How Star Wars Outlaws Space Flight Compares to Starfields

How Star Wars Outlaws Space Flight Compares to Starfields

Key Takeaways

  • Star Wars Outlaws space flight offers seamless transitions without loading screens, unlike Starfield.
  • Star Wars Outlaws controls are much more responsive and fluid in combat and exploration compared to Starfield.
  • Star Wars Outlaws provides a visually engaging space experience with plenty of debris to evade, surpassing Starfield’s shortcomings.

As a seasoned space explorer who’s spent countless hours traversing the cosmos, I can confidently say that the galaxy is far more enjoyable in Star Wars Outlaws. After dabbling with Bethesda’s Starfield, I found myself longing for the responsive controls and seamless transitions offered by our new friend, the Trailblazer.

One intriguing aspect that sets Star Wars Outlaws apart is its space travel, which has generated much discussion, particularly following Bethesda’s Starfield‘s attempt to deliver an engaging and realistic space flight experience. Regrettably, the space exploration and combats in Starfield have failed to meet expectations due to the excessive focus required on ships amidst numerous loading screens, vast expanses of empty, uneventful space between planets, and countless repetitive dogfights that often disrupt gameplay rather than enhance it. Fortunately, Star Wars Outlaws has managed to offer a more favorable narrative in this regard.

As a devoted fan, I can’t help but share my thoughts on “Star Wars Outlaws” in comparison to the upcoming “Starfield”. While “Starfield” promises an immersive space exploration, “Star Wars Outlaws” doesn’t quite take us there as extensively, but it certainly has its merits when considered alongside “Starfield’s” potential shortcomings.

Comparing Star Wars Outlaws’ Space Flight to Starfield’s

Star Wars Outlaws’ Space Flight Lacks Starfield’s Loading Screens

At the forefront of the discourse about Starfield‘s space flight is its abundance of loading screens. From planet to planet, there are loading screens between each planet’s surface and the space above it, and even more loading screens when players grav jump from one system to the next. It is possible to fly between planets in Starfield without loading screens, but it takes an enormous amount of time that the vast majority of players aren’t willing to spend for the sake of a more immersive experience. Star Wars Outlaws, on the other hand, lacks these loading screens for what appear to be seamless transitions between every major location.

Instead of typical loading screens, Star Wars Outlaws utilizes loading zones. During this time, as the Trailblazer travels through a planet’s atmosphere, the content for the upcoming area is being loaded. This method provides players with an immersive experience similar to what Starfield aimed to offer but didn’t quite achieve. On the subject of immersion, it’s worth noting that unlike Starfield, Star Wars Outlaws does not include a first-person mode for space flight.

In contrast to Starfield, Star Wars Outlaws compensates by offering a visually richer space environment with an abundance of natural and artificial debris for players to navigate around while flying.

Star Wars Outlaws Space Flight and Combat Is Much More Intuitive and Responsive Than Starfield’s

One major disadvantage that stands out in the space travel of Starfield is its sluggish control system, particularly when compared to Star Wars Outlaws. In Starfield, it may sometimes seem like piloting a bulky metallic vessel that, for some unexplained reason, fails to float freely due to the lack of gravity in space. It often feels as if it takes forever just to rotate a ship by 180 degrees in Starfield, which often results in enemy ships surprising the player. Although this can be somewhat mitigated by customizing ships in Starfield, the resulting agility is seldom on par with the smooth maneuverability of the Trailblazer from Star Wars Outlaws.

In the game “Star Wars Outlaws,” the agility of the Trailblazer ship is remarkable due to its swift and responsive controls. This means that actions like accelerating or stopping happen almost instantly when a key or button is pressed. This quick response is particularly evident during combat, allowing players to outmaneuver their opponents more effectively compared to “Starfield.” Furthermore, objects in space are easier to dodge in “Star Wars Outlaws” because the Trailblazer can make sharp turns quickly, unlike ships in “Starfield,” which need constant speed adjustments for quick movements.

Personally speaking, I’ve found the space flight in Star Wars Outlaws to be far smoother than what Starfield offers. It ditches the conventional loading screens and provides more intuitive controls, making the space combat and navigation in Star Wars Outlaws a more enjoyable experience compared to Starfield for me.

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2024-08-27 23:53