How Funko Fusion Turns IPs Into Worlds

How Funko Fusion Turns IPs Into Worlds

As a seasoned gamer with over two decades of gaming under my belt, I must say that Funko Fusion has truly struck a chord with me. The idea of diving into fantastical worlds from my favorite films and TV shows, all while collecting quirky POP-styled characters, is simply too enticing to resist.

In the simple origins of Funko Fusion, it all started in a modest Funko POP manufacturing facility. However, it swiftly transports players into an array of captivating worlds stemming from popular movies, TV series, and beyond. Ranging from the frosty Arctic desolation of The Thing to the eerie suburban setting of Hot Fuzz, Funko Fusion offers a fresh perspective for fans to immerse themselves in their cherished media. Accompanied by a band of POP-inspired characters, players will traverse various realms, uncovering characters, enhancements, weapons, and much more as they aid Freddy Funko in overcoming his wicked counterpart, Eddy.

10:10 Games team found great pleasure in creating these levels, expressing that the experience was “extremely enjoyable” when asked about the process. Animation director Andy Dolan expressed his excitement, stating it was a joyful task. He mentioned that the process became smoother as the team were already avid fans of many Intellectual Properties (IPs) they incorporated in the game, considering it an honor to bring these beloved characters and realms into video game format.

Key Moments And Characters Were Used To Develop The Worlds

How Funko Fusion Turns IPs Into Worlds

Dolan outlined the methodology for designing worlds and stages once the intellectual properties (IPs) were chosen. He underscored that the team put great effort into replicating iconic, impactful scenes from each IP – like Doc Brown capturing a bolt of lightning in Back to the Future, Scott Pilgrim battling in the Battle of the Bands, and many more. Additionally, they paid close attention to infusing humor into every level, using the distinctive proportions and movements of Funko POPs as comedic elements.

In our work, we go back to the movies and series, focusing on crucial scenes and traits. We determine the essential moments for our cutscenes, considering ways to infuse humor without losing the narrative’s essence or brevity. As animators, we study a character’s movements, like their walk or stance, aiming to incorporate as many of those nuances as possible into our characters.

The Developers Strove To Do Justice To Each Included IP

How Funko Fusion Turns IPs Into Worlds

Lead designer Wil Evans likened the process of building the realms and stages for Funko Fusion to a delicate act of juggling: maintaining a balance between various elements.

As a passionate gamer, I yearn to create an experience that honors the beloved franchise. Yet, as a designer, I understand that it’s a game, and there might be instances where creativity needs to yield to practicality. The art lies in harmoniously blending these aspects, ensuring both the fans’ expectations and design realities coalesce into the best possible outcome.

The outcome of the team’s efforts is a sequence of worlds for Funko Fusion players to delve into freely, gathering characters, weapons, and abilities along the way. The team suggested that each world contains hidden secrets and nods to the IP, urging players to scrutinize thoroughly to uncover all the concealed treasures within. Interestingly, even the original world of the game, the Funko POP factory inhabited by Freddy, is brimming with hidden secrets and delightful surprises that await players upon the release of Funko Fusion.

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2024-09-12 20:53