How Star Wars Outlaws Devs Approached Story and Character Design

How Star Wars Outlaws Devs Approached Story and Character Design

As a long-time Star Wars fan, I was thrilled to delve into the creative process behind Star Wars: Outlaws. The attention to detail in character design, from Kay’s dataspike-adorned bun to Nix’s Merqaal species, is nothing short of impressive. It’s fascinating how even the smallest details can make a character instantly recognizable, like Kay’s holster hanging off her side or Nix’s unique backstory reflected in his design.

Working on a project like Massive Entertainment’s upcoming open-world RPG, Star Wars Outlaws, comes with a touch of extra pressure due to the iconic Star Wars IP. However, this pressure seems to have fueled their ambition instead of hindering it. The game promises a vast array of content, from engaging combat and exploration to various side activities. In a genre brimming with competition, Star Wars Outlaws is striving to stand out by offering unique features.

Game Rant recently conversed with key members of Massive Entertainment’s development team, including creative director Julian Gerighty, art and world director Benedikt Podlesnigg, associate art director Marthe Jonkers, narrative director Navid Khavari, game director Mathias Karlson, and composer Wilbert Roget II, to delve deep into the details of Star Wars Outlaws. During their discussion, they touched on various aspects of the game, particularly focusing on its storyline and how the characters contribute to the intricate tapestry of the narrative. For clarity and conciseness, this interview has been condensed.

Star Wars Outlaws’ Characters Are Key Components of Its World

How Star Wars Outlaws Devs Approached Story and Character Design

A: Could you share some insights about the different versions, initial ideas, and conversations that occurred regarding the characters in Star Wars Outlaws? For instance, how did they decide on Kay Vess’ present appearance and were there any significant disagreements over specific additions or omissions during this process?

In our character creation process, it was crucial to maintain authenticity. We aimed to develop characters that seemed native to the universe and environment we were constructing. For every design, we took into account their origins, driving forces, abilities, and professions… all with the intention of making each character appear as a genuine resident of the sprawling, lived-in Star Wars galaxy.

For character Kay, we aimed to create a rogue figure who is relatively inexperienced within the criminal underworld. In her early days as a thief, her appearance was largely influenced by this lifestyle. This can be seen in the details such as the hairpin she covertly uses as a dataspike and the quiet, agile boots that aid her in stealthily navigating the streets of Canto Bight.

We created numerous drafts to perfect her appearance and ensure every aspect was accurate. The color of her jacket shifted several times during the development phase, but one consistent element was Nix. Throughout our design journey, we conceived them as a pair, and Nix’s design significantly impacted Kay’s style, as seen in the scratches on the back of her jacket and the small Nix tattoo on her wrist.

A: Could you discuss the procedure used to develop entirely novel aspects such as Kay’s companion Nix, a new species (the Merqaal) introduced in Star Wars for Outlaws, within the context of expanding Star Wars lore?

Designing Nix was a joyous experience for us. We aimed to create a companion for Kay who wasn’t just competent, but also someone who would feel like family. Drawing inspiration from our own beloved pets, we envisioned Nix as a real animal, reflecting the bond we share with our cats and dogs in his design and behavior.

Nix becomes quite affectionate and adorable when given a belly rub, just watch out for his hidden sharp claws and teeth! Some aspects of Star Wars are comfortingly familiar yet oddly alien, and that concept was kept in mind while creating Nix. Although he may resemble your pet, there’s no denying that he appears to hail from another world!

Q: As a species, what can you tell us about Merqaals?

You: Merqaals are tiny beings hailing from a jungle world. Adapted to a rugged habitat, the tough scales on their backs shield them from rain and potential threats. These creatures possess nimble paws, large talons, and powerful teeth, making them formidable protectors.

A perfect companion to a scoundrel like Kay! A very unique element of Merqaals is their ‘feelers.’ With those, they can sense the environment for danger. Nix also uses them to communicate with Kay, putting them up when he is excited or has found something, and curling them down when he is cautious.

Kay and Nix Could Be the Next Iconic Star Wars Duo

How Star Wars Outlaws Devs Approached Story and Character Design

Q: In what way does the pairing of Kay and Nix fit into the traditional Star Wars dynamic of duos, similar to Han Solo and Chewbacca, Mando and Grogu, or Cal Kestis and BD-1? How do they enhance or draw upon the established duo relationships in Star Wars?

Khavari: It’s undeniable that Star Wars features some of the most memorable duos ever. Personally, I find the bond between Kay and Nix to be quite special because they grew up together starting from when Kay was young. Kay, who isn’t one to trust quickly, shows a softer side around Nix – a chink in his armor, if you will, revealing his heart and vulnerability.

In creating Nix’s character, we poured a great deal of our own love for pets into it, ensuring that Kay didn’t view Nix merely as a pet, but as a cherished family member. This sentiment was consistently conveyed during scriptwriting and discussions with Humberly Gonzalez (Kay) and Camille Loiselle-D’Aragon (puppeteer). It seems players are resonating with this aspect, as it strikes a chord of relatability.

Q: One of the notable legacy characters is Lando. How did his incorporation come about?

Whenever we considered characters beloved by fans from this time frame – like Jabba the Hutt, Lady Q’ira, or Lando Calrissian – our approach was always multifaceted: We asked ourselves which characters could help shape and transform Kay as a character? And which characters had stories that we could interweave with during this period?

