Hogwarts Legacy 2 New Spell Wish List

Hogwarts Legacy 2 New Spell Wish List

Key Takeaways

  • A Hogwarts Legacy sequel should include new spells, such as the Patronus Charm, though that might also mean including Azkaban Prison.
  • The Confundus Charm and Serpensortia could provide unique gameplay opportunities in Hogwarts Legacy 2.
  • The Reductor Curse may offer versatile options for both combat and removing obstacles in the game.

As a dedicated Potterhead with over two decades of Harry Potter fandom under my belt, I can confidently say that the addition of these spells to Hogwarts Legacy 2 would be nothing short of magic!

The video game titled “Hogwarts Legacy” currently offers approximately a third, or 34 spells, for players to master. However, it’s important to note that this number is merely a fraction of the total spells showcased in the Harry Potter books and movies. Given the latest news confirming a sequel for “Hogwarts Legacy” as a high priority project by Warner Bros., it seems plausible that future installments, such as “Hogwarts Legacy 2“, could provide an ideal platform to introduce and utilize those remaining enchanting spells.

If Hogwarts Legacy 2 ever gets released, it might be beneficial to incorporate a few new spells not present in the original game. These spells could include those designed for combat as well as those that aid exploration, making them ideal additions to Hogwarts Legacy 2’s magical arsenal.

Spells Hogwarts Legacy 2 Should Include

Hogwarts Legacy Absolutely Cannot Forego the Inclusion of the Patronus Charm

In the anticipated sequel of Hogwarts Legacy, the Patronus Charm is probably high on players’ desired charms due to its absence in the first game. However, there are several factors that might have prevented its inclusion in the original game. The primary reason being its purpose against Dementors, creatures that predominantly serve as guards of Azkaban Prison. Since Dementors were not present in the first Hogwarts Legacy game, there wouldn’t have been a necessity for the Patronus Charm to be part of the spells available. Consequently, for the charm to appear in Hogwarts Legacy 2, the game might need to transport players to Azkaban.

Despite the dismay caused by leaving out the Patronus Charm in Hogwarts Legacy, Avalanche Software could potentially overlook this oversight again for a sequel. With over 140 distinct forms of the Patronus Charm, ranging from the iconic stag seen in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, incorporating it into Hogwarts Legacy 2 would offer players an engaging method to personalize their characters.

Given that character individualization was a primary objective for Avalanche Software in the initial game, it appears fitting to incorporate the Patronus Charm in the subsequent one.

The Confundus Charm Would Be an Excellent Addition to Hogwarts Legacy 2’s Combat Spells

In the hypothetical sequel to Hogwarts Legacy, the Confundus Charm would surely offer an entertaining method for interacting with adversaries, particularly during any covert operations it might feature. Upon casting, the Confundus Charm induces profound confusion in the subject, leading them to perceive falsehoods about their environment. It could potentially function like Fable’s Confuse spell, causing affected enemies to assault their comrades instead. Regardless of its specific mechanics, the Confundus Charm is worth considering for inclusion in Hogwarts Legacy 2.

Serpensortia Would Give Players a Temporary Battle Companion in Hogwarts Legacy 2

Incorporating “Snake Summoning Charm,” or “Serpensortia,” into the spell books of players in Hogwarts Legacy 2 would be an exciting addition, as it empowers the player to summon a serpent to aid them in battle. Since Hogwarts Legacy lacks such spells, introducing Serpensortia in its sequel would be a delightful surprise. Particularly if combat in the second game proves to be more challenging than the first, this spell could serve as an effective ally. Additionally, it might provide players with a tactical option to divert their enemies’ attention and gain some valuable time for escape.

The Reductor Curse Could Be Useful in Battle or for Removing Obstacles in Hogwarts Legacy 2

In the potential sequel to Hogwarts Legacy, a spell known as Reductor Curse, or Reducto, could have various applications. Known in the Harry Potter series for its ability to demolish solid items, reducing them to fragments, Reducto might not just be an incredibly powerful attack in Hogwarts Legacy 2, but it could also be useful for removing obstacles such as walls, boulders, and trees that may be blocking paths.

In a potential sequel to Hogwarts Legacy, many enchanting spells could be featured, but some highly sought-after ones include the Patronus Charm, Confundus Charm, Serpensortia, and Reducto. These four spells would provide players with an array of unmatched combat abilities, along with enhanced advantages for movement and discovery in the game’s environment.

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2024-09-15 17:34