How FromSoft’s Elden Ring Follow-Up Can Be More Completionist-Friendly

How FromSoft's Elden Ring Follow-Up Can Be More Completionist-Friendly

Key Takeaways

  • Elden Ring‘s barriers to players seeking 100% completion could be quite frustrating.
  • FromSoftware’s next title should prioritize making all in-game items easily attainable in a single playthrough.
  • Walking Mausoleums could be a gateway toward this, offering a way to provide items missed through quest progression or area changes.

As a hardcore gamer with over 25 years of gaming under my belt and a completionist at heart, I can wholeheartedly say that Elden Ring has been one of the most challenging yet rewarding games I’ve ever played. FromSoftware continues to push the boundaries of what is possible in video games, but there’s one area where they could improve their next title – making it more completionist-friendly.

More than two years have passed, and Elden Ring remains among the top-tier titles in gaming today. Developer FromSoftware has established itself as a powerhouse in the industry with its development of the Soulslike genre, and Elden Ring is widely regarded as one of their finest works to date. From its demanding combat to the vast, richly detailed world teeming with lore and opportunities for exploration, Elden Ring excels at many elements that make FromSoftware games so captivating.

With the arrival of the “Shadow of the Erdtree” DLC this past summer, there’s even more excitement for gamers to explore. Regardless of what FromSoftware’s next venture may hold, there is a proven method to enhance any potential sequel and surpass the greatness of “Elden Ring.” Although “Elden Ring” offers an abundance of content, it occasionally restricts certain items based on player decisions, which can be frustrating for completionists. This issue could be addressed in the future to create a more accessible experience for all players.

Elden Ring’s Successor Should Strive to Be More Completionist Friendly

Making All In-Game Items Attainable From the Start

Completing Elden Ring to the fullest is an immense task. Experts suggest that it might take players approximately 133 hours to complete every nook and cranny of the game. For those who relish in ensuring they’ve achieved or discovered every goal and item within the game, Elden Ring offers a lengthy journey. However, the game thwarts completionists by locking away items after certain story milestones are reached, or by presenting players with tough choices between valuable items during gameplay.

In my opinion, Millicent’s storyline showcases an intriguing dilemma in Elden Ring. As a player, I am faced with the tough choice between two unique items – the Rotten Winged Sword Insignia and Millicent’s Prosthesis. Unfortunately, acquiring both at once is not an option, which can be disappointing for those aiming for a flawless playthrough. While Elden Ring shines in numerous aspects, this particular design choice might lead to some frustration among players who value completeness. On one hand, offering choices encourages thoughtful decision-making, but on the other, it potentially hinders achieving a perfect run.

Shadow of the Erdtree
DLC takes another 49 hours to get 100% completion.

With each new release, FromSoftware games present a diverse array of intricate challenges. One such challenge lies in the decision-making process when it comes to choosing items, which can make one question its necessity or impact. While completionist playthroughs might not suit everyone, it’s surprising that FromSoftware titles, with their immersive gameplay, don’t offer this option more often. However, there’s at least one aspect of Elden Ring that suggests FromSoftware may be moving in the right direction.

Elden Ring’s Walking Mausoleums Are a Step in the Right Direction

In the expansive world of Elden Ring, Walking Mausoleums, these colossal, four-legged structures, serve as an interesting method for introducing variety in a player’s experience. These imposing buildings can replicate Remembrances, providing at least a solid foundation for a new adventure. As FromSoftware continues to evolve, incorporating this concept more deeply into future titles could result in a more rewarding and immersive single playthrough.

Currently, it’s uncertain what future games FromSoftware might prepare for gamers. With Elden Ring seemingly their masterpiece, they have set the bar quite high. A sequel that caters more to completionists could significantly enhance some players’ experience. However, FromSoftware is renowned for staying true to its style, prioritizing gameplay and storytelling above all else. As long as a follow-up to Elden Ring offers another immersive gaming journey, the omission of achieving 100% in one playthrough might be overlooked.

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2024-09-08 19:04