Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

Key Takeaways

  • Civilization 7 introduces mix-and-match leaders from different civilizations to create unique combinations.
  • The game focuses on developing distinct eras and features leaders beyond heads of state, like influential figures.
  • Including various leaders like Amina, Ashoka, Benjamin Franklin, Confucius, Hatshepsut, Napoleon, and Tucumseh, offers a diverse and historically accurate gameplay experience.

As a history enthusiast and avid Civilization player, I must say that the lineup for Civilization 7 is nothing short of breathtaking. Each leader brings a unique perspective to the game, offering players a chance to relive some of the most iconic moments in human history.

2024’s Gamescom unveiled a wealth of intriguing details about the upcoming edition of Sid Meier’s Civilization. Notable modifications to the gameplay include the ability to blend leaders from various civilizations, resulting in more eccentric combinations. The developers are also focusing on creating three distinct epochs: antiquity, exploration, and modernity, allowing players to switch civilizations at each transition (mirroring the inevitable transformations any civilization undergoes over time). An intriguing announcement was made regarding the expansion of “leaders” beyond heads of state to encompass influential figures from each civilization. However, a lingering curiosity among fans persists: which leaders will be included in the game?

The “Civilization” games typically involve players selecting a civilization and playing as a real historical figure. Though certain figures recur frequently, such as Abraham Lincoln and Mahatma Gandhi, the series often presents lesser-known characters. In the case of “Civilization 6”, leaders hailing from diverse regions with varying genders and ethnicities were introduced. It is reasonable to anticipate that “Civilization 7” will continue this trend, featuring a broad array of leaders. However, the developers have yet to reveal much information, but what they’ve shared so far has given us some hints about potential characters.

9 Agustus Caesar

First Emperor of Rome

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

Augustus Caesar, initially Julius Caesar’s adopted son, matured amidst the tumultuous era when Rome was in the process of transforming from a Republic to an Empire. The murder of Julius Caesar marked a pivotal moment, triggering a civil war due to the power void it created. Augustus, however, proved himself as a shrewd strategist. He systematically defeated his political adversaries, until there was no one left standing against him. To solidify his position, he gradually assumed control over Rome’s key political institutions, effectively ruling like a king, though not officially so. His reign primarily involved rebuilding Rome from the wreckage of past conflicts and strengthening it into a more formidable entity. The reforms he implemented during this period formed the bedrock of the Roman Empire.

Although not his first Civilization appearance (having previously appeared in 5), Augustus is an unusual choice for the series. Many of the games have gravitated towards either Julius Caesar or Trajan. This is probably because Rome was infamous for its range of unhinged emperors who would would definitely not fit the series, and both are often seen as some of Rome’s more level-headed leaders. Of course, while Augustus was by no means “good,” he certainly made a significant impact on Roman history, making him a fitting choice for Rome.

8 Amina

Warrior Queen

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

As I delve into the tales of Amina, the formidable queen from Zassu (a land that now lies within Nigeria), I find myself grappling with the blurred lines between truth and myth. Her life story seems to have been embellished over time, making it challenging to separate historical facts from legendary accounts. However, what can be confirmed is that she likely ruled in the 15th century, and her reign as queen spanned a remarkable 34 years. She was known for her military prowess, often leading her troops into battle, displaying exceptional skills as a warrior and tactician. By the end of her rule, Amina had built an empire that still resonates today with tales of her unparalleled martial abilities.

In Civilization 6, there was a significant focus on showcasing diverse cultures worldwide, including African ones. Since its inception, the Zulu have been featured, and in the sixth installment, new factions like the Congo and Mali were introduced. Now, it appears they are broadening their scope even more by adding the culture of Zassu. Similarly, Amina’s inclusion continues a pattern initiated in version 6, which aimed to highlight African women leaders such as herself.

7 Ashoka

The Pacifist Emperor

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

In my perspective, I’ve always been captivated by the remarkable era of Ashoka, who ruled the mighty Mauryan Empire, a realm that encompasses what we now recognize as India. Initially, he was a tyrant, relying on brute military force to assert his will. However, this all transformed following the invasion of Kalinga. Witnessing the devastation wrought by my actions and the gory stains on my hands, I vowed to avoid further violence. Instead, I dedicated myself to being a compassionate leader, embracing a utilitarian philosophy that prioritized the well-being of my subjects. I even went so far as to adopt Buddhism – an audacious choice for an emperor – to underscore my beliefs. Under my leadership, the Mauryan Empire flourished and reached its zenith, leaving Ashoka forever cherished in India’s heart.

India has been a part of human civilization since the early days, and it’s intriguing to observe a more concerted effort to broaden the variety of leaders in these games. Typically, Mahatma Gandhi is the character featured, but exceptions have been made – like in game 2, which introduced Indira Gandhi as an alternate, and game 6 included Chandragupta Maurya, Ashoka’s grandfather. This suggests a push towards novelty. Furthermore, it’s significant that game 7 seems to distinguish the Mauryan Empire as a separate civilization from India, thereby emphasizing Ashoka as an individual rather than just another choice for India.

6 Benjamin Franklin

America’s Quirky Founding Father

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

In this game, Benjamin Franklin stands out as an unconventional pick compared to past games that typically choose a U.S. president as the American leader. Usually, we see Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, or one of the Roosevelts in these roles. However, the developers have expanded their definition of “leader,” which has led them to explore a more influential figure instead of a traditional head of state. At this stage, there isn’t much information available, but considering Franklin’s renown, it seems plausible that he could be depicted as a leader in the scientific field.

