How Opening the Door to the Great Below Changed Flintlock’s World

How Opening the Door to the Great Below Changed Flintlock's World

As a huge fan of the Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn game, I am absolutely captivated by its unique take on the action RPG genre with its intriguing Flintlock Fantasy setting. This game offers an exciting blend of gods and guns that sets it apart from traditional fantasy games.

The Siege of Dawn” is an action RPG with a Souls-like feel that sets itself apart by providing more choices than usual in the genre. This game also takes fantasy settings in a new direction through its unique Flintlock Fantasy concept.

In essence, Flintlock Fantasy centers around the concept of gods and guns living in harmony, as magical and supernatural elements clash with more practical technological ones. The pivotal moment for this story took place a decade prior to the beginning, when the dead rose from the Underworld and overran Kian’s lands, marking the beginning of a dire predicament that protagonist Nor Vanek faces at the start of the game. Daniel Baider, lead narrative designer, discussed with Game Rant how this supernatural event set the stage for Nor’s challenging situation.

How the Door to the Great Below Forms Flintlock’s Conflict

Flintlock’s Gods Were Almost Myth Before the Door Opened

From a gamer’s perspective, I’d say it this way: In Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn, it’s never ideal for us common folk when supernatural forces break free from their usual confines. And here’s the kicker: humanity was on the cusp of an Industrial Revolution when things took a turn for the worse. According to Baider, we were about to bid farewell to our reliance on deities and embrace a new era of progress, but then… boom! Reality got all twisted up, and now we’re dealing with the consequences.

Prior to the Door being opened, Kian was headed towards a modern era propelled by the newfound understanding of black powder. With advancements in technology and increasing global connections, ancient beliefs lost their grip. Deities transformed into mythical figures from past tales, revered by only a few.

I was taken aback as hordes of the deceased, led by almost forgotten deities, initiated a relentless assault on Dawn, my beloved hometown. The situation escalated rapidly, and humanity found itself in a desperate battle to determine the outcome for Kian. As Baider pointed out, this fierce clash has been raging since then.

The unfathomable appearance of the Door caused the residents of Kian to question their reality. Nothing made sense – not why the Deceased were returning among the living, nor what transpired after the Sapper’s assignment unveiled a shocking truth: even the Gods had passed through the Door.

As a gamer, I can tell you that my background and current abilities are heavily influenced by the game’s opening. I managed to make it through the destructive aftermath and was fortunate enough to be guided by a wise mentor. Rising through the ranks of the Coalition, I became an expert in handling gunpowder and firearms, dedicated to fighting off the waves of enemies invading Kian. But as in any intriguing fantasy game, there’s always more to the story than what initially meets the eye. So, join me on this quest as I continue my journey as a Sapper, mastering new skills and uncovering hidden secrets along the way.

As a curious gamer, I can’t help but ponder over the enigma of how the Door was initially opened in “Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn.” The intricacies of that event still elude me. Yet, as we embark on this thrilling journey, I am eagerly anticipating the revelations that await us during our adventure.

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2024-07-15 17:05