How Shadow of the Erdtree Lore Recontextualizes Elden Ring’s Base Game

How Shadow of the Erdtree Lore Recontextualizes Elden Ring's Base Game


  • Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree is a top contender for Game of the Year due to its substantial content and lore expansion.
  • The DLC’s narrative uncovers mysteries surrounding key characters like Miquella, shedding new light on Elden Ring’s lore and player role.
  • The final boss fight reveals Miquella’s attempt to bring peace by ascending to godhood, redefining the Tarnished’s role in the game’s story.

As a longtime fan of FromSoftware games, I have always been captivated by their intricate narratives and immersive worlds. Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree has taken my love for their work to new heights. This DLC expansion is not just an add-on; it’s a revelation that recontextualizes and deepens the lore of Elden Ring, making me reevaluate key aspects of the game I thought I understood.

As a huge fan of video games, I can’t help but get excited as we approach the second half of 2024. The buzz around potential Game of the Year contenders is already in full swing, and it comes as no shock that Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree by FromSoftware is already a strong candidate. In hindsight, if FromSoftware had released Shadow of the Erdtree as the base game back in 2022, it might have even taken the crown for Game of the Year. With its substantial expansion to Elden Ring’s world, I firmly believe that Shadow of the Erdtree could have stood on its own merit. Now, as a complementary addition, it elevates Elden Ring to new heights and adds depth to its already rich lore.

As a devoted fan of “Shadow of the Erdtree,” I can tell you that the heart of this game’s intrigue revolves around the enigma of Miquella. My curiosity isn’t just piqued by figuring out where he’s hidden, but also by uncovering the reasons why he retreated to the Shadow Realm and sought godhood. Fortunately, as I delve deeper into the game, I do unravel these answers, along with some unexpected appearances. These revelations not only deepen my understanding of “Elden Ring”‘s main narrative but also offer fresh perspectives on the Tarnished, the Empyreans, the Erdtree, and the Greater Will. In essence, “Shadow of the Erdtree” adds another layer to “Elden Ring,” enriching the overall experience by redefining my role in its unfolding story.

Shadow of the Erdtree’s Ymir Questline Reframes Elden Ring’s Greater Will

The following contains spoilers for
Elden Ring
‘s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

One significant way that “Shadow of the Erdtree” enriches the larger narrative of “Elden Ring” is through the Count Ymir questline. To fully appreciate Ymir’s dialogue and the final boss battle in his questline, it’s essential to first refresh our understanding of The Greater Will and the role of the Fingers in The Lands Between. According to “Elden Ring” lore, The Greater Will is one of several deities that have governed The Lands Between at different points in time. The Greater Will eventually brought forth The Two Fingers, which are often called its offspring but should be seen as physical embodiments of The Greater Will instead.

Discovering the conclusions of Ymir’s mission in Shadow of the Erdtree unveils fresh insights regarding The Greater Will and the Two Fingers. This enlightening information is made possible through the emergence of Metyr, the Mother of Fingers. Metyr is revealed to be the initial offspring of The Greater Will manifested in The Lands Between. However, at a certain point, The Greater Will ceased all communication with its children, causing Metyr to descend into madness as part of an attempt to reconnect. It is Metyr who has encouraged Miquella to venture into the Shadow Realm and ascend to divinity, with the ultimate goal being to mend relationships with The Greater Will.

The Final Confrontation in Shadow of the Erdtree Puts The Tarnished’s Motives Into Question

In the finale of Shadow of the Erdtree DLC, the true intentions of Miquella are unveiled, offering a fresh perspective on Elden Ring lore and The Tarnished’s role. While Miquella’s quest to reach the Shadow Realm and godhood is a significant enigma, it’s during the climactic boss battle against Promised Consort, Radahn that we learn a shocking truth: Miquella aims to surpass The Greater Will and the Erdtree, ultimately disrupting the eternal cycle of chaos instigated by his mother Marika.

If Miquella had triumphed instead, it’s plausible that the ascended Empyrean would have brought about real tranquility to The Lands Between, reinforcing the belief that Elden Ring’s Age of Stars conclusion is the favorable ending in this context. In essence, Shadow of the Erdtree portrays The Tarnished as a potential antagonist, unwittingly locked into an endless cycle of pursuit for power. However, if they align with Ranni and abandon the Golden Order permanently, they could change their fate.

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2024-07-17 16:23