5 Confucius

The Philosopher Who Shaped a Culture

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

It’s true that information about Confucius is limited and much of what we know comes from sources written long after his time, which raises questions about their reliability. However, it’s certain that he lived during a turbulent period in China, when the country was divided into numerous smaller states, often at odds with each other. Frequent civil wars and political upheavals were commonplace. This chaotic environment, along with the prevalence of corrupt leaders, sparked a desire for understanding what constitutes an excellent leader. Confucianism, with its blend of practical and spiritual teachings, emerged as a response to this need. In essence, it posited that a great leader leads by example, not through fear. Despite Emperor Qin Shi Huang’s attempts to suppress his ideas, many of Confucius’s teachings were recorded by his students and eventually reached the level of state governance, where they were welcomed by the elite.

Instead of the typical notion, Confucius might be an intriguing pick for leadership. This becomes clearer when we broaden our understanding of leadership to encompass not just heads of state but also highly influential figures. From both philosophical and cultural viewpoints, Confucius had a profound impact on Chinese history. His teachings are believed to have single-handedly shaped significant portions of Chinese culture, making him an ideal candidate as a cultural leader – aligning well with his enduring legacy.

4 Hatshepsut

The Great Woman Pharoah

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

Hatshepsut reigned over Egypt from 1479 BCE to 1458 BCE, initially serving as a temporary regent until her son Thutmose III reached maturity. However, she continued to rule and is now recognized as the earliest known female Pharaoh in history. During her reign, Egypt’s economy experienced a considerable growth, particularly following a prosperous trade mission to a region known as Punt (believed by historians to be located southward). Moreover, some architectural wonders were constructed under her leadership, including the Djeser Djeseru, which remains standing today. Despite efforts to obliterate her from history (the reasons for which remain debated), Hatshepsut made a substantial mark on Egyptian culture as one of its most influential leaders.

Previously, Hatshepsut has taken on leadership roles in two instances. She was a playable character once in game version 3 and served as the ruler in version 4. Since many Civilization games have predominantly chosen Cleopatra or Ramses II to represent Egypt, it would be refreshing to see Hatshepsut lead in game version 7.

3 Himiko

Legendary Queen of Ancient Japan

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

There’s not much concrete data available about Himiko, as most information comes from potentially biased Chinese sources. Known as the ruler of Yamatai, a kingdom whose precise location remains undetermined, Himiko is believed to have reigned simultaneously as both a queen and a shaman, making her a significant figure in both political and religious spheres. Her diplomatic skills were reportedly exceptional, with few, if any, wars being waged against neighboring territories during her reign.

In the Nintendo Direct trailer, Himiko was unveiled as a character designed for players inclined towards diplomacy rather than violence. Her addition to Civilization 7 presents an opportunity to present a distinctly different version of the queen compared to her portrayal in the Tomb Raider Reboot from 2013, where she was depicted as a tyrant with supernatural powers who maintained control through body-swapping rituals. With its release, Civilization 7 could correct the record and provide a more accurate depiction of the real Himiko.

2 Napoleon Bonaparte

The Legendary French Imperialist

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

Among the notable figures in “Civilization 7,” Napoleon Bonaparte stands out as one of the most distinguished. Kicking off his career during the French Revolution, he truly earned fame when he ascended to emperor in the early 1800s. Over the ensuing years, he spearheaded a succession of military campaigns that swept across much of Europe, creating the French Empire – until his disastrous attempt to conquer Russia. He later faced off against the Duke of Wellington at the Battle of Waterloo, an encounter that ultimately led to the collapse of his empire. Despite the brief duration of Imperial France (only about a decade), it left an indelible mark on history. Napoleon’s military strategies continue to inspire future commanders and remain a subject of study even today.

Napoleon is well-acquainted with the “Civilization” series of games. He’s been featured in numerous past installments in various ways, though version 6 relegated him to a great general rather than a playable character. It’s indeed exciting to see him back in his original position, which seems like a step towards restoring the game’s essence. The recent gameplay demonstration also hinted that players could secure two distinct “personas” for Napoleon, namely “Emperor” and “Revolutionary,” by signing up for the newsletter of “Civilization 7” and connecting their 2K account to the game.

1 Tucumseh

Historical Leaders Confirmed for Civilization 7

The Indigenous Freedom Fighter

As a young gamer, I lived through the tumultuous era of the American Revolution, observing its profound effects on Native American communities. Yet, it sparked within me a desire for change – my own revolution, if you will. My vision was grand: to bring together Indigenous peoples from all corners of America, forming a unified front against the encroachment of colonizers, ultimately striving for an independent nation. Alas, turning this dream into reality proved more challenging than I had imagined, and it placed me squarely in the sights of Indiana’s governor – none other than William Henry Harrison, who would later become president.

In the latest installment, the character Tucumseh follows a trend started by game number 6, which has been showcasing separate Native American tribes as civilizations governed by Native leaders, such as Poundmaker of the Cree and now Tucumseh of the Pawnee. It’ll be exciting to discover if more indigenous groups will be featured in game 7.

In summary, the historical figure Tucumseh can be obtained by those who order Civilization 7 in advance as a special leader. However, it remains uncertain if he will still be accessible once the game has been officially launched.

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2024-09-19 11:34