest Hades 2 Chaos Trials
  • Location: Oceanus
  • Weapon: Zorephet the Moonstone Axe, Aspect of Thanatos
  • Keepsake: Engraved Pin
  • Boon: Demeter

In one of the most challenging Chaos Trials, Melinoë carries the scythe belonging to the God of Death and keeps Moros’ memento. This ability allows Melinoë to bypass death for a brief 10-second window as she continues battling; should there be no remaining enemies once the time elapses, she restores 30 health instead of meeting her demise and concluding the run. However, this power clashes somewhat with Zorephet’s connection to Thanatos. Each successful Omega strike from Melinoë increases her critical hit chance by 1%, yet this bonus is nullified upon receiving damage.

Players need to effectively utilize the blessings of Demeter. These blessings enable them to immobilize enemies and deal significant area-of-effect damage. In addition, employing wise blocking techniques, an abundance of magical power for Omega abilities, and a dash of good fortune will help players overcome the challenge.

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2024-07-20 08:34