Hogwarts Legacy’s Protagonist Backstory Could Have More to Say in a Sequel

Hogwarts Legacy's Protagonist Backstory Could Have More to Say in a Sequel

As a die-hard fan who has spent countless hours immersed in the magical world of Harry Potter, I can confidently say that the release of Hogwarts Legacy was nothing short of enchanting. The game’s success is not only a testament to the timeless appeal of J.K. Rowling’s universe but also a nod to the exceptional work done by Avalanche Software.

Without a doubt, Hogwarts Legacy has been an unstoppable triumph for Warner Bros. and developers at Avalanche Software, outperforming other heavyweights like Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 to become the top-selling game in 2023. Given this impressive showing, it will be intriguing to observe where the Hogwarts Legacy series goes next, as a sequel appears highly likely.

In crafting the next installment of Hogwarts Legacy, Avalanche Software faces several intricate dilemmas, particularly concerning the main character and environment. One potential strategy, as seen in series like Mass Effect, is allowing players to carry their custom character over from one game to the next. However, this method assumes the return of the same protagonist for Hogwarts Legacy 2, making it a sequel. This idea has its advantages, such as providing opportunities for engaging storytelling, but also presents challenges like revisiting familiar territory and lack of unresolved plotlines from the initial game.

Hogwarts Legacy 2’s Protagonist Could Be in a Unique Position

The Hogwarts Legacy Hero Is a Late Bloomer

It’s plausible that Hogwarts Legacy aims to appeal to an older fanbase reminiscing about Harry Potter, as the main character in this game is exceptionally unique. The player-controlled protagonist arrives at Hogwarts later than most students, and it isn’t until their fifth year that they discover their magical abilities, which typically occur much earlier, around ages 10 or 11. This unusual circumstance plays a role in the narrative, although its exploration may not be as comprehensive as expected.

In numerous aspects, the protagonist can be seen as an outsider. Arriving at Hogwarts later than most students, they step into a tightly-knit community where their classmates have already spent significant portions of their formative years. This means they’ve forged bonds and accumulated a treasure trove of shared experiences, both pleasant and challenging. Consequently, the protagonist might struggle socially within this group, but this aspect isn’t heavily emphasized in the game. Furthermore, their late entrance into Hogwarts leaves unanswered questions about their academic progression, issues that the subsequent installment will need to address.

Hogwarts Legacy 2 Would Have to Make Sense of Its Protagonist Dilemma

As a die-hard fan eagerly anticipating Hogwarts Legacy 2, I can’t help but ponder about the protagonist’s unique learning journey. Since our hero joins Hogwarts as a fifth-year, they would only have three years left for their education, which is significantly less than the traditional seven years spent at the school. Squeezing seven years of knowledge into this short span seems quite challenging. A more plausible scenario might be that our protagonist is held back for one to three years to ensure a comprehensive education. This extended stay could lead to an intriguing dynamic, as they navigate relationships with their professors, older peers, and the younger students who are just starting their magical journey at Hogwarts.

It’s possible that these circumstances could push the main character into taking on a greater leadership role. They certainly possess the skills and intelligence (even if they don’t spend much time in class at Hogwarts Legacy), but it’s their unique situation that has placed them in this unconventional position.

Instead of having the protagonist age conventionally, Hogwarts Legacy might incorporate a time-travel element, enabling them to revisit lessons and study sessions more frequently. This could open up possibilities for Hogwarts Legacy 2, as it would free the storyline from constraints tied to the protagonist’s age. Notably, time travel for educational purposes is already established in Harry Potter lore, with Hermione Granger using it in The Prisoner of Azkaban.

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2024-09-09 22:33