Ultimately, who would make an engaging sparring partner for Kay’s distinctive viewpoint? Lando is indeed the ideal candidate. He is not only cherished by fans, but his stylish demeanor, roguish allure, and intricate personality traits align exceptionally with Kay’s adventures in the underworld. Moreover, he has a knack for wearing capes elegantly.

A: Could you discuss the procedure for creating and maintaining consistency with the different criminal groups within the game’s universe? How did incorporating characters such as Jabba the Hutt and Lady Qi’ra into the game feel?

Each syndicate has its own distinct character. They differ not only in the kinds of forces they mobilize, but also in their choice of materials and colors, the tools they employ, their conduct, and their operations. Some are deeply rooted in their home territories, such as the Ashiga on Kijimi, while others, like Crimson Dawn, function covertly from hidden strongholds. Therefore, the decisions you make about who to ally with carry significant weight. As Kay navigates the underworld, she encounters acquaintances from her past, including Lady Qira and Jabba the Hutt.

We had tons of fantastic reference materials provided to us by Lucasfilm to really dive into the details of his design, from tweaking the slime around his nostrils and mouth to adding the design of his arm tattoo and the wound he has on his tail. The underworld is filled with a rich variety of characters, new and familiar, and I’m looking forward to players meeting them all.

Star Wars Outlaws Will Focus on Kay’s Story, Not Jedi

How Star Wars Outlaws Devs Approached Story and Character Design

Will players find themselves coming across the Force or Jedi, even if it’s not the main focus of the story, or perhaps sense its influence on characters and planets?

Khavari: We placed great emphasis on crafting a tale centered around characters who aren’t involved in the grand galactic turmoil and have no knowledge or experience with the Force or Jedi. It’s crucial to recall that era when the Jedi and Force users are nearly extinct across the galaxy, making it inappropriate for us to narrate such a story.

Exploring Kay, Nix, and ND-5’s adventure through the criminal underworld of bustling cities, the vibrant open world teeming with unique wildlife, or engaging in aerial combat with the Trailblazer offers an unprecedented immersion into the Star Wars universe that we believe will be unlike any other player experience.

Q: What can you tell us about Kay Vess’ story before the events of Star Wars Outlaws?

In the bustling casino town of Canto Bight, Kay grew up in The Worker’s District, far from the glamour of gambling halls. Struggling to survive with Nix, she resorted to theft as a means of making ends meet. Kay admired the wealthy and influential figures who frequented the casinos, viewing them as puppeteers controlling the galaxy, living a life that remained forever out of her reach. With Kay’s list of potential targets dwindling, she believes that her only chance to escape Canto Bight is by executing a significant heist that would provide enough wealth to ensure a comfortable future for herself and Nix.

Is there a detail in Star Wars Outlaws that required a lot of work to perfect, perhaps something that players may not notice at first glance, such as the design of a character’s costume, the unique sounds of alien creatures, or similar intricacies?

Undoubtedly, Kay and Nix are the main characters in Star Wars. To make them instantly identifiable by their silhouettes, we focused on specific details for Kay, such as her hairstyle with the dataspike in her bun, the fit and cut of her outfit, including the sneakers she wears and the holster hanging from her side. All these aspects were crucial to our design process. For Nix, we’re thrilled to introduce a new species to Star Wars through the Merqaal. We spent a great deal of time developing his backstory, role in the game, and translating that into a design that we are all very fond of.

How Star Wars Outlaws Devs Approached Story and Character Design

Q: What were some of the most fun or cool details to design artistically for Star Wars?

User: Designing the ultimate starship was an enjoyable challenge! It wasn’t just about making it aesthetically pleasing, but creating a living space that evolves with the player, offering freedom to explore, walk around, and even fly. We delved into various obscure references for inspiration – from turtles, vintage cars, 70s monorails, toys, to bizarre prototypes from the 60s and 70s. The process was thrilling not only in designing the ship but also in giving it a history and carefully defining every minute detail to give it meaning.

Music Has Always Had a Special Place in Star Wars, and Outlaws is No Different

Question: How did you create the music for Star Wars, a cultural icon, and did you take a unique approach when composing the soundtrack for Outlaws? Can you elaborate on that?

In the creation process of “Roget II: Star Wars: Outlaws“, I drew inspiration from the timeline of the original trilogy, which led me to refer back to the iconic John Williams score, specifically the music from “Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope“. The reason being, I believed that its emphasis on melody and intricate yet straightforward orchestration would perfectly suit our story, which is heavily focused on character development.

Furthermore, I aimed at crafting a fresh, contemporary, and distinctive sonic identity for “Outlaws” that mirrors the gritty and multifaceted criminal landscape within the universe of “Star Wars”. To achieve this, I employed analog synthesizers, unconventional percussion, non-standard instrument playing techniques, manipulated sounds, and exotic instruments to enrich and deepen the rogue’s journey with a vibrant and colorful soundscape.

Each character, group, and planet in this score has its unique collection of instruments, distinct tones, and melodies that are signature to them. Each composition in the music blends both the classic Star Wars sound with a fresh Outlaws vibe; as we delve deeper into the criminal underworld, synthesized and processed sounds start to dominate more prominently.

A: How did you design the Krayt Dragons, given that they’ve appeared vastly different in each version across Star Wars games and films?

In the process of creating our game, it turned out fortunate that The Mandalorian engaged in combat with a distinct Krayt Dragon. For an accurate representation, we collaborated closely with Lucasfilm Ltd., who graciously provided us with their CGI model of the show’s dragon for our use.


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2024-08-25 20:35