House of the Dragon: Aegon’s Similarities with Previous Game of Thrones Kings

House of the Dragon: Aegon's Similarities with Previous Game of Thrones Kings

As a devoted fan of “House of the Dragon,” I can’t help but be intrigued by the complex and multifaceted character of Aegon II Targaryen. Despite being thrust onto the Iron Throne through his mother’s machinations, Aegon is far from your typical power-hungry monarch. Instead, he’s a young man who never wanted the burden of ruling Westeros.

Aegon II Targaryen from “House of the Dragon” is not without his share of complexities. Though he occupies the throne, it was unlawfully claimed by his mother for him. His ineptitude in wielding power and provocative actions may make one dislike him intensely, but his overburdened reign invokes a strange sense of empathy. Born as a prince, Aegon would have preferred to live carefree, surrounded by the pleasures of life, while his sister managed the kingdom’s affairs. Regrettably, the Iron Throne bestowed upon him bears striking similarities with those who came before and after him.

In simpler terms, both “House of the Dragon” and “Game of Thrones” teach us that being royal in Westeros comes with great hardships and a short lifespan. Those who wield power rarely enjoy its benefits and are often unsavory characters. Power has a destructive impact not only on the mental well-being of the powerful but also on the lives of commoners under their rule. The system of hereditary wealth and authority is toxic, offering little to no advantages.

Aegon isn’t the new Joffrey

Joffrey Baratheon is one of the most widely despised characters in TV history. When fans saw another young king ascend to the throne through his mother’s ambition, many expected a sequel to Joffrey. Aegon is, in many ways, the opposite of Joffrey. Cersei’s son is cruel, sadistic, and insufferable. While Aegon is similarly undeserving of the throne, his instincts are generous. When the smallfolk ask Aegon for help, he’s quick to give them what they want. This largely comes from the examples each king grew up with. Aegon’s father was Viserys, perhaps the kindest man to ever take the Iron Throne. He’s selfish and petty, but he gets his idea of a “good” king by watching Viserys exhibit wisdom, affability, and willingness to give. The show dubs Aegon’s father Viserys the Peaceful, inventing an appropriate sobriquet. Aegon just wants to get drunk, win battles, and wear fancy outfits. Joffrey is the worst-case scenario, but Aegon is just an entitled failson trying his best.

Aegon has Robert Baratheon’s Hedonism

House of the Dragon: Aegon's Similarities with Previous Game of Thrones Kings

I’m a huge fan of this intriguing world of Game of Thrones, and I can’t help but be fascinated by the complex characters that inhabit it. Among them is Aegon, who’s known for his hedonistic tendencies. I mean, he just doesn’t seem to care about much in life beyond having a good time with his friends, indulging in drink and women. His brother Aemond, on the other hand, is a formidable warrior, while their sister Helaena possesses great wisdom.

Aegon has Tommen Baratheon’s Inner Conflict

House of the Dragon: Aegon's Similarities with Previous Game of Thrones Kings

During Tommen Baratheon’s brief and sorrowful rule, one could argue that it should be referred to as the era of Cersei Lannister’s influence. Cersei held the true power over her children, orchestrating cruelty, manipulation, and vengeance that resulted in countless fatalities, including her own son’s tragic suicide. Tommen, who possessed wisdom beyond his years, conversed with his grandfather Tywin Lannister just prior to claiming the throne. The cunning old man expressed that piety, justice, and strength do not make a great king, but Tommen’s intelligence amused him. However, Cersei and Tywin utilized Tommen as a pawn to advance their family lineage without regard for his input. This manipulation ultimately led Tommen to end his own life, causing Aegon to engage in an unwanted war, the loss of a son, and several near-fatal injuries.

Aegon has Daenerys Targaryen’s Wrath

House of the Dragon: Aegon's Similarities with Previous Game of Thrones Kings

I’ve noticed an unsettling similarity between Aegon and the Targaryen dynasty’s infamous cruelty, albeit subtly. Don’t get me wrong; Aegon generally stands on the side of justice. However, he possesses a dangerous impulsiveness that can lead him to lash out without thinking.

Aegon II Targaryen is ill-equipped to rule, acknowledging his own inadequacy. He’s been granted the title out of convenience by those looking to get rid of him. Impulsive and disobedient, he defies his mother’s desires. Beneath his flawed exterior lies a potential for great brutality towards his enemies. Aegon is not the most detestable monarch in “House of the Dragon,” but he embodies traits that will be seen in future rulers, both good and bad.

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2024-07-16 01:04