House of the Dragon: The Dragonkeepers, Explained

House of the Dragon: The Dragonkeepers, Explained

As a devoted fan with a deep appreciation for the rich tapestry of Westeros, I must say that the Dragonkeepers in House of the Dragon have left an indelible mark on my heart. Their dedication to the protection and reverence of dragons is nothing short of inspiring. It’s fascinating to witness their monastic-style order unfold, with its intricate rituals and traditions steeped in High Valyrian lore.

In 2022, when the series House of the Dragon unveiled the golden era of House Targaryen, the Dragonkeepers of King’s Landing were among its most significant attendants. They eagerly anticipated the arrival of Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Upon her descent from Syrax’s saddle, the Dragonkeepers observed the dragon’s actions closely. The Dragonkeepers then guided Syrax into the Dragonpit, and as expected, she obeyed their instructions without hesitation.

In “House of the Dragon” – Season 1, the Dragonkeepers could be found at both the Dragonpit in King’s Landing and Dragonstone. They were well-informed about the complex relationship between King Viserys and his brother, Daemon. The Dragonkeepers played a crucial role in teaching the young princes how to command their dragons using High Valyrian. As Rhaenyra relocated to Dragonstone, members of the Order of the Dragonkeepers put forth great effort to safeguard her dragons at the Dragonmont.

Who Are The Dragonkeepers In House of the Dragon?

House of the Dragon: The Dragonkeepers, Explained

In many instances depicted in “House of the Dragon,” the Dragonkeepers constitute a monastic order, both male and female, established to safeguard and educate the dragons of House Targaryen. Their primary duties involve serving the Targaryens at the Dragonpit in King’s Landing and their ancestral home, Dragonstone. The Dragonkeepers are under the protection of House Targaryen, which ultimately led to their demise as portrayed in “Game of Thrones.” As the capital city of the Seven Kingdoms and the residence of the Targaryens is located within the Crownlands, the Dragonkeepers primarily carry out their duties there.

Established by King Jaehaerys I Targaryen in 56 AC, the exclusive Order of the Dragonkeepers, composed of 77 members, was designed to serve as permanent dragon protectors. Their duties required them to be stationed at the Dragonpit and Dragonmont lairs. Armed with swords and donning black armor suits adorned with dragon scale patterns, they were an essential part of dragon lore. However, it’s worth noting that the portrayal of this order may vary in the “House of the Dragon” series compared to historical accounts.

In the series, both males and females serve within the monastic-like Order of the Dragonkeepers. Instead of swords, these guards carry long wooden staves and Dragonglass knives. They dress modestly; men have shaved heads while women wear their hair in buns to minimize fire hazards. The show delves into the hierarchy of this order, which consists of Elders and Acolytes. As depicted in House of the Dragon, the Dragonkeepers perished during the Storming of the Dragonpit. Fifty of them protected the Dragonpit as the Shepherd’s mob tried to force entry. The extinction of dragons due to the Dance of the Dragons and their subsequent species demise had a devastating effect on the Order of the Dragonkeepers.

How Was The Order Of The Dragonkeepers Instated?

House of the Dragon: The Dragonkeepers, Explained

As a devoted fan, I might rephrase it like this:

The Dragonkeepers managed to curb the playful antics of young Targaryens like Princess Viserra and her six companions within the Dragonpit. They also prevented Princess Saera Targaryen from gaining entry to the Dragonpit, escorting her back to the Red Keep for safety. Since the Dragonkeepers were responsible for guarding the dragons round-the-clock, they knew these beasts better than the Targaryens who rode them. The dragonkeepers held dragons in high regard, referring to them as sacred creatures. They nicknamed Caraxes as the Blood Wyrm and advised against Viserys and Daemon’s mother, Princess Alyssa Targaryen, from attempting to ride Balerion, whom they considered sluggish. Ultimately, it was on their advice that Alyssa chose to mount the Red Queen Meleys instead.

What Happened Between Rhaenyra And The Dragonkeepers In House of the Dragon?

What Did the Dragonkeepers Say To Rhaenyra Targaryen In House of the Dragon?

In House of the Dragon’s second season, episode 6 titled “Smallfolk,” the Dragonkeepers communicate solely in High Valyrian. They are present as Rhaenyra makes her initial attempt to persuade Ser Steffon Darklyn to ride Seasmoke. To summon the dragon, they sing an old High Valyrian tune called “Hāros Bartossi.” As Seasmoke approaches, the Dragonkeepers maintain their vigil. Most people scatter in fear, but Ser Steffon meets a grim end, being burned to ashes. A servant from their Order mercifully slits his throat for a less agonizing death. When Rhaenyra tries another dragon-claiming mission, the Dragonkeepers decide not to participate in what becomes known as the Red Sowing, a reference from ancient lore. Before her taming attempt, the head of the Dragonkeepers speaks to Queen Rhaenyra in High Valyrian and refuses her orders to prioritize commoners, or Andals, over the dragons.

As someone who has spent years studying ancient mythology and legends, I must say that your latest request strikes me as quite misguided. Sending an Andal before a dragon is like sending a mouse to face a lion; it’s simply foolishness. I’ve seen the devastation that dragons can bring, and the notion of someone claiming to be a dragonlord without the proper lineage or power is laughable at best. It’s a dangerous game you’re playing here, and I fear for the consequences if you continue down this path.

In the second-to-last episode of House of the Dragon, the Acolytes, led by the Elder, hastily departed from Dragonmont, leaving before Vermithor the Bronze Fury could incinerate numerous men and women within their ranks.

As a gamer, I deeply respect the ancient power of dragons – they’re the remnants of the enchanting magic once wielded by Old Valyria. They are not mere toys to be manipulated for human games. Our Order chooses to abstain from such affairs.

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2024-08-01 02:03