How a Fan Convinced Gentlebros to Add Gender Options to Cat Quest 3

How a Fan Convinced Gentlebros to Add Gender Options to Cat Quest 3

As a passionate gamer and a lover of unique stories, I was thrilled to learn about the latest addition to Cat Quest 3 – the option to sail as a pirate queen! This decision, driven by a heartwarming letter from a young fan, perfectly embodies the spirit of the game. The Gentlebros have not only paid homage to the rich history of female pirates like Grace O’Malley but also made it possible for a new generation of dreamers to see themselves in the game. It’s a testament to their dedication to inclusivity and their ability to infuse even the most swashbuckling adventures with a touch of warmth and sweetness.

Adventuring as a privateer in Cat Quest 3, or being a pirate in real life, conjures up vivid mental pictures. Primarily, this brings to mind figures like Blackbeard and Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean, but it also recalls powerful women of the high seas such as the legendary Irish pirate queen Grianne “Grace” O’Malley, who even dared to challenge Queen Elizabeth I.

The developers at The Gentlebros, creators of Cat Quest 3, haven’t overlooked Grace. In an interview with Game Rant, their CEO Desmond Wong explained the heartwarming explanation behind why the lasses beneath the Jolly Roger are included in their latest game.

Sailing as Neel Catpurr

While many pirate captains appeared to be men during the peak of piracy, it’s important to note that there was a substantial history of female pirates as well. For instance, Anne Bonny, Marie-Anne de Graff, and Flora Burn are among those who hoisted the black flag. Notably, these aren’t the only examples; there was also Shi Yang, better recognized as Zheng Yi Sao, a Chinese pirate leader who commanded 24 ships and over a thousand pirates. After her time in the golden age of piracy, Cornelia “Neel” Cuyper established a resort for pirates at Labadee in Haiti following her pirating days.

When Wong decided to incorporate the option to sail as a pirate queen in Cat Quest 3, he had plenty of strong and influential female pirates to reference. However, the idea didn’t stem from these historical figures. As is typical with Cat Quest games, the inspiration was something more delightful and heartwarming than any of those pirate women.

“A multitude of messages from fans of the Cat Quest series caught our attention, but one particularly resonated – it was a heartfelt plea from a young girl in the UK who expressed her desire to play as a female cat. We’ve never forgotten that request and have strived to make it possible this time around. Young lady, if you’re reading this, know that we made this change specifically for you.”

In a heartwarming manner, Cat Quest and, similarly, Cat Quest 3, beautifully portray some of the most comforting and endearing aspects they decide to emphasize. Notably, in dealing with pirates, Cat Quest 3 follows this same warm and fuzzy approach. This dedication to creating a touching experience is evidently reflected in the studio’s work, as the passion of a young fan’s letter played a significant role in shaping their decisions.

The game embodies the era of piracy during its golden age, which served as both its theme and setting. Interestingly, “pi-rat” was cleverly used as a pun to create this concept. From its adorable visual design to sailing mechanics that abandon the traditional slow, cumbersome movement of large ships for something swift and nimble, reminiscent of a cat’s agility.

Venturing westward beyond Felingard, land of the beloved Cat Quest series, players will discover a fresh take on familiar activities. They’ll pursue legends of ancient treasures, with whispers suggesting that even the North Star tumbled into the Purribean Sea. Moreover, they’ll traverse dungeons that blend side-scrolling and traditional Cat Quest layouts. Most significantly, a young girl from the UK who aspires to embody Grace O’Malley might find herself represented in this game.

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2024-08-15 23